Tough Mudder Here

Hey everyone my name is Charlie. I just started myfitnesspal today and I think this is going to help me out a bit. Back in October I started biking to get into shape. In January I made a new years commitment to get healthy! Soon after the new year I registered for an 11 mile obstical course run called Tough Mudder. The run is in October of this year. I have lost 50lbs since October and would like to lose another 50 by October of this year. If you care to follow my progress I post vlogs on youtube a few times a week. I talk about everything in my life and health and fitness is one of my BIG focuses right now. My youtube channel is rusty7two. Feel free to check it out and subscribe. I'm hoping that by tracking my diet I can continue to lose weight and get fit.


  • tnmomof3
    tnmomof3 Posts: 177
    how i would love to do the tough mudder
  • yourfriendchuck
    yourfriendchuck Posts: 7 Member
    If you want to do it just find the closest one to you and sign up. What have you got to lose?