New to running...have some questions



  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    As someone who's ran all her life, I just want to add that the first mile is always the hardest, as your body ramps up to speed and warms up. Think of it like a car, you use much more gas getting from 0 - 60 mph than you do cruising at 60. Once your body gets into the rhythm of running/breathing, it gets easier. Look for that to happen, and don't think the way you feel when you begin running is only going to worse the longer you go. It actually gets better. :)

    This is also VERY true. It takes me about 2 miles to get warmed up - I sweat, have to watch my breathing, force myself to keep going. After that 2nd mile, I can hold conversation, and just run. My breathing settles down (I still sweat like a pig, but whatev), and it is just all-around easier...
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I've heard nothing but positive things about the Couch to 5k program. Sounds like you are increasing your runs incrementally. Keep it up! I use the Strava for running app for Android, is another good app too. It will log your daily runs, calories burned and pace. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • croasmunj
    croasmunj Posts: 3
    Keep it up! If you run on the treadmill, set the elevation or angle to 3 - that better simulates the resistance you feel if you were running outside.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I'm in week 6 of c25k and I highly recommend trying it again. Do it outside--- when I'm on the treadmill, I feel clumsy and uncoordinated, and like I'm not pushing myself enough. I've seen a lot of people say (on here) that they did it on the treadmill but can't run outside! Worth a shot-- otherwise, you're doing great!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I still have trouble with the walk/run intervals. The farthest I've run is about 1/4 mile all at once and I thought I was going to die. Seems like every time I push myself to just go a little bit farther down the trails I run, I can barely make it. Perhaps I'm pushing myself too hard? I dunno, it gets to where I can't breathe or I'm 'Buffalo Breathing' through my mouth, then I walk, but that only takes about 1 minute to maybe 2 minutes tops before I'm breathing intensely hard and labored and then have to stop and walk. I've seen so many people that are much heavier than me that can outrun me any day of the week. I still wonder what I'm doing wrong. I've been at this for over 6 months now and would think that I could run longer than 1/8-1/4 mile without dying.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    You will build up endurance by running,. You'll become a better runner by running. There is no formula to getting there except to do it. That said, a lot of running programs use intervals (sort of like what you are doing). They use either time or distance.. IE: Run 3 minutes walk 1, run 3 walk 1 that sort of thing.

    Here is what I do that works for me. I run 3-4 times a weeks.
    - Day 1: I run 2/3 of the distance I am training for. (5K = 2 Miles) then I run sprints for the other 1/3. All at faster times then I would race at.
    - Day 2: I just run a 5K at my pace.
    - Day 3: I run a slower pace and try to increase my distance my about a 1/3 (5K = 4 to 5 miles)
    - Day 4: I do 100 yard dashes and walk the ends of the local track. These are full out as fast as I can go.

    I C25K for the last few weeks. It took me a year because of injuries and stuff. I suggest strength training your legs with squats, lunges and calf lift at a minimum. You can do them at home. Add to that some stretching and you'll be fine - well, and get great shoes.
  • supermom2002
    supermom2002 Posts: 180 Member
    As someone who's ran all her life, I just want to add that the first mile is always the hardest, as your body ramps up to speed and warms up. Think of it like a car, you use much more gas getting from 0 - 60 mph than you do cruising at 60. Once your body gets into the rhythm of running/breathing, it gets easier. Look for that to happen, and don't think the way you feel when you begin running is only going to worse the longer you go. It actually gets better. :)

    Yup. I find once i push thru that 10minute mark at a good pace i'm golden. That 1st 10 mins feels like my heart will explode thru my chest and my feet are like lead.
    I looked into the C25K program but I don't like to be told what to do...I did it on my own, pushing myself and listening to my own body scream at me.
    I've never been a runner. Just started last spring. I started by running to the end of the block. Walk until I could breath again and repeat that for 30 mins. Each time running a little further. Do you use a HRM? Now I'm trying to push my distance a little further--and use my HRM to sort of pace myself. I don't let my HR get blow a certain % while walking. Once my HR goes down to below a certain # I start running again.

    Good for you for running outside. Will make it that much easier for you in the long run. Running on a treadmill even at an incline is not the same--not saying it's bad--but hard to transition from treadmill to outside.

