10 things I've learned in my first 30 days

After tracking my food intake, and my exercise, for almost 30 days, I have learned so much about my eating habits and how they have been contributing to my overall fitness and weight loss goals. Even though I have not made progress towards losing any weight, I do have a much better idea about how exactly I can improve overall. Here’s a list of 10 things I’ve learned in my first 30 days.

1. Weekends are my potential pitfall days.

-Plan of Action? Historically, Friday - Sunday are the days when I consume the most, so having a food and exercise program in place for these days will create some structure for my choices.

2. I do not burn enough calories in a day to justify eating the way I do.

-Plan of Action? Incorporate an additional 60 minutes of cardio into my exercise routine, 6 days a week.

3. A day without exercise = a potential pitfall day.

-Plan of Action? If I need to take a day off within my 6 days (because of my knee), then I will have a specific food menu for this “no exercise day.” See #10

4. I don’t eat often enough.

-Plan of Action? Change my food journal categories to also reflect the time of day so that I can track WHAT I EAT, as well as WHEN I EAT. I also know that I’m not a big 3-meal a day person, and I never have been. So I’m going to create a meal plan that includes at least 2 healthful meals a day with 2 snacks in between.

5. I don’t eat enough of the right stuff in a day.

-Plan of Action? In creating my meal plan, I will focus on increasing protein and fiber, and decreasing fat intake. It’s not just about calories. It’s the whole picture!

6. Coffee + soy creamer is killin’ me!

-Plan of Action? Ugh. This one is hard. For starters, I can decrease my daily coffee intake. But for the long-term, I can also drink more tea instead of coffee. When I drink tea, I don’t add soy milk or cream. So I can get my happy indulgence of having something warm and caffeinated but without the detriment of all that fat from the soy creamer.

7. I'm eating too much fat and not enough protein.

-Plan of Action? I’ve been a vegetarian since the age of 12. I will eat fish from time to time, but is a far cry from being something that I’ve ever included in my diet as a "staple." I will consider adding some fish into my meal plan so that I can have more access to a that high-protein, low calorie meal that I so desperately need, especially on days when and if, I do not exercise.

8. Cheat days are in, daily cheating is out.

-Plan of Action? I’m setting Sundays as my day for cheating. This includes vices like salty french fries and wine. If I want muffins in the morning, I’ll have them. But all within reason. Never will I go beyond consuming 2200 calories on this day. I will however stop allowing myself to cheat on a daily basis, which is what I’ve been doing, and it’s what pushes me out of bounds in daily calorie intake.

9. 900 - 1100 calories a day is going to be my magic zone.

-Plan of Action? My recommended daily calorie intake for maintaining my weight is approx. 1600 - 1800 calories depending on my activity level. In order to lose 2 - 2.5 lbs a week, I will need to create a deficit of 7,500 - 8,750 calories a week. My plan of action? I can commit to doing at least an hour of exercise, six days a week (550 calories burned) and a calorie deficit of 700 calories a day (which means I can eat between 900 and 1100 calories a day).

10. Having a meal plan is like having a road map to success.

-Plan of Action? Create a meal plan! I can give some time each week to considering what I have going on in my schedule, and how that is going to influence what I eat as well as when I eat - - not to mention when I will make room for that 60 minutes of exercise. Doing this will take out the guesswork, and the last-minute decisions about what to make for lunch/dinner. Last minute decisions have also been a contributing factor in how I fall out of bounds with calorie intake.

What are the 10 important things you've learned since using My Fitness Pal? I'd love to read your lists!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    900-1100 calories is nowhere near enough if u are doing an hours cardio 6 times a week
  • valiant_1
    valiant_1 Posts: 18
    That does seem low, doesn't it!
  • Rachelle_Rachelle
    I second everything you have said and applaud your effort. I will most definitely follow suit with the meal plan. Last minute meals are where I consume the most calories because I just seem to eat "whatever" happens to be available. I am not quite at day 30 yet but I am certainly in for the long haul. It's about creating a healthy lifestyle and not just losing the weight then going back to doing whatever I want. Thanks for your post.
  • DigDougOK
    DigDougOK Posts: 20
    Sorry - Double post.
  • Rachelle_Rachelle
    P.S. Your writing style is impeccable. Very nicely done!
  • DigDougOK
    DigDougOK Posts: 20
    Your plan looks and sounds good with the exception of the calorie intake. You might do some reading (on here and elsewhere) when you go too low you will actually stop losing weight. 900 is pretty low for anyone. There is a good thread on here about it that has worked for a lot of people.... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/599949-tired-plateaud-scale-not-moving-found-my-answer You might read it and see how that works into what your are suggesting. What I personally do is use what MFP says without exercise and ignore the add back for my exercise, and on no exercise days I try to stay around 300 calories less that what they suggest but I try to stay above 1200 (although occasionally I'll end up at 1100 or so).
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    My list (not 10 & not in any specific order, but still things I've learned over the last few months of dieting/exercising)

