ADD ME!!!!!

hello all! I'm new here and I am determined to lose all the post pregnancy weight and more. My kid's almost 5 and I've been yo yoing and the just giving up..not caring about myself even thouh I really do care.... I can't do it anymore... The other day my kid asked if I had a baby in my belly and that was a reallity check that I really let myself go... Or the constant times random pple ask if i am pregnant or whens my due date.. Ive thrown out so many clothes when that has happens.. Crying my eyes out.. Not to mention this just happend last night.....I could really use all the support advice and inspiration,...even friends to talk to who share the same emotional path or embarrassments.. To know I am not the only one whose struggling... Friends to keep telling me dont give up... Don't eat that it's not worth the pain and unhappiness in your own body... I feel like my weight keeps me from really living my life... I don't wanna go anywhere because nothing fits and I Feel disgusting!

So add me as a friend! Now! Lol....


  • callmecaptain
    Hello DeeBella
    I know the disgusting feeling all too well! I literally joined this site 20 minutes ago and ran across post browsing the site. I haven’t even filled out my profile or added a picture yet. My sixth and simply adorable little girl turned a year about a month ago and I have been up and down and up and down this stupid roller coaster. I remarried four years ago and we decided to try for a boy two girls later we are done and decided we will wait for grandsons. Before I got remarried I was so close to getting back into size 6 and then two more pregnancy’s squashed that. I am a part time stay at home mom/run the home office for our company and I can’t stand to look in the mirror! I have been trying to get back on track and lose what I gained over the last two pregnancy’s and go all the way back to normal, whatever the heck that is now!

    I never realized how embarrassed I was to go out in public till about a month ago my hubby asked if I wanted to go to a certain place to eat, you know, the dreaded place that is filled with late twenties girls that haven’t popped out kids yet or juggled real life stress and they walk around like they are awesome! It’s not that I fear what people will think but it reminds me of how bad I look and I am not an ugly duckling but those extra pounds are not flattering I don’t care if you are Salma Hayek! I am tired of getting the back table and sitting by the wall so the table will cover my blah!!! I don’t need every guy checking me out but I want my confidence back to laugh freely without wondering if my pants are starting to roll due to the pressure of built-in inner tube.

    Anyway, you look like you are along the same lines as me, you are a good looking girl that is stuck in the bummer mode and needs a pull, shove or anything at this point! I was there and even though I am not doing great I am doing better, starting about a month ago when I realized I was afraid to leave my house because I couldn’t find something in my closet that would cover up the fact that, let’s face it, yucky!
  • jamie0930
    jamie0930 Posts: 5
    I have a 2 year old and I feel the same way!!! I used to have no problem droping 10 lbs in a week before baby. Now I'm still 30 lbs over weight and I cant handle it. I have tried so many things (pills, programs, etc. ) I have decided that the only thing that is going to work is eating right and getting off my *kitten*!! I hate working out so that has been a struggle and my husband LOVES to eat garbage. Hang in there!! I really love this program/app for my phone it helps me realize all the bad I put in my body!
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm a mom to a nearly 5 y/o and a 16 month old, so I know exactly how you feel. I weighed less pregnant (with both kids) than I do now. It's not easy dealing with that fact. Feel free to add me, maybe we can motivate each other!
  • callmecaptain
    Yes, Hubby's love to just eat that bowl of icecream in front of you, don't they?! My enemy is his snacking and he gains nothing!
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    I need to add more friends and up the number of motivating peeps in my feed. ADD ME please!!!! 31 yr old mom in Indiana. Here's the cliff notes version:
    Mother of 2
    spent all of july/august 2011 on my back after two surgeries.
    Start weight November 2011: 253
    Current weight: 218
    Goal weight: 155
    Workout: P90X Lean & whatever else I can find time for