eating right and still gaining weight!

What a way to start the day. I got up and got on the scale this morning, and it says that I've gained another 2 lbs!!! I am so frustrated. Every day is another failed attempt with the weight loss battle. I've always been afraid of the eat more to loose weight, but I figured, what the heck, I've already tried everything else. So far I've gained 7 lbs....and no my clothes aren't fitting any better. I even bought a heart rate monitor to make sure I was tracking my calories correctly. Is it possible that I just need to eat less? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm nearing a number that I don't want to be anywhere near around!!


  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    What are you eating? Whole grains? Fresh fruits and Veggies? Lean protien?
  • leighoconnell
    Make sure you have a calorie deficit of about 500 (I believe that is the correct number). Also don't eat processed sugar and carbs. Make sure to eat lots of lean protein like chicken and fish, whole grains, veggies, fruit and fiber. You will be surprised what a difference the whole grains and fiber makes. It praticially melts the fat. Watch your sodium in take too. If possible stop drinking coffee and soda and drink lots and lots of water.
  • klhain
    klhain Posts: 35 Member
    What are you eating? Whole grains? Fresh fruits and Veggies? Lean protien?
    I do eat stuff packaged "whole wheat" or "whole grain",. I try to stay away from "enriched" foods. I eat some fruit, not a lot of veggies, and yes lean protein, and chicken .no bacon or pork

    Is a calorie a calorie, regardless of where it comes from?

    How many times a day , or how much fruit and veggies to you eat a day?
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    What are you eating? Whole grains? Fresh fruits and Veggies? Lean protien?
    I do eat stuff packaged "whole wheat" or "whole grain",. I try to stay away from "enriched" foods. I eat some fruit, not a lot of veggies, and yes lean protein, and chicken .no bacon or pork

    Is a calorie a calorie, regardless of where it comes from?

    How many times a day , or how much fruit and veggies to you eat a day?

    Yes a calorie is a calorie reguardless of where it comes from and if you have that calorie deficit you will lose weight. But there are alot of empty calories out there that you want to avoid. You should be looking for food items that are nutrient dense vegetables are a great source of vitamins and fruits are good to as they supply vitamins, fiber and natural sugars which are better for you than the refined processed stuff. Its good that you eat lean protein. The two best sources in my oppinion come from poultry and fish (also a great source of Omega 3's) but there are lean cuts of beef and pork that have a vital part in any diet. You need the iron you get from red meats so its not good to cut them out too much.
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    Are you working out? I assume so if you've purchased a heart rate monitor - good for you!

    There are a number of threads on this site that explain why you might see a weight gain when you first begin a healthy diet and exercise program, mainly glycogen in the muscles which is quite heavy.

    Are you still in the early stages of your new lifestyle? It could be your body adjusting. If you were eating considerably more before and not exercising this could be a shock to the system that could take upwards of 4 weeks (or slightly more) to level off.

    You don't have very much weight to lose, and the less you have always takes a little longer too. Sometimes longer to get started, and then it drops, then stalls again, then drops. Perseverance is key.

    What I've said above has probably not been very encouraging for you but it really may take a while to see things begin to move in the right direction so please don't give up!
    I would second what the others have suggested - whole grains, lean protein, fruits & veggies and lots of water. Avoid processed as much as you can. Eat every few hours, 3 meals and 2 snacks, and try to avoid small calorie meals & snacks all day and one huge calorie meal - your body can't handle too many calories in one go and will store the extra.... as fat. Try to even it all out as best you can.
    And, I'm sad to say, alcohol is not only empty calories that pack on the pounds, it also inhibits your liver's ability to metabolise fat. So even if you have accounted for the alcohol in your daily budget, those calories could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. But maybe not, everyone is different. Just thought I'd mention it because in my frustration I started reaching for the less obvious answers to why I was stalled - that was one of them.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    What a way to start the day. I got up and got on the scale this morning, and it says that I've gained another 2 lbs!!! I am so frustrated. Every day is another failed attempt with the weight loss battle. I've always been afraid of the eat more to loose weight, but I figured, what the heck, I've already tried everything else. So far I've gained 7 lbs....and no my clothes aren't fitting any better. I even bought a heart rate monitor to make sure I was tracking my calories correctly. Is it possible that I just need to eat less? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm nearing a number that I don't want to be anywhere near around!!

    Okay, I cuold be WAY off base... are you pregnant?
  • klhain
    klhain Posts: 35 Member
    nope , not pregnant
  • klhain
    klhain Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you to all for your tips and advice, I've reloaded my fridge with more fruits and veggies, and am going to try harder to eat "clean" .