Psoriasis sufferers

tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Hello to all my fellow elbow buddies!! I love to share any new information i find out because i know how much it sucks to suffer with this disease. I found out something interesting last night. My skin has been so clear lately and painless (yes!). Yesterday i had my first energy drink in months. and about 8 hours later i noticed i broke out. head to toe (i have guttate). which then lead me to do some reach search and tada!

If you take a look under toxicity it says "There is an indication that taurine (2 g/day) has some function in the induction of psoriasis. It may also be necessary to take into consideration that absorption of taurine from beverages may be more rapid than from foods"

no more sugar free rock stars for me :(

Take Care Tierra

p.s. vaseline is life <3


  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    My skin has cleared up quite a bit to. I don't drink sugar free drinks at all though as I hate the taste of artificial sweetners of any type. Could just be that I am eating better maybe??

    I like Epaderm :)
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    Its actually the taurine in the energy drinks that caused the break out. even if you drank a normal red bull theres tons of taurine in it. Is epaderm from you doctor?? i was using donovex for the longest time :) i totally agree its your eating healthy thats helping. i believe something is going on on the inside so putting all these creams on really isn't fixing anything. which is why i stopped using my prescriptions. and i found out one of my triggers thats for sure lol
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Are you taking or did you take something for your psoriasis? I have been taking Stelara and it has been a Godsend! Cleared it right up. I'm in the works with my insurance to get it covered as I use to have the ex's coverage but not anymore. If I don't get the medicine I don't know what I will do?! I hope I get it covered! It's a 4 time a year shot. I have tried humara and Enbrel and neither worked, just the Stelara. Thank God for that medicaine. The quality of my life without it was horrible, didn't know how much more I could take! Not sure bout the energy drinks, I stay away from those..LOL Although I have used the little orange bottle 5 hour energy with no problems!
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    Yes the epaderm is from my Doctor. I dont actually drink any kind of fizzy drinks and the smell of Red Bull makes me throw up - no idea why but it does.... I just read this article :

    Which discusses an association between heart problems and psoriasis. One thing that has happened recently is my blood pressure has come down to a much lower level than previously which may be reducing my skin problems.
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    Its crazy how theres so many triggers and links with psoriasis. they need to throw more money at it for research.

    Im not on any medication downtome right now. i couldn't afford my insurance anymore. when i go to university they have medical included in my tuition so im definitely checking out Stelara. Its just injections?? i think i heard of it

    Thank you for the site Nicky! im going to check it out. LMAO! i'll remember not to have a red bull around you :P Who wouldve thought heart problems? heart issues run in my family too
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Now that you mention it and I think about it. I was drinking lots of monster energy drinks when I first got psoriasis on my face. I don't drink them anymore due to health reasons (they brought on severe panic attacks), but good to know.
    I think stress is my biggest cause of flare ups
  • Is this as common as keratosis pilaris?
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone!

    One from the plague-team here. I had quite a few clear years in between before getting tonsillitis earlier this year and naturally that caused an outbreak. Have had a patch on my elbow and 3 small ones on top of my foot since then.

    I'm not really a fan of topical steroid creams or such and haven't even tried those in the fear or a bigger outbreak afterwards (has happened before). I've mainly just been keeping them moisturised and the 2 weeks of holiday I had helped loads.. Even without much sun the lack of stress did wonders.
    For the past 2 weeks I've been applying goats milk cream after reading lots of good stuff about it and that has taken pretty much all flaking away completely.

    Anyone had any luck with diet changes...?
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    And does anyone else have a habit of freaking out and diagnosing themselves with new types of P evert time anything new happens in your body...? I'm such a hypocondriac I was completely convinced that my P had went from plague to a severe case of psoriatic arthritis after having an achy pinky for a few days..

    ... Turns out I just had a trapped nerve. Lol.
  • Hi everyone,
    A couple years ago I used cellulite and skin toning vitamins of Dr Murad and it cleared my flare ups right away.
    Than last year I tried the pills again and this time they did nothing. I do not like cortizone creams, right now I have a flare up on my scalp and I don't know what to do. (my father has psoriasis too so it runs in the family)
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone,
    A couple years ago I used cellulite and skin toning vitamins of Dr Murad and it cleared my flare ups right away.
    Than last year I tried the pills again and this time they did nothing. I do not like cortizone creams, right now I have a flare up on my scalp and I don't know what to do. (my father has psoriasis too so it runs in the family)

    Hi there!

    I've never had any problems with my scalp but as a hairdresser I have a few clients with scalp psoriasis and some of them have had really good results with neutrogenas t-gel. Have you tried that? One of them also swears by Yukos Phitenbella shampoo and hasn't had any problems since using that... Trial and error!
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    Is this as common as keratosis pilaris?

    Far less. KP occurs on abt 40% of people where as psoriasis on 3%.

    Lucky us.... Not.
  • CVAB
    CVAB Posts: 56 Member
    omg. I have pretty moderate psoriasis and I drink energy drinks everyday! :[
    It never even dawned on me that it could be getting worse from them.
    I was planing on cutting back just for the plain caffeine and sugar. Now I have an even better reason.
  • Thanks for sharing about how Taurine can make psoriasis worse or cause it to flare. I stumbled upon this post today as I was researching the ingredients in Red Bull. I was wondering is anyone else on a vegan/vegetarian or gluten free diet? I just recently started eating mostly cooked and raw vegetables, fruits , nuts, seeds, olive oil and my psoriasis is doing so much better. I have read that through a raw food diet, many have regained their health , strengthened /regulated their immune systems and even their p dissapeared. Anyone considered vegan/vegetarian eating?
  • Biplov3113
    Biplov3113 Posts: 1
    I myself have psoriasis :( . Had no idea that drinking energy drink is bad for us. Can someone give me tips for food, what to eat and what not to eat? I also hear that infrared treatment helps for psoriasis, don't know for sure but gonna try it soon.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    i, myself only have psoriasis on my scalp...but it can be unbearable at times
    can't imagine how much worse it must be for all of you!...
  • MrsWayneWV
    MrsWayneWV Posts: 12 Member
    My husband has severe psoriasis everywhere. He struggled with salves and creams for over 20 years. He now takes Humera every two weeks and it has done wonders.

    One thing his doctor recommended, which he mostly ignores, is taurine from red meat. He is a serious red meat kinda guy, but I have managed to cut back on it without him feeling so deprived.

    As you make adjustments in your lifestyles you may want to reduce the red meat.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    My aunt has psoriasis so I'm always looking out for her as she hates using the steroid creams and since she has high blood pressure the meds she is on she cannot do tanning, despite that helping.

    She started using coconut oil topically and it's helped tremendously.

    In my big book of juices (because I juice) it states for Psoriasis you should eat Apricots, broccoli, carrots, fruit and vegetabel fiber, mangoes, pumpkins, red bell peppers, seeds and their oils, sweet potatoes and watercress. Or you know you can juice them.
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