I'm so tired of being tired

Chiny Posts: 321
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I wanted to know if you all use anything as a natural booster for energy (other than coffee :laugh: ). Supplements? Drinks? No red bull, monster or anything l think will race my heart rate up, just something to give me natural energy and keep it, not have bad withdrawals from it. I do drink coffee, I try to eat well, eat protein and other foods that are supposed to give me energy but yet I am still tired. I have gone to the doctor and had a check up and blood work done and everything is fine. I have tried getting 8 or more hours of sleep and the more I sleep the tired I feel. I tried getting less sleep and I'm still tired :sad: Here's what a typical day is like for me:

4:30am-wake up and take son to school for 5:00am soccer practice
5:15am- back home and jump in the bed until 6:30am even though I should stay up and exercise
6:30am back up and get ready to be out the door by 7:20am
8:00-5:00pm work
5:30pm- home from work, check kids HW, clean up and get dinner started (sometimes I do none of this and plop on my bed and nap for an hour-I know sad)
6:30pm- take son to soccer practice (for 2nd team)
7:15pm- back home cleaning some more, maybe laundry getting things ready for the next day
8:30pm- pick up son from soccer practice
9:30pm- home, shower, watch TV, I end up falling asleep around 11 or so.



  • Try a quick workout at lunch. If you dont have time - at least go for a quick walk. I find that does WONDERS fo me!

    Good luck!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    wow, long day! i got tired just reading all of that :yawn: i think you might find more energy if you aare able to work out a few times per week. how long have you been on this crazy schedule?
  • the only thing that keeps me from taking a nap every day... is working out... especially kick boxing or running. It boosts me up and I feel like I'm ready to tackle the world!

    Also, you may want to try going to bed earlier. I also wake up at 4:30am and i used to go to bed around 1130 or so and I was soooo sleepy throughout the day. Now I am typically asleep by 10 and i haven't had to take a nap in a while!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I hate to mention it but you're only getting 5 hours of sleep a night.

    Sleep is the best natural booster for energy that you will ever get - and you're not getting enough. Are you really able to sleep when you come home from taking your son to soccer practice?
  • YourCatalyst429
    YourCatalyst429 Posts: 96 Member
    LIke said about you need more sleep! However you could also take some B12...helps with energy and weight loss!:flowerforyou:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Try out emergenC it is a vitamin supplement with the b and c vitamins-it gives you a boost. I used to drink it when I worked nights. (it is a powder that makes the water fizzy) It is also great when you are getting sick!

    It sounds to me like you might be getting burned out--a day off sounds in order to me. It is amazing what a vacation can do!:flowerforyou:
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    heather0mc- I've been running like a mad women for as long as I can remember. The getting up at 4:30am is new for me since my son started HS and the soccer season is just starting. Some weeks I do good and instead of going home, I'll stay at his practice and walk for the 2 hours he's there, sometimes I have errands to run and can't stay or husband is working late so I go home and get the 8yo in bed by 8pm.

    chicka200413 and kurneckc- you guys are probably right, I need to get my body on a schedule. One of my issues is I can't sleep with a loud TV or a lot of noise. If I come home at 9:30pm and shower and go straight to bed I will sleep but not a sound sleep if the husband is watching TV (like shows with cursing and violence and loud noises :explode: ). Our masterbedroom sits on a loft so even if he's watching TV downstairs in the living room I can hear it. Sometimes I sleep with earplugs. No more excuses for me!

    jambandjunkie- someone else told me about B12, I may have to try that.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    heather0mc- I've been running like a mad women for as long as I can remember. The getting up at 4:30am is new for me since my son started HS and the soccer season is just starting. Some weeks I do good and instead of going home, I'll stay at his practice and walk for the 2 hours he's there, sometimes I have errands to run and can't stay or husband is working late so I go home and get the 8yo in bed by 8pm.

    chicka200413 and kurneckc- you guys are probably right, I need to get my body on a schedule. One of my issues is I can't sleep with a loud TV or a lot of noise. If I come home at 9:30pm and shower and go straight to bed I will sleep but not a sound sleep if the husband is watching TV (like shows with cursing and violence and loud noises :explode: ). Our masterbedroom sits on a loft so even if he's watching TV downstairs in the living room I can hear it. Sometimes I sleep with earplugs. No more excuses for me!

    jambandjunkie- someone else told me about B12, I may have to try that.

    b12 will help but you really need more sleep. the hubs needs to recognize you are really wearing yourself down. before you know it you are going to get sick. i would suggest talking to him and asking him to help you out. i hope he listens, men can be stubborn and selfish when it comes to their tv :wink:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I wanted to know if you all use anything as a natural booster for energy (other than coffee :laugh: ). Supplements? Drinks? No red bull, monster or anything l think will race my heart rate up, just something to give me natural energy and keep it, not have bad withdrawals from it. I do drink coffee, I try to eat well, eat protein and other foods that are supposed to give me energy but yet I am still tired. I have gone to the doctor and had a check up and blood work done and everything is fine. I have tried getting 8 or more hours of sleep and the more I sleep the tired I feel. I tried getting less sleep and I'm still tired :sad: Here's what a typical day is like for me:

