Hi there!

My name is, LaTanya, I joined this site a while back & got into exercising & trying to lose weight....It's hard for me to be admit but I wasn't making it a priority in my life, so I quit & the weight I had lost slowly came creeping back bc I just didnt care. Recently I had my lightbulb moment while I was looking at a picture of myself. I just couldnt bare, still cant right now, to see myself in pictures. I mean full body shots, I dont mind my face, but anything from the neck down..... OH NO!!!! SO I am now movtivated & determined to make a lifestyle change!!!! I have set my goals realisticly & have started working with a personal trainer at my gym. I am also eating how I ahould have been. That was my other problem, the day would go by & I would be like "I havent eaten." It helps to have encouragement along the way, so I will try to keep up with posts from my friends to keep them motivated. All I ask is to please do the same for me!!!!! WOW thats a mouthful :)

If you'ld like to add me as a friend send me a request :flowerforyou:
