Seriously, please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

emhow Posts: 79 Member
I've been doing this for about 65 days now and I am not losing weight. I go to the gym every single day apart from sunday burning around 500 calories each time (measured with polar ft7). I'm always close to my goal. I don't eat cr*p at all. I have seriously limited the sort of things I eat, which is nothing bad apart from artificial sweetener. I'm done my measurements and they haven't really budged either. I just don't see what I am doing wrong. I'm 5 ft 9 and 133 pounds looking to lose a little bit to tone/firm up. I know I haven't got a lot to lose so it will be harder, but seriously, why haven't I got any results?? Sorry for the rant. Any advice would be much appreciated :) xx


  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    I've only looked at a few days of your diary, but I like it!

    I'm a relative newbie at this. But have you taken measurements? You're pretty wee already, toning and firming will change your measurements but not your weight necessarily.

    You can't possibly be LESS healthy - you're exercising and you're eating what I think is pretty good food. So go you! Perhaps the only thing I'd suggest is to have more than one rest day a week, but what do I know?!

    Take measurements. That's all. :happy:
  • emhow
    emhow Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you :) I thought so too! I have never restricted my diet so much in my life! I already have so many rules, regulations and limitations I just can't think what else I can do! (I am enjoying it at the same time, it's just i'm a bit fed up with having nothing to show for it..) And I have done measurements, but they havent really budged at all. I keep thinking that maybe I'm eating too much because I'm always so full at the end of the day.. ? I'm just confused. Thank you veyr much for the advice though :) maybe I do need more rest days!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    your diary seems a bit heavy on porridge ?
  • emhow
    emhow Posts: 79 Member
    your diary seems a bit heavy on porridge ?

    yeah i absolutely love porridge, but I didnt think that if i ate it twice a day would make any difference as long as i'm within my calorie limit? i've only recently startin having it twice a day though..? you think this could contribute to me not losing?
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    you actually look fantastic, i wish i looked like you. id say do the work outs and eat as you are. oh maybe yes change the porridge bit , keep up the good work.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you think this could contribute to me not losing?

    I'm a low carb person, so have a particular point of view, but you can find blogs by medical doctors like Dr Briffa in the UK or the Eades in the US who would also favour reducing carbs to reduce fat. In other words they don't say "a calorie is a calorie".

    You also eat a fair bit of bread, and there's another guy who talks of "Wheat Belly"

    I'm not going to suggest or recommend anything - you can do your own research and thinking. I'm just pointing out that porridge and bread are both high carbohydrate and quickly translate into blood sugar which is then stored away by the body's control systems. You could try reducing them as an experiment, or do the reading.

    To reduce carbs in a given calorie intake you need to eat more oils and fats, so think about that to.
  • hippychickuk
    hippychickuk Posts: 93 Member
    I've been doing this for about 65 days now and I am not losing weight. I go to the gym every single day apart from sunday burning around 500 calories each time (measured with polar ft7). I'm always close to my goal. I don't eat cr*p at all. I have seriously limited the sort of things I eat, which is nothing bad apart from artificial sweetener. I'm done my measurements and they haven't really budged either. I just don't see what I am doing wrong. I'm 5 ft 9 and 133 pounds looking to lose a little bit to tone/firm up. I know I haven't got a lot to lose so it will be harder, but seriously, why haven't I got any results?? Sorry for the rant. Any advice would be much appreciated :) xx

    I envy your diary! But have you looked at the group Eat More to Weigh Less? I see your total daily calories is 1400. Do you know what your TDEE is? Because you are so close to your goal weight, I can imagine you'll want to eat close to your TDEE. The final bit of toning you want is something you can get from weight lifting. I'm sure you've seen the recommendations on mfp for the book New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women, but any kind of weight training will help you. Is that part of your programme now?
  • emhow
    emhow Posts: 79 Member
    you think this could contribute to me not losing?

    I'm a low carb person, so have a particular point of view, but you can find blogs by medical doctors like Dr Briffa in the UK or the Eades in the US who would also favour reducing carbs to reduce fat. In other words they don't say "a calorie is a calorie".

    You also eat a fair bit of bread, and there's another guy who talks of "Wheat Belly"

    I'm not going to suggest or recommend anything - you can do your own research and thinking. I'm just pointing out that porridge and bread are both high carbohydrate and quickly translate into blood sugar which is then stored away by the body's control systems. You could try reducing them as an experiment, or do the reading.

    To reduce carbs in a given calorie intake you need to eat more oils and fats, so think about that to.

    Thank you very much, I had a slight suspicion that I ate too many carbs.. It's just I compare it to my old diet and my carb intake is literally NOTHING in comparison. But I think I'll give them a read :) it's just a shame because I absolutely adore bread and porridge!
  • emhow
    emhow Posts: 79 Member
    I've been doing this for about 65 days now and I am not losing weight. I go to the gym every single day apart from sunday burning around 500 calories each time (measured with polar ft7). I'm always close to my goal. I don't eat cr*p at all. I have seriously limited the sort of things I eat, which is nothing bad apart from artificial sweetener. I'm done my measurements and they haven't really budged either. I just don't see what I am doing wrong. I'm 5 ft 9 and 133 pounds looking to lose a little bit to tone/firm up. I know I haven't got a lot to lose so it will be harder, but seriously, why haven't I got any results?? Sorry for the rant. Any advice would be much appreciated :) xx

    I envy your diary! But have you looked at the group Eat More to Weigh Less? I see your total daily calories is 1400. Do you know what your TDEE is? Because you are so close to your goal weight, I can imagine you'll want to eat close to your TDEE. The final bit of toning you want is something you can get from weight lifting. I'm sure you've seen the recommendations on mfp for the book New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women, but any kind of weight training will help you. Is that part of your programme now?

