Looking for Friends with 1200 Cal / Around 5'4 / 140-170 lbs



  • jwozniak2
    jwozniak2 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi - I'm 5'4" - 140lbs is my goal weght - feel free to add me. :)
  • I'm 5'4 and I'm 158 :D
  • princessmadelaina
    princessmadelaina Posts: 1 Member
    you can add me:) im 5'4 and 133. my goal is 116
  • Shawn8216
    Shawn8216 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 5'2" 1/2 125pd and working on trying to stay close to 1200-1300 calories a day ..My goal is around 112 pd. feel free to add me, i love motivation and giving encouragment ! ANYONE feel free to add as well :happy:
  • LIZETHZ7304
    LIZETHZ7304 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey AimersBee Im Liz Im 5'3 170 and can only consume 1200 =[ cals a day. Add me
  • ariana1990
    ariana1990 Posts: 10
    5'4 156, looking to get down to 126. Today is my first official day.
  • lisahikes
    lisahikes Posts: 6 Member
    5'4", currently 160 and want to get back to the 118 I was last summer. Winter made me sluggish and I gained the weight back. Time for summer and daily exercise!!
  • Hi! I'm definitely in the same boat as you! So good to meet a fellow traveler! I've lost about one pound in three weeks if that gives you any indication of my success thus far. However, I have been exercising regularly and measuring and feel a sense of accomplishment. How long have you been doing this and is the 1,200 calorie limit killing you?

  • DrKittyCat
    DrKittyCat Posts: 108
    I'm 5'5", 158 lbs, hoping to get back to my pre-college weight of ~110 lbs. People gain the freshman 15....I got the freshman 50 :-\.
  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi I am 5'2" and 142ish, trying to get to 135 at the most.
  • MissKatie2011
    MissKatie2011 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'5 and was eating 1200 calories and I weigh 123 pounds. I was told 1200 was way low for me even if I wanna loose weight so I'm at 1600 now but tend to eat under. I'd love to be friends with you!
  • classc1
    classc1 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'3" 112lbs at the moment. I'm currently trying to lose those last 10lbs. I've been in the 140-170lb range before though. I know what it is like. Feel free to add me.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
  • lpitcock
    lpitcock Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'4", eating 1,200 calories a day and weighing 158lbs. I am in the same boat as you... You may add me as a friend. I would be happy for your support and would help support you in this adventure. Best wishes.
  • im 5 2, i have a 1200 a day and i weight 167 so far
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I am 5'4, 130 lbs.

    May I suggest you try eating no less than your BMR. Mine is 1317 (I'm 44 years old).

    Something to think about:

    I maintain by eating 2000-2300 calories a day. I lose at about 1750.

    Your body gets used to how much you eat. This is not necessarily a good thing when you are eating too little.

    WHY 1200 CALORIES (or fewer) MIGHT BE A BAD IDEA:

    You lose weight for a while and maybe you will make it to goal (the bigger you are, the longer this will work, however most people can't get those last 10-20 lbs off at 1200 calories).

    The longer you do this, the longer your metabolism has to adjust downward and get used to 1200 calories. Assuming you make it to goal, you want to maintain, right? What do you think is going to happen when/if you get there and it's time to maintain, when you start trying to eat "maintenance" calories? You'll gain. Welcome back to the yo-yo.


    Eat now, like the thin you at maintenance. Fat2Ftiradio.com can help you find the TDEE of your ideal weight: Choose ALL CALCULATORS, MILITARY BODY FAT%, then get your bodyfat estimate. Now calculate your BMR, and look in the chart below to see the TDEE of your goal weight -- that is how much the thin you will eat at maintenance.

    Eating at maintenance for your ideal weight is a great idea because you will eat THIS SAME AMOUNT of calories for life. Your metabolism will not slow down to match too little fuel (1200 calories), and consequently stall on the way to goal, or cause you to gain when you try to increase calories later to maintain.

    BTW, if you have been eating below your BMR for an extended period of time, and especially if you have been stalled/plateaued for an extended period of time, you may experience a slight gain for some weeks after you increase to the proper amount of calories. However, at the point where your body adjusts to the proper amount of fuel based on your dally activities, you will begin to lose again and break through the plateau.

  • nikkibello
    nikkibello Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in your boat:-) Add me!
  • Cyanid3
    Cyanid3 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 5'4" and around 157. Trying to eat above my BMR and at my cut from TDEE, aiming for 1500 cals per day. Trying this method to lose the weight for good and repair my metabolism.

    Any friends are welcome!
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me.
    I'm 5'4",
    SW = 169
    CW = 161
    GW = 135 (I guess)

    I'm eating about 1200-1400, going for the "nutritarian" eating style (lots of veggies and minimizing processed stuff).

    Good luck in your efforts!
  • stephii
    stephii Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me :)

    I'm 5'4. Chronic Yo-Yo-er!

    I'm going for 1100-1200 depending on how active I've been that day.

    Tried every fad diet going, now I'm just taking each day as it comes!

    SW: 135
    CW: 130.5
    GW: 115

    (HW: 135, LW: 108)