Never waste a day....because you just never know....

Hi MFP'ers.....
Last night I received devastating news about a family friend. She was 46 and an amazing woman, devoted wife and mother of 2 college age boys, a loving and caring soul genuinely down to earth...with NEVER a 'bad" word to say about anyone.

I would describe her as athletic, girl next door type...she unexpectedly passed away last night due to a blood clot in her calf that the ER doctors believe may have traveled quickly to her heart. She had been walking daily as well as working out to DVD's over the last few months prior last night.

Without amazing friend, mother, wife, sister, has been taken from us and a very close family is left struggling to deal with this huge void in their lives and asking themselves why??

I guess the one thing that resonates with me while thinking of the tragic nature of this loss and how quickly and out of nowhere it came is do we / I truly live each day to the fullest.
Do I waste time getting annoyed by little daily situations that we all deal with day to day? Do I sweat the small stuff when I know it's really not a big deal in the big picture.

Do I take the time to tell the one's who mean the most to me that I LOVE THEM...I MISS THEM?....instead of going tit for tat with them and having the mind set to think..." well they haven't reached out to me so why should I reach out to them?"

If you want to be a better person...a better friend, husband, wife, father, mother,....maybe it's time we put egos aside and do the right thing and stop keeping score on who owes whom the next phone call, next birthday card or present, next email....

I realize now, more than ever, that we are here for a short time...borrowed time if you will...we never know when our time is up and if we lose a loved one unexpectedly....I don't EVER want to have to think...." I SHOULD HAVE......(fill in the blank)

Stay strong and healthy my friends....and remember to tell and show the one's who mean the most to you....You Love Them!! As often and as much as possible!!

Joe :brokenheart:


  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    So very sorry for your loss.

    You're right, life should not be taken for granted because you just never know when it will end.
  • yepitsjen
    yepitsjen Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you for the reminder of how important our friends and loved ones are- and how we should never take them for granted.

    I'm truly sorry for you and her family.
  • tejaae
    tejaae Posts: 12 Member
    Your very right!!! VERY!!!
    Earlier this week I lost my best friend. He was only 30. We'd been friends since we were 12. It's a hard thing to lose someone sooo soon.

    I'm sorry for your loss!