gaining weight as I gain muscle?



  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member

    Thank you again to all who answered my question on "water weight gain".

    However, for 99% of my life time I think I will be wearing some sort of clothes. So looking good naked is important but I still want to look better with clothes on. So down in weight is still in my mind. I will continue with my study and go ahead reading the links. :)

    Down in weight doesn't mean down in dress or pant size. Down in body fat is where tighten the body. So would you rather be a size 8 or size 6 for example? The more muscle you have and the less body fat you have, the "skinnier" your body will be. You can stay the same weight and drop clothing size. In fact, I recently did that. I lost a total of 1 lb but I am down another notch in my belt. Weight is purely meaning and when you start concentrating on cutting fat, you will see huge results. Just check out the links below and you will see what I mean.

    Hi Mr. Lemon,
    I already started my daily reading with the second link you provided in the first post. So far I am simply stunned by how contradicting all these theories are against each other.

    Of course down in size the ultmate goal. I started with light weights (5lb *2)with low reps a bout 3 months ago and didn't increase cardio at the same time. Guess what happened? I didn't just gain the weight, but also inches. I can see my stomach and waist more defined an toned but the the inches are bigger. How frustrating! Then I did massive research and find out that it might be lack of cardio. Then I increased the cardio to 1 hour jogging 5 days a week...And guess what happend now after 2 weeks? I gained 2 more pounds and inches didn't shrink either. I am in a dead end and feel seriously depressed...
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I'm doing mostly bodyweight exercises right now. I haven't lost any weight since I started this new program (I bought Lose Weight in 8 from ExerciseTV before they shut down), but I just added 2 more pairs of jeans to my "fit" pile, and I had to buy smaller tops. :smile:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    Thank you again to all who answered my question on "water weight gain".

    However, for 99% of my life time I think I will be wearing some sort of clothes. So looking good naked is important but I still want to look better with clothes on. So down in weight is still in my mind. I will continue with my study and go ahead reading the links. :)

    Down in weight doesn't mean down in dress or pant size. Down in body fat is where tighten the body. So would you rather be a size 8 or size 6 for example? The more muscle you have and the less body fat you have, the "skinnier" your body will be. You can stay the same weight and drop clothing size. In fact, I recently did that. I lost a total of 1 lb but I am down another notch in my belt. Weight is purely meaning and when you start concentrating on cutting fat, you will see huge results. Just check out the links below and you will see what I mean.

    Hi Mr. Lemon,
    I already started my daily reading with the second link you provided in the first post. So far I am simply stunned by how contradicting all these theories are against each other.

    Of course down in size the ultmate goal. I started with light weights (5lb *2)with low reps a bout 3 months ago and didn't increase cardio at the same time. Guess what happened? I didn't just gain the weight, but also inches. I can see my stomach and waist more defined an toned but the the inches are bigger. How frustrating! Then I did massive research and find out that it might be lack of cardio. Then I increased the cardio to 1 hour jogging 5 days a week...And guess what happend now after 2 weeks? I gained 2 more pounds and inches didn't shrink either. I am in a dead end and feel seriously depressed...

    The gaining of weight and inches is temporary and very common when you start new exercise. It's your muscles response to fixing itself. It's a bloating affect. Sometimes it goes away in a week, sometimes a few weeks and some take a month. But if you increase exercise, you need to increase calories. Alos, light weight/high reps is for muscle endurance and won't cause your muscles to actively repair itself so you wont get post activation results.

    I will make you a deal, send me a private message. I will set you up on a diet and exercise program where you will see results, i guarantee it. All I request is you give me 8 -12 weeks and you be honest with yourself.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member

    Thank you again to all who answered my question on "water weight gain".

