Working out right when you wake up



  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Upon waking before eating.
  • 0622cameron
    0622cameron Posts: 49
    I work out at night after work usually no ealier than 6pm. I tried morning workouts but I am not a morning person so it does not work for me.
  • sapphireblu64
    sapphireblu64 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey girlfriend i hope your including that morning activety as a workout as well. i have three daughters and my youngest is about to graduate from HS. So i kinow your doing about a 2hr workout before, your workout.... Lol
  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    I'm useless when I first get up. I wait until around 10.
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    Today was the first time I did my workout early in a long time. I usually do it in the evenings and dread thinking about doing it throughout the day. Doing exercises early on gets me energized and not having to worry about getting it done much later on. It's great! :laugh:
  • lynnetted43
    lynnetted43 Posts: 252
    i get up at 4 am every morning. im dressed and ready for my cardio session. i do it on an empty stomach. i feel i have much more energy in the morning and i get so much more accomplished during the day. i have more energy, and my eating is right on target through out the rest of the day. of course... i need my 45 minute cat nap at 1:30 pm. but after that im ready to go again!!
  • Sheenamarie7
    Sheenamarie7 Posts: 12 Member
    i work out in the morning but not first thing, i am up at 5.45 but that is so i get the kids up for school, i have 2 school runs to make by 7.15am. i make up the beds and start laundry then work out about 8.30/9.00. one thing i always do is get dressed into my workout clothes and that way i will workout at some point before i *really* get dressed for the day :)

    ~Ditto, Never "really" get dressed til after I have worked out or I wont, Kiddos off to school, work out, than get ready for day.
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    The results coms when I have had at least 200 calories for breakfast and a cup of coffee. I tried working out first thing in the morning...Didn't work. I was doing P90X and I'll tell you I didn't bring near the intensity I needed to get a good work out at 4AM. I wasn't even sore after most of those workouts.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I am not, at all, a morning workout person.

    When I work out in the morning, I am always STARVING for the whole day. Nom nom nom, eat all the things. And take a nap.

    Instead, I eat a light dinner and do a heavy workout at 8pm. The gym is quieter usually, and I go home, eat a powerbar, take a hot bath followed by a cold shower, and get into bed.
  • Debbiefit45
    Debbiefit45 Posts: 31
    I'm a morning person and prefer to workout in the morning, but I usually workout after work; except for weekends! :)
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I have been trying to work up the willpower to workout first thing in the morning at 4:30 during the work week. I am a morning person but I keep hitting the snooze, which is not the best way to start the day for me. Morning really would be the best time to fit in my JM dvds. I'm starting the Ripped in 30 challenge on Monday, so maybe that would be the turning point for me.
  • Serqita
    Serqita Posts: 34 Member
    I perform my main workouts in first thing in the morning but try to fit other exercises in throughout the day.
    my work kept on my feet alot so do a lot of walking .
  • sandiburn
    sandiburn Posts: 149
    I get up at 6am and I am at boot camp by 6:30. If I dont do it then, I wont do it.
  • wantasmallbummum
    wantasmallbummum Posts: 45 Member
    I prefer first thing in the morning, but I normally have cereal first. I thought you needed to kick start your body by eating, otherwise your metabolism wouldn't start properly. I wish someone knew the full answer.
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    Usually I do it in the afternoon, but today I woke up for a couple minutes, had some water and went jogging. I really liked it actually, I didn't feel hungry while doing it and plus it's only going to get hotter throughout the day so I have to choose going early or late. I think I'm going to stick to doing it early since I'm getting a job soon and I'll work 3pm-8pm and I definitely won't want to workout after.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    Usually I work out in the evening because I'm lazy and always put it off until the end of the day. I wish I could do it in the morning though.
  • yorkshirestyles
    You do not burn more fat if you skip breakfast before the gym!
    Sorry to tell you this but you are burning muscle first if you do this not just fat!

    I advise every one to eat a little some thing before you hit the gym unless its a light run for half an hr then you can get away with it but you do need to kick start your metabolism as soon as you get up.

    Dont listen to everything you read try it for your self and you will also feel better for eating so why not eat? remember food is energy which your body needs to fuel your work out.

    I use to fast then do my intense cardio sessions where i burn up to a thousand cals a session but since eating 50g of oat meal with half a banana and some protein powder i have found my results to be just as good as when i use to go fasting If not better because i perform a lot better and yes i also eat after my intense cardio sessions and have a protein shake.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I don't have the ambition or energy to workout first thing in the morning. My workouts are pretty consistently after work about 6pm. Sometimes I do a workout even later, like 10pm before bed. I hear what people are saying about morning workouts being better.. but I'd half a** it. LOL
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    You do not burn more fat if you skip breakfast before the gym!
    Sorry to tell you this but you are burning muscle first if you do this not just fat!

    I advise every one to eat a little some thing before you hit the gym unless its a light run for half an hr then you can get away with it but you do need to kick start your metabolism as soon as you get up.

    Unless you have a valid and reliable link to a website that is endorsed by the American Medical Association, you shouldnt be advising anyone at all.

    Not all of us advocated the no-eating-before-a-workout...

    Ill let my sports medicine physician tell me what is best for me considering they have the credential to advise me...
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I'm on bicycle going to work within 20 minutes of waking up, I can't eat before or else I might vomit. I know it's 2 hours before I eat (the time I wake up, then bicycle, then shower, dressing up, getting at my desk and eating my breakfast) but that's the best scenario for me. I workout late afternoons too, but I feel it's better in the morning. My ride back home is often more difficult (it's around 80 minutes back and forth for a day), plus I do my P90x when I get home because bf is not an early riser.