I really need some motivational help and supporters!



  • abrown122404
    abrown122404 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! I just signed up for My Fitness Pal today. I am learning all the tools that it offers. If anyone has any advice please feel free to mesage me. I only know one person who uses this site and she is doing an AWESOME job loosing weight! She looks great and I am jealous!! =) I am a mom of 3. I started to gain my weight when I met my husband. And then it just kept coming when I became pregnant with my first child. Before I could loose that baby weight I was pregnant again with my second child. They are only 11 months apart and although they keep me on my toes they also keep me to busy to eat right. I know that excuses are just that, excuses! But if I don't use that excuse then I have to admit I was just lazy!!! LOL And my kids are now 7 and 8 yars old!!! So it is way past time to get off my butt and do something about my lifestyle!!!
  • heather3029
    Great job! Hi my name is heather i am 33 and i soon would like to have a baby but i need to get healthy and work on that but having a slipped disc and nerve pain and Bursitis in my hips makes it hard to work out, its been only a yr since i had this and its my syactic nerve which is the main nerve in your body so its pain full. so with some meds ans shots and pt i hope to be better someday and hope i lose the weight i want to as well, i am 287lbs and like to be 130lbs.
  • mevalentina
    mevalentina Posts: 362 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me if you like :)
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • JA123MIE
    JA123MIE Posts: 3
    Hello, I am a mom of 3 and a crazy work schedule. I feel what you are saying. I have been there lost weigt then put it back on. I am trying again. I hope this time I keep it off. Add me to your friend list.
  • 1971babe
    1971babe Posts: 2
    Hiya. Congrats on getting started. Im a single mum of 3 and have much the same problems as you. To be honest I use the app
    on my phone more than the websiteand it makes such a difference - always log everthing I eat as I eat it so i dont 'forget' about
    it, lol!

    I'm a bit of a couch potato but have invested in a treadmill which I am using every other day and its making a bit difference and its
    alot cheaper than the gym!

    Feel free to add me if you like, good luck x
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    feel free to add me...3 boys...back working fulltime....hubby who loses with no problem (grrr) on the path....
  • KrystieNye
    KrystieNye Posts: 123 Member
    I had the same problem with my son....I ended up making him a "snack box" in the fridge, which is basically a large tupperware container filled with healthy snack options (string cheese, yogurt, baggies of different fruits and veggies, pepperoni, etc). He doesn't mind eating the healthy food, as long as he knows he is in control of picking what he eats. :) Good luck on your weight loss journey, and feel free to add me!
  • bigdal77
    bigdal77 Posts: 69
    hi there been here about a year now lost 241 lbs so far still a ways to go add me if you like
  • kbj07
    kbj07 Posts: 34 Member
    My story is not unique.....been fat my whole life, roller coaster diet, lost large amounts (found it and then some), and I'm sick of being so large. I'm hoping this will help =)
  • cyoung6621
    cyoung6621 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome! I'm fairly new too....anyone feel free to add me! We can all use support :)
  • texasmom39
    texasmom39 Posts: 2
    I think by being here you are on your way. You have a desire to get healthy but it wont happen overnight. I have gained and lost and gained and lost like many others have but I finally feel I'm going to be in this for the long haul this time. It might be slow but my husband says to always, "celebrate the direction". I'm a stay at home mom with a high school daughter and a college aged son so I really have no excuses except for being lazy. You are a busy single mom and work so I imagine you have a difficult time fitting everything in. I think one of the biggest keys to success is to find time to plan out your menus. That way you always know what's on tap for each day. Just don't give up. Just make one or two changes at a time and before you know it you'll be all the way back on track. And I expect your son will follow your lead. It may take him awhile but maybe we can all help you out with ideas for creative meals for picky eaters. Stay strong. We're here for you.
  • debjr66
    debjr66 Posts: 10
    Me too! We can support each other!
  • scorpia1977
    scorpia1977 Posts: 76 Member
    I know what exactly what you're going through. A good support team is something that is very important and something that we all need. This site is perfect for you and you will love it. A friend request is coming your way.
  • chanty1234
    chanty1234 Posts: 56
    you can add me if you like, i too need motivation and support .. today is my first day with MFP and so far so good. I am a mom of a handsome teenage boy.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I just joined to and have no friends....sniff, sniff. So feel free to add me, if you like......I need support, too! :)