back on the wagon...again...

I have become soooo lazy! In 2008 I was 135 pounds and went to the gym religiously. Then my 1st son happened, gained and lost 30 pounds. Then a hostile take over at work, gained 30 pounds, then got pregnant. I am now 170 pounds and miserable. I am a salty food person and a big time GRAZER! I do not have access to a gym until the fall when we move, so I need to do some homegrown working out. I used to weigh over 250 pounds, so i know what I need to do, I just need a kick in the *kitten* to do it!

I am looking for some support, some accountability! I want to drop 25 pounds and be able to run a 5K by September!



  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    Feel free to add me. My goal is to be able to run a 5k by november while pushing a stroller (not concerned about speed so much as distance). I am on every day and log everything that passes my lips. Still trying to work out how much I want to lose. I am 5'3" and 180. According to guidelines I should lose about 50lbs. Not really sure I want to lose quite that much as I was very unhealthy and sickly at 135 However I am hoping as I approach that weight I can get over the block in my head an accept that the biggest problem was my unhealthy lifestyle at the time.
  • catyates
    catyates Posts: 1
    I hear ya, girl! I'm pushing 200 and I am so embarrassed. I feel like Toner's wife. Remember her? He was all fit, and she was a wreck. Yup. That's me. At least I feel like that. I'll help you if you help me. Let's hold each other accountable. I want to start again on Monday. AGAIN. Sheesh. Jon's had experience as a personal trainer, and he's doing Crossfit, so if you have any questions, let me know.