Exercise gives you energy= BS!



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I agree. That's why I really don't like working out in the morning. I have to though half the time due to my schedule. But, it wears me out. When I work out at night, I'm done by around 8, I make dinner, watch a little TV, and usually fall asleep in front of it, and off to bed. Working out wears me out, it does NOT give me any energy.

    I think the energetic feeling, for me, is after generally working out for a long time. I notice I don't ever get tired when I'm doing things. Like, I could be throwing a football with a friend, and he'll get tired or whatever, and I feel like I could go all day. That kind of stuff is where the energy comes from. But, not working out directly. That just wears me out.
  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member
    This happens tome too.... I HATE BEING SWEATY.

    And don't really like to work out at all... Never have... I was skinny as hell and was one of the worst at gym class in high school, when I didn't cut the class, of course LOL

    I've been dancing with Just Dance, which makes it a little more fun, but still, I fight with my self for about an hour and then work out, I have to force myself.

    I was hopping in time I'll like it... but nope, not yet
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I honestly honestly used to feel this way too. I never wanted to do anything cause there was no point, I hated any exercise, I never felt energized and I never got the rush....But now, that I have finally found things I love doing, and I am eating enough to support my working out, and I have learnt how to do things properly, (Staying very hydrated all the time -not just during the work out -and remembering to breath property when working out for example) I have a super burst of energy after, to the point whet if I do it to late in the evening I'm so pumped I thrum, and can't get to sleep.

    So from a ex non believer, it does exist, i just think you have to find your groove, and make sure you are recharging and staying hydrated, and remember to breathe when exercising, otherwise you get very tired and totally worn out.
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    Not sure if you already do this or not...maybe try a little something to eat an hour before working out. Are you rehydrating during your work out. ....G/L

    Yes, and yes....I drink about 2 bottles of water/ hour I am at the gym. I go to the gym after work, so I have usually eaten around noon-ish...at the gym by 3-ish...maybe could try eating right before I go...

    just because you drink water does not means you are fully hydrated. You need to replace electrolytes.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Are you taking any meds that can make you overheat? I used to take one that did that and I was miserable while working out. I no longer take it, thank GOD.
    I disagree about the energy level, but I have to admit that when I first started working out I was exhausted and I sweat like a pig (which is ridiculous since pigs really don't sweat!) I think that part of my tiredness was from eating the wrong foods. I'd log everything and stay under my cals but I'd eat cereal for bfast and hot pockets or frozen dinners for lunch and dinner! Ick! Now I don't even want that stuff.
    Anyway, I bought some Under armour heat gear. I have tshirts, shorts and bike shorts. They are fantastic! If I wore a regular cotton tshirt while working out, I'd be totally soaked in sweat. With the water wicking clothes, they get a little damp but never wet. By the time I get to the shower, my shirt is completely dry. I love it. My sports bra gets wet but UA also makes those.. That is on my wish list.
    Now that I'm used to working out, I don't sweat near as much unless I'm outside in the heat and humidity and your body needs to sweat then, to keep your temp. down.
    I also have soooo much freakin energy now that my kids tell me that I have ADD. :( I love the 'new found' energy and can't even imagine ONE day in my 'past life' where I got up at 10 or 11am and went back to bed by 8:30 or 9pm!!! Now I'm up by 5-7am and in bed by 11-12pm. I also never nap unless I'm sick. To me it's amazing.
    If you've been working out for a while, I don't know what to tell you besides the UA clothes.
    Good luck and I hope you adjust or find something you enjoy more. <hugs>
  • MoonGazer91
    MoonGazer91 Posts: 18 Member
    Sometimes on my way to work (as I am hoping to take up running training properly, when I'm not being plagued by ankle/knee injuries and when I have the time, couch to 5k style interval running/walking) when I have to walk in, I like to run for a couple of minutes (around 2 or so), then walk for a couple, then run again and so on and whenever I do run, it makes me feel very energised for the rest of the journey in and the day ahead, plus it makes me feel really good. I don't know why exactly, but it does - it's like, my body is just itching to exercise when I'm active and it feels weird if I don't.