    Haha thanks, I'm glad you said that because the way I used to eat before was absolutely disgusting! But yeah well my TDEE is (according to a calculator off the internet) 2202 and my BMR is 1462 so I thought maybe I was eating around the right amount of calories. I've read things on upping calories and things but I genuinely feel like I STUFF myself. At the end of the day I feel like an absolute pig. So i don't reckon upping my calories would help? I also agree with the weight lifting thing. My brother is a fitness freak and he's getting me on the squats when he comes back from uni.. so maybe that will help!? I do do a little bit of weights anyway.. so maybe I should do a little more? xx
  • jvdx
    jvdx Posts: 57
    Already in great shape i must say.
    Its fairly simple really, kcals in < kcals out, or in other words: Eat less then you burn, you lose weight.
    If you stopped losing weight, either adjust your diet and eat less or up the cardio.
    Oh and, IIFYM; eat it. (if it fits your macros, theres no good or bad food. Yes, you can eat at mcdonalds every day if that means you get all the calories and macros(proteins carbs etc)).
    You can also look into a low carb KETO diet if you want, its tough but works great.
  • puppy13
    puppy13 Posts: 9
    i was having the same prob until a someone told me that muscle weighs more than fat
  • emhow
    emhow Posts: 79 Member
    i was having the same prob until a someone told me that muscle weighs more than fat

    yeah i've heard that and it's true. but i don't think i look any different... :/
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Are you eating back all your exercise calories? Personally I limit it to about 25% - it may be worth tinkering in that area...

    Regards, David
  • emhow
    emhow Posts: 79 Member
    Are you eating back all your exercise calories? Personally I limit it to about 25% - it may be worth tinkering in that area...

    Regards, David

    Yes I eat the majority of them back. Thanks I'll try and sort out my goals a little bit..
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    At 5' 9" and 133, and judging by the pictures, According to at least one chart, the minimum a healthy female at your height with a small frame should weigh is 129 lbs. The max is 170 for a large frame, so you see where you stand in that range. I wouldn't think losing weight would be a good goal for you. Toning, sure, if you think you need to, nothing wrong with that. But I suggest you rethink the weight loss goal and just focus on toning. If you are as slender as you look and have the apparent low percentage body fat, losing weight would be difficult because your body doesn't need to lose.

    There are other measures of fitness. Tape measurements (which may get larger instead of smaller as you get fitter). Time to run 5km. Mile ridden on a bike. Choose one (or more) of those and don't worry about the weight unless it is really a problem. Looks like you are already teetering on a weight that is lower than would be healthy for someone your size.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've been doing this for about 65 days now and I am not losing weight. I go to the gym every single day apart from sunday burning around 500 calories each time (measured with polar ft7). I'm always close to my goal. I don't eat cr*p at all. I have seriously limited the sort of things I eat, which is nothing bad apart from artificial sweetener. I'm done my measurements and they haven't really budged either. I just don't see what I am doing wrong. I'm 5 ft 9 and 133 pounds looking to lose a little bit to tone/firm up. I know I haven't got a lot to lose so it will be harder, but seriously, why haven't I got any results?? Sorry for the rant. Any advice would be much appreciated :) xx

    U don't say how many cals U normally net, but at 5ft9 and 133lbs u don't really have much to lose so u shud b focusing on plenty of strength training and only eating slightly below or at maintenance.

    I am 5ft5 and about 126, and I net 1800 cals a day but I am still getting smaller, just not any lighter. Ditch the scales and try and get plenty of protein. And last of all, be patient especially when u up ur cals.
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    Looking at your diary my eyes just keep jumping to the fat column. Your diary looks like mine did last week before I realized what an insane amount of fat I was eating since moving to my new flat.

    Try to find something to replace the porridge.... oh, and those cashews don't have enough protein in them to justify THAT much fat. Can you find another source of protein with less fat? Try some fish instead!

    Edit: I was eating a high fat diet for a month after we moved in here and just last week realized my mistake. Since I've begun limiting myself to 20 or less grams of fat per day, I haven't lost any weight but my tummy is definitely changing!
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Your diary looks good to me. I would suggest concentrating on perfecting what you do at the gym to get the toning effect you want.

    What does your current routine look like?
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    Are you sure you need to lose weight? I am the same height as you and wouldn't want to go below 150 never mind getting as low as 133! Maybe your body is telling you that it's happy!!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Sounds like you need to focus on body composition rather than losing weight - lower bf% and build muscle.
    Your diary looks healthy but your cals are on the low side. You should be eating at or maybe 250 below tdee as its pretty much impossie to build muscle on a deficit, and make sure you get plenty of protein.

    This shows the results you can get from working on building muscle rather than 'dieting'. You may even gain a few pounds but it will look like you lost more as you will be smaller and toned :-)