Help!!! In college!!

Options I try and eat very healthy. For example I had fiber wafers, low carb tortilla fat free bean burrito, and some organic corn puffs for lunch...I also workout atleast 5 times a week

BUT when night comes and the weekend rolls around its all booz and junk food thrown in my face....i feel like im missing out nif dont party with my girls in the sorority,

What can i do to help me stay skinny and not gain this year!?!


  • supafly
    supafly Posts: 36
    say no. (=
  • lizbeth787
    lizbeth787 Posts: 101 Member
    I had the same problem - I limited myself to nights that you're describing. And what I think you're describing is drinking heavily followed by lots of late night eating?

    After a while I didn't (and don't) want to do it anymore. It makes me feel like crap! It takes me daaays to get back to feeling better.

    Limit yourself or just avoid it all together!
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Just give yourself some slack but don't go overboard. I had the same problem, and my sorority sisters were mostly skinny even if they ate chunk all the time and never worked out. I felt like I was the only trying!! But if you work out and eat well the majority of the time you can still lose. Make healthier drinking choices- like MGD 64 and mixing flavored alcohol with tonic. Theres the same amount of calories in flavored liquor, but your saving yourself from the juice. Plus, a lot of bars carry diet tonic water so don't be afraid to ask or drink it with diet sodas.

    As far as the junk food, limit yourself to one late night drunk meal or "free" dinner a week where you eat what you want and don't really worry about it. But other than that one meal, try to stay in your calories. We always went to the same few restaurants and drive-thrus, so spend some time on their websites going through the nutrition information and keep a mental list of lower calorie meals you can chose when you go there.

    It can be done! You just have to keep your goals in mind, and maybe your weight loss will inspire some of your sisters to get healthier as well and yall can make good meal/drink choices together. It helps to have someone else ordering broth based soup and salad on Italian night!
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    Smoke hookah when you go out instead of drinking if you can! It has no calories. Otherwise, maybe limit yourself on drinks that have a ton of cals, and eat before you go out so you aren't tempted.
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    Honestly, drinking alcohol in large quantities at once is bad for you in so many ways besides your weight. I would suggest going out with your sorority sisters still, but only have 1 drink. That way you feel a little loosened up, but you're not getting completely wasted every weekend. Then maybe save that for special occasions, like your birthday hehe :laugh: You'll feel better the next day when everyone else is hungover and you're off to the gym :wink:
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    thanks but the thing is i like to drink with my sisters. So NOT doing it is a problem lol
  • cheshirekat
    cheshirekat Posts: 126 Member
    workout more the day of and day after, more than you were planning.
    vodka soda with lime has 100 calories, so does most light beers
    limit yourself to 2-3 and drink a glass of water in between, add a lemon no one will know or care its not a drink, keep track of every single thing you drink or eat, write it down if you have to. If you've lost count, you've had too much.

    getting a little buzzed is fine, but it took me years to realize that getting wasted is just a shortcut to acting like a fool and making decisions you may regret the next day which include but is not limited to blacking out, hooking up with dudes that don't give a crap about you or your personality whom you would never date if you were sober, eating tons of high calorie/ high fat late night food, throwing up, saying stupid things, messing up in school, falling down, running into things, being really sick the next day and/or eating tons of crappy greasy fried foods the next day because thats what you crave when you have a hangover, and skipping out on workouts you probably would have done if you hadnt overdone it. Not saying that you have done any of these things, they are just things i have experienced or witnessed in good friends, especially when i was the DD.

    You can also bring healthy snacks with you too, like an apple and some almonds, string cheese, peanut butter crackers (portion it out), carrot sticks with hummus or a little baggie of baked chips and a granola bar. that way if you are needing something to eat you won't be tempted to indulge in unhealthy fare. Your sorority sisters might even be inspired by you and set up some healthier fare for the next in-house get together. Hope this helps, good luck!
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    thank youuuuuu :) so true
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Yeah... drink to get buzzed, but don't snack, and look into what drinks have the least calories.
  • kankan213
    kankan213 Posts: 105
    This is the same exact reason I am even trying to lose weight. I had been in a serious relationship and when me and my boyfriend broke up I ended up drinking a majority of days of the week and put on almost 20 lbs in 6 months. AH! I've lost a total of 7 of that so far so I still have around 13 lbs left but it is hard when you go out!!!

    What I do is eat something light (like an apple) RIGHT before I go out. That way I don't get ravenous.
    Another rule of thumb I use is trying not to buy my own drinks. If I only drink drinks others buy for me I don't usually have too much to worry about. Stick to diet soda or tonic water accompanying the alcohol for sure. I find that I can drink like 10 drinks and be drunk, or I can drink 3 and be buzzed and completely happy.

    Good luck, let me know how it goes, sounds like we are facing the same issues!