add me as a friend

need some motivation. add me as a friend i'm gno12 (please introduce yourself and why you came to this site) The reason i came to this site was to track my calories and lose some weight before summer. :) thanks!


  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    Hi I'm Stephanie and I came to this site to lose weight, be healthier and have more energy.
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    I will introduce myself and add you. my name is Katie. I came to MFP to help me lose weight cross the finish line. in 1996 I weighed 300 pounds and wore a size 30W. I am at 187 pounds as of yesterday. I knew the more support the better to help me on my weight and eating habits.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Welcome to the site. I'm here to track my food, make the needed lifestyle changes to be healthier and lose the weight I need to ...
  • cadillacfrank
    cadillacfrank Posts: 68 Member
    What's up, Gno?

    I'm Frank... at my most formal, the Reverend Dr. Cadillac Frank, although nobody calls me that (no matter how hard I try)

    Welcome aboard!
  • danapouncey
    danapouncey Posts: 31
    Hi I've added you :)

    I'm Dana and I came because I too need motivation, I'm only 20 and I've lost all confidence :(

    People feel free to add me , DanaPouncey
  • cadillacfrank
    cadillacfrank Posts: 68 Member
    I've lost all confidence :(

    The great Walter Matthau once said, "There's no such thing as 'too late!' That's why they invented DEATH!" He was 77 at the time.
  • danapouncey
    danapouncey Posts: 31
    I love that quote. I'll get it back I'm determined!
  • Mismoore
    Mismoore Posts: 3
    Congratulations on your weight loss LadyKatieBug, You can do it!
  • nansare
    nansare Posts: 1
    Hi my name is Nansare Consolata and i came to MFP to loose weight. over 3year period i have lost control of my body and gained 20pounds and that's not even baby weight.. i know having a support system is very important so day by day i plan on getting closer to my healthy energized happy self.. Good luck to everyone on the same mission. bless
  • Mismoore
    Mismoore Posts: 3
    I came to myfitnesspal to help me lose weight. I lost 30 lbs last winter and put it all back on in 6 months. I realize I need to be serious, and become healthier. Looking for some motivation!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Welcome! I joined the site to track my calories and have become more active on it to hold myself more accountable and get support from others going through similar things. The support so far has been amazing!!
  • yepitsjen
    yepitsjen Posts: 79 Member
    Jen in Seattle (hi guys!)

    I came to the site about 2+ years ago but just got active in the last 3 months. I came to the site to learn to eat healthier- I've always been a healthy eater, but kept gaining weight and didn't understand why. Tracking my food helped me to see where I was snacking on "healthy stuff" that packed on a ton of calories with little nutritional value (Kashi bars, etc.). I've dumped all those snacks and see the difference.

    I had knee surgery last year from blowing out my knee playing roller derby and had a hard time recovering. I still have some pain that my PT says will go away if I start exercising harder again, so this is my motivation.

    Finally, I'm here to support my bff on her weight loss journey. :)
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Hey I'm Jim, here to get in shape for summer! You can add me, or anyone can for that matter
  • chooly
    chooly Posts: 4
    Hello Everyone. I am Andrea and am on Day 26 of Insanity as of today !! WooHoo!! Add me and we can help support each other. Looking to loose weight and tone for summer; only a few weeks left !!
  • Feel free to add! : ]
  • jackyb03
    jackyb03 Posts: 20
    My name is Jacky and I joined MFP at the suggestion of my friend/trainer. This way she, and I, can see what I am eating, not eating (that I should be) and my activity levels. However, since joining and participating, I find the encouragement, support, ideas and motivation has been what's kept me moving forward on my weight loss journey.

    Feel free to friend me!
  • Hi my name is Emily and I joined MFP a couple months ago to be a healthier person for myself and my family . Go ahead and add me as a friend :)