    However, for 99% of my life time I think I will be wearing some sort of clothes. So looking good naked is important but I still want to look better with clothes on. So down in weight is still in my mind. I will continue with my study and go ahead reading the links. :)

    Down in weight doesn't mean down in dress or pant size. Down in body fat is where tighten the body. So would you rather be a size 8 or size 6 for example? The more muscle you have and the less body fat you have, the "skinnier" your body will be. You can stay the same weight and drop clothing size. In fact, I recently did that. I lost a total of 1 lb but I am down another notch in my belt. Weight is purely meaning and when you start concentrating on cutting fat, you will see huge results. Just check out the links below and you will see what I mean.

    Hi Mr. Lemon,
    I already started my daily reading with the second link you provided in the first post. So far I am simply stunned by how contradicting all these theories are against each other.

    Of course down in size the ultmate goal. I started with light weights (5lb *2)with low reps a bout 3 months ago and didn't increase cardio at the same time. Guess what happened? I didn't just gain the weight, but also inches. I can see my stomach and waist more defined an toned but the the inches are bigger. How frustrating! Then I did massive research and find out that it might be lack of cardio. Then I increased the cardio to 1 hour jogging 5 days a week...And guess what happend now after 2 weeks? I gained 2 more pounds and inches didn't shrink either. I am in a dead end and feel seriously depressed...

    The gaining of weight and inches is temporary and very common when you start new exercise. It's your muscles response to fixing itself. It's a bloating affect. Sometimes it goes away in a week, sometimes a few weeks and some take a month. But if you increase exercise, you need to increase calories. Alos, light weight/high reps is for muscle endurance and won't cause your muscles to actively repair itself so you wont get post activation results.

    I will make you a deal, send me a private message. I will set you up on a diet and exercise program where you will see results, i guarantee it. All I request is you give me 8 -12 weeks and you be honest with yourself.

    OK message sent. Please check. :) So you are saying my WT routine is not ideal for fat loss? that's my starting point considering I had never done anything in that department. I also got a pair of 20 pound weight.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Congrats on doing cardio 6 days a week, ensuring that your body does what it has evolved to do -- which is rapidly adapt to exercise. You're probably only burning 1/4 of the calories you think you are. Since you are counting your excercise calories, you are most likely eating too much food.

    Hence why you should never count exercise calories in regards to losing weight.
    There is absolutely no way she is eating too much on less than 1500 calories with all the workouts she is doing.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Sorry but no it is not - check out how much Staci eats.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Congrats on doing cardio 6 days a week, ensuring that your body does what it has evolved to do -- which is rapidly adapt to exercise. You're probably only burning 1/4 of the calories you think you are. Since you are counting your excercise calories, you are most likely eating too much food.

    Hence why you should never count exercise calories in regards to losing weight.

    sorry but why do people say this? your body can also rapidly adapt to strength training if you stay on the same weight, so why does cardio get a bad rep in this regards. i think most people know that if it start to feel easy then i need to increase the load/resistance/speed/ etc

    @OP the thing i'm noticing with resistance training and weight loss is that it's slow going but as long as you are seeing results in your measurements then it's doing your job. water retention can be a recurring issue, but what i'm noticing is that i consistently see results in the mirror and the tape measure but i might go 2 weeks without losing anything and then the third week i'll lose 5 pounds.

    i read that what happens is that as you lose fat from your fat cells, your body will put water in there as a placeholder in case you give it a chance to replace the fat. eventually if you keep eating below maintenance the body will release the placeholder water and you get weight loss. i've seen people refer o this as the whoosh fairy :laugh:
  • France_is_bacon
    Before I had a baby, when I weighted the most I wore the smallest size. I looked good! I now weigh 12 lbs less but my waist is a lot bigger because I have so much less muscle and so much more fat on my body. Muscle weighs more than fat.

    Don't get hung up on the numbers on the scale. Inches mean much more. Using photos to track the changes in your body instead of tracking your weight is better in my opinion. I haven't set a weight goal because I want to look better but I know that getting a better proportioned body does not mean simply weighing less.
  • Eskimovm
    Eskimovm Posts: 53 Member
    Bump for later!