Need friends to help keep me motivated on my journey.

I am fairly new to MFP and I would love to meet some people to help motivate me in my weight loss journey. I started on January 1st 2012 to lose the 30lbs I packed on these past three years. Yep a " New Year's" resolution I plan to KEEP forever! I have since lost 20 lbs. I just don't know anyone but my gym partner who uses this site so I would love to meet some others here and learn from them as well. I love lifting weights and yoga, I practice Bikram " hot" yoga as well as the " cold" kind. Thank you!

39 years old from Wa. State... 5'3 SW was 165 and I am currently 145lbs


  • I could use some friendly support as well! Count me in!!
  • jillyjelly
    jillyjelly Posts: 148 Member
    can't get enough support - count me in
  • Me too! I'm having trouble getting started. And would love to meet some people on MFP. I'm new to the Community section.
  • cwollman
    cwollman Posts: 4
    I'm in the same place as you - literally, 10-15 lbs to go (or 4 inches from my big hips), in Washington state, and started at the beginning of the year although it's been a slow start. I'd love to have some more friends so I'm not just following my co-worker!