    You'll be happy to know it does get easier!! Just keep doing what you're doing!!
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    Wow, so many helpful posts! Thanks everyone! The trails where I run aren't really marked or anything and I don't run the same route because I'd get bored, but I'm pretty sure I'm slowly increasing my distance. Being the nerd that I am I listen to an audiobook instead of music (ya, I'm totally that nerdy :blushing: ) so I have no idea how long I'm going. I think I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing, since c25k seems to be basically what I'm doing but a bit more structured. Then if I feel like I'm not getting better after a few weeks- month then I'll try the c25k program.
  • cindabella1
    I' m doing the C25K program. I'm in week 4. I have never, ever been a jogger or been able to jog for more than a minute or so at a time. I must say that this program has really helped me build my endurance up. last night I actually able to jog 6 minutes without stopping. Mentally, I didn't think i could do it.....but I did! I was so proud of myself......I'm still bragging to everyone that I jogged 6 minutes without stopping!! lol My runner friends, of couse must think big deal! lol But, thats really good for a person like me.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    If what you're doing is working, why change things? I tried C25K but it was too much structure for me. I used to do intervals according to the songs I listened to, and I could gauge my success by how many songs I could run through each week! Good luck and have fun!
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    I never ran in my life except to get away from an angry hornet -until last July; I started with C-5k, then did bridge to 10k. then did a 3 month marathon training schedule that I modified for longer distance and I ran 30 miles on my 30th birthday at the beginning of may. Just as everybody says, push harder and longer each time. some days will suck and other days you will feel like you can go for ever.

    Have Fun.
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    As others have said, I recommend Couch to 5K. I'm on Week 2: Day 2. I did week 1 twice (because i didn't make it to the gym). And I'll redo this week as well. It was pretty hard for me. They have multiple apps for it. I'm using this one but there are also Android apps

    You can set the alerts for yourself. I play Pandora in the background. Also, if you do it outside, you might want to download a Pedometer app to your phone. The one I use keeps track of your time, calories burned, current speed as well as average speed, and steps.

    Hope this helps :)
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I rocked the C25K program and I'm a HUGE fan. It took me from 30 second jogs to now running 10 miles in just a year. It sounds similar to what you are already doing except it will help encourage you stretch those jogs out a little longer each week. Good luck. Running has totally changed my life!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    Oh....also..... just my opinion and I know other's disagree...... it helps me to listen to music while I run. If I can hear myself breathing heavy it plays a serious mind game on me. My brain instantly say "OMG you are working TOO hard". If I can't hear my breathing, it doesn't even feel like I'm breathing hard. I can not run half the distance without my tunes!
  • AngelofMusic13
    AngelofMusic13 Posts: 105 Member
    The way you're doing it now will work fine- you'll see results in your endurance, speed, distance. If you want to do the couch to 5k program, it's great too. I just finished week 3 and looking forward to week 4. Do whichever you think will work best for you! :)

    Good luck!
  • st4rs
    st4rs Posts: 1
    Hi all! I just completed W1:D3 of C25K this morning. Hoping to be somewhat prepared for my second race this year: the Central Park Conservancy 4mi...thankfully it's a run/walk but I would like to run as much of it as I can. I joined the New York Road Runners and signed up for 3 races for this year but hope to add more.

    I also have 55 lbs to lose and am starting on MFP now. Happy to see I'm not alone on this weight loss journey and in trying to become a runner! I've never been able to run in my life, even when I was skinner and hitting the gym every day. Needless to say I am in awe of runners and hope to become on myself.

    Just adding my two cents and thanking you all for the great posts on the C25K program.

    Oh, also I've found running outside seems easier and more fun than the treadmill (I've done half of the C25K program 2 months ago), but that's just me. Any tips from you runners on gear I need or snacks to eat prior/post run? I just purchased a RoadID shoe wallet to hold my keys and a credit card and doubles as identification. Besides that I think I need something to hold my iPhone (been using the mapmyrun app) but have been holding the phone in my hand (poor use of energy, I know)...

    Ok, end rant. Have a great weekend all! :)
  • Kaylaj21
    Kaylaj21 Posts: 12 Member
    I started the C25k on Monday, its fantastic, i was in alot of pain the first few days ( i do it everyday not the reccommend 3x a week) me and my jack russell have been doing it and its fantastic i have lost 5lbs this week! and i can already see i am getting more muscler too ( i also do other workouts during day so that is contributing aswell) But highly reccommend the c25k