    - I have an incredibly low amount of will power and the first thing I do when I'm bored is walk into the kitchen. My plan of action? Getting down on the floor and doing some sit ups or push ups when I'm bored instead!

    - My sweet tooth is my worst enemy. It's a daily struggle to find healthy substitutes to feed my craving, but when I find something that works I write it down so I won't forget.

    - Cutting out soda from my diet is the best thing I could have ever done and I recommend it to anyone and everyone!

    - Exercising is actually pretty easy and afterwards when I'm all sweaty and tired is when I'm the most proud!

    - I actually eat MORE during the week when I'm at work then I do on the weekends (WHO KNEW?!?!)

    I learn something new everyday :-)
  • beachlover718
    I love how you've tracked each problem and found a plan of attack for each! I've learned that I hurt myself after dinner with snacking/ wanting my sweet treat. Still working on my action plan for that one! I do agree with other posters about the calorie intake. great start tho!
  • hpsaucette
    hpsaucette Posts: 102 Member
    Wow, you sound so organised. Maybe consider doing strength instead of non-stop cardio, you mentioned your knee so I imagine you'll probably want to be careful with that. And as the above poster mentioned 900 - 1,100 is very low. If you read around the site a bit more there are plenty of threads on the dangers of eating low.

    My list

    1) I do have will power, just not when it comes to food already in the house
    2) The foods that I was brought up on are the right ones. I should really thank my mother.
    3) Exercise is great, but injuries aren't. I should have been a lot more sympathetic in the past
    4) Green tea is more awesome then I thought
    5) Spice is the way forward
    6) Water is my constant companion
    7) I need to get a heart rate monitor
    8) I need to get new trainers
    9) I need to get a new sports bra
    10) It's all about the inches (baby)
    And finally...
    I should have done this years ago!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I'm impressed that you have tackled you major hurdles in just 30, good job!

    6 things in my 90 days....

    1. Wine is in my life to stay, I count it and deal with it.
    2. I will not lose weight during TTOM, I don't fret about it.
    3. Food with reduced calories, reduced fats, low-carbs....means more refined, stay away from it, it does not work with my digestive system. Reduce the serving and count it.
    4. A meal plan is a sure way to make this work, back-ups are important...but that requires planning ahead also, so do it!
    5. Weighing and measuring is all about learning portion control, it was a vital lesson in learning to eat with-in my goal BMR.
    6. Exercise or just moving is key, gotta do it!
  • valiant_1
    valiant_1 Posts: 18
    To DigDougOK

    This is so helpful! Thanks. Checking out that article/thread now. Your progress is awesome! Thanks for checking in.

    I just read the thread and Yes! That is all very good stuff to incorporate. It's just not so simple though, is it?

    Ok, expanding the game plan. Thanks so much.
  • valiant_1
    valiant_1 Posts: 18
    to : Rachelle_Rach

    awesome. share yours when you do it. i just send you a friend request. let's motivate each other!
  • valiant_1
    valiant_1 Posts: 18
    to : hpsaucette

    wow, I LOVE #4, #5, #6 and it's great to hear 'cuz I need to drink more tea and less coffee, and I love green tea, so there you have it. also, i love spices, and grow a lot of my own veggies and herbs in my organic backyard urban garden :) so putting more spices as well as herbs, into the mix will help my cravings, i know it! and then of course, getting 8 glasses of water in a day is a challenge. so making water my constant companion is a great way to look at it. i love it! thanks for posting. and go get yourself a new sports bra girl! you deserve it!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    900-1100 calories is nowhere near enough if u are doing an hours cardio 6 times a week
    This. Your plan is a great way to burn out, binge and quit. Please reconsider