
jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
Now that I've been here 10 days thought I would introduce myself. A friend showed me this site and I joined so I could track what I was eating. I don't really need to loose weight. I'm 37 just under 6' and I weight 160. I would like to loose 10 lbs.
What I really want gone is my "love handles" as I call them. My friend laughs at me. But we are all our own worst critics.
Feel free to look at diaries if you can't see them I'll add you.
I realize my diet is lacking fruits and vegetables. And I eat the same thing day after day. Every sunday I cook and portion out my lunch for the week. And tend to make 4-5 portions of everything I cook.
Any suggestions to getting rid of my excess fat on my stomach? More cardio? Better diet?


  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    You don;t need to lose weight you are well withiin normal weight for your height. The only way to get rid of the "love handles" is reducing your body fat percentage and adding weight training. You can't spot train your hips or any other part of your body. Your diet is 80% of your body composition
  • daaamon
    daaamon Posts: 25
    You're going to need to take in almost zero to no fat, and do some intense abdominal weight training... Give it about 2 months and you'll be ripped
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    I do about 120 ab crunches a day. Anything else i can do?