not losing weight

I have been on this program for about 5 weeks now. The first week I lost 5 pounds probably water weight. Since then I have not lost anything. In the last week I have changed my eating I now eat most of my exercise calories and have a net of 1200 calories. I have added more protein to every meal. I work out 5 days a week doing strength training and cardio. I work with a trainer one day of week. I can not figure out what I am doing wrong. I would like to have suggestions on what I might be doing wrong.


  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Can't see your diary so only a bit I can offer.

    1 - Cut out processed foods. Too high in sodium and you will retain water.
    2 - At least 20 grams of protein 4 times per day.
    3 - Eat all of your calories.
    4 - Weigh everything. Do not use measure cups they are not accurate for anything but liquids.
    5 - Cut your carbs. That will help you see a loss. Get all carbs from veggies and some fruit but cut out all breads, pasta, potatoes. Maybe not forever but cut them out until you get in a good rhythm.
    6 - Stick with it. You didn't gain it overnight and it takes some time.
  • dudleyclan
    dudleyclan Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the input. I do not eat bread. I have changed my diary to public. I occasionally eat one processed food once in a while. I make all my meals at home.
  • kpetty60
    kpetty60 Posts: 14
    My doctor had four rules to lose weight without exercising....
    1) give up caffeine.
    2) don't eat anything that you have to rip open the package.
    3) don't eat from fast food restaurants (hint: if it has a drive through, then it's fast food)
    4) watch your salt.

    my old boss would add this one:
    5) don't eat food that is white (potatos, white bread, rice)
  • yustick
    yustick Posts: 238 Member
    Just stay focused, it will happen. My only advice is to be careful calculating your exercise calories since you are eating them. If you can afford it, I highly recommend a body media core. Good luck!