    I got awfully dehydrated earlier in the week though, so I'll have to be very careful about that when I take it up properly - I don't want to passout halfway through it or something...then I'd definitely not be so energised.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I suffer from narcolepsy and PCOS..... 2 things that has fatigue as symptoms :grumble:

    Let just say that exercising was energy I didn't have!!!

    But the healthier I became, less tired I was (not more energetic, just less tired). Now it really improved my quality of life. Be patient
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    Another thought is maybe you are working out too hard, too soon, too much.
    Take it a little bit easier maybe? You really should feel at least a little bit of energy after working out, even if it's an hour or two later. I think if you are that exhausted you might be over-doing it. Try a little less and you may feel a lot better
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    maybe you're not eating enough or feeding your body properly. because exercise DOES give you energy. overall energy. I LOVE working out in the morning, though I only really get to do it on the weekends.
  • juggalotus
    juggalotus Posts: 227
    Thanks all! I appreciate all the advice and tips. I have heard a lot about those UA heat shields or whatever....they probably only go up to a size large, right? lol...And their large is probably realistically a medium, right? HAHA jk...Ill have to check them out. Maybe I can go to ****'s and try one on....I have been really wanting to get a bicycle...for YEARS! I love riding my bike...I'm broke so Ill have to save, but i figured ill take it to the park and the wind will help me with the sweat on my face at least lol And PS. I refuse to workout before work. I have to get up at 5 in the morning. I refuse to get up at 3 just to go workout!!!! HELLL NOOOOO!!! LOL
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    I've complained about being one of these "Exercise makes me TIRED!" people for years. :) Two things about this:

    1) My complaint about this actually tipped off the doctor to check my thyroid, which turned out to be slightly low, so now I take Levoxyl. If you can, get this checked.

    However, I still don't necessarily feel perky, so...

    2) I've found that exercise gives me more energy *over time*, not necessarily right after. Right after a workout I'm still beat, and after a huge run (8+ miles or whatever) I'm still going to nap in the afternoon. But as I exercise more and more regularly, as weeks go by my *general* need to nap lessens. I have *better* energy through a day. I sleep better.

    I have no idea if this is what the "exercise gives you energy!" people are talking about. If they mean, right after they exercise they feel more energetic? Then I feel completely ripped off. But if they mean that as a general life condition they feel more energetic, then I am right there with them.

    Except on a day with a big run. Then I nap.
  • cutethang1
    cutethang1 Posts: 239 Member
    Not sure if you already do this or not...maybe try a little something to eat an hour before working out. Are you rehydrating during your work out. ....G/L

    Yes, and yes....I drink about 2 bottles of water/ hour I am at the gym. I go to the gym after work, so I have usually eaten around noon-ish...at the gym by 3-ish...maybe could try eating right before I go...

    Maybe a carb and if you want some protein an hour before. It might be psychological but it helps me. G/L Just for some fuel, dont eat so much that you are full as that will not be good for your w/o
  • barbsuz
    barbsuz Posts: 2
    And maybe just work out for short periods. Fifteen minutes of good effort and then you're done! There are some good websites for that. An hour plus in the gym, well, it just takes way too long!
  • xxtaliaxx

    This is so me. I am always so freaking tired after I workout! I usually go all out when I exercise and I don't see how people don't get tired. I especially hate doing it in the morning because most of the time I'm forced at 6am to go work out and I have no time to eat before because well, I'm sleeping. I usually go later in the afternoon and I don't see a difference. I feel great most of the time when I'm working out (unless I'm at high intensity and I'm dying) and the endorphins are kicking in but after I just want to not do anything. And I like working out,
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    It depends how hard I work out. If I do some stupid little bs work out like running 4-5 miles I have tons of energy. If I do a serious work out like lifting and I do like five sets of my max for all the major lifts my *kitten* is tired as *kitten* and I just want to go home and lie down on the couch and eat.