    4:30am-wake up and take son to school for 5:00am soccer practice
    5:15am- back home and jump in the bed until 6:30am even though I should stay up and exercise
    6:30am back up and get ready to be out the door by 7:20am
    8:00-5:00pm work
    5:30pm- home from work, check kids HW, clean up and get dinner started (sometimes I do none of this and plop on my bed and nap for an hour-I know sad)
    6:30pm- take son to soccer practice (for 2nd team)
    7:15pm- back home cleaning some more, maybe laundry getting things ready for the next day
    8:30pm- pick up son from soccer practice
    9:30pm- home, shower, watch TV, I end up falling asleep around 11 or so.


    I would say "get some help"! Are you the only parent??? If you are, I feel extremely sorry for you because you are def. not getting enough sleep at night and then to live that fast stresfull day is for sure hard on your adrenals! And a major cause for fatigue!!! Also are you drinking water? We feel tired when we get dehydrated!! Your schedule is like mine was when I was younger and then to have a hormone embalance on top of the hectic life style, there were days when my family thought I was some one impersonating as their mom/wife. My advise is to get help before you fall asleep at the wheel on one of those jaunts here and there or on your way home from one of those LONG days! My heart hurts for you!! Take care of you or you won't be able to help all the others! Best wishes honey!
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    I am married and my husband does help out a lot. Sometimes he drops off and I pick up from soccer or he's check our daughters HW while I'm running our son to soccer. Or he's cooking dinner while I'm running to church meetings etc... Problem is with his job he gets off of work when his last job is finished, that could be early that could be late, some weeks he's on call, it's very inconsistent so I always have to be prepared to cover both of us if he's stuck at work.

    I did want to let you all know I went by the VitaminShoppe today & bought "Alive! Whole Food Energizer Multivitamin" made by Nature's Way. I in no way expect it to work miracles. I still plan to get my body on a sleeping schedule, drink more water, try and eat healthier and more exercise.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I know you dont want to hear this but exercise will give you energy. I never would have believed it...nope, no way....how can working harder give me energy, makes no sense.

    If I get up at 6 am and do 20 minutes of exercise, and then do 20 min again in the evening or lunch, I will be up until 11pm and have a hard time getting to lay down.

    Do nothing and I am in bed exhausted at 7 pm.

    I hope you can squeeze in 20 min here and there...........how about during the soccer practice? I used to walk the field for the 30 minutes.

  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    People do say it gives you exercise and I do have to agree, even though when I exercise in the morning I feel even more tired at work :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    People do say it gives you exercise and I do have to agree, even though when I exercise in the morning I feel even more tired at work :laugh:

    it took me 1 week to feel the difference. I ate a yogurt shot when I woke up. Had my coffee and 8 oz of water and then 20 min on the ellip. You can dance, or do a 10 min video or just do stuff like jumping jax of a jump rope. I am tellin ya I felt 100% better after 1 week.

    It is so hard to be a young working mom.......I had 3 kids so I know about running them here and there.

    I hope you find your balance:flowerforyou:
  • Try some honey and bee pollen in any form that you might like. I used to eat a spoonfull of each daily and had energy through the roof. Each is naturally enriched with the entire vitamin B complex. The sugary energy drinks make you crash and burn when the sugar downer hits and trashes your body. I like to add a teaspoon of honey to my early morning coffee on days where I feel horrible as a pick me up. A little honey on top of my cerial works as well.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Honey AND bee pollen or one or the other? I'm familiar with honey but not bee pollen.
  • You posted your whole day but you did not say anything about your meals. Do you eat? What are you eating? Are you eating too late? Try to get some rest for your childrens sake, you could have an accident.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    As everyone else said, you need more sleep- at the very least, try to make alternate arrangements for your son to get to soccer practice, so you don't have to interrupt the little bit of sleep you are getting, and for God's sake, don't say you should be up exercising. Nothing you take or eat is going to replace that missing sleep.

    I have heard that Rhodiola can be a great energy booster for some people. Dr Oz has talked about it on his show as well, and recommends it. I find that having a fruit smoothie in the morning along with my breakfast makes me feel energized and healthy. Just throw some of your fave fruits in the blender with a bit of juice. You can also add some yogurt or one of those little probiotic yogurt drinks. So good.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    You posted your whole day but you did not say anything about your meals. Do you eat? What are you eating? Are you eating too late? Try to get some rest for your childrens sake, you could have an accident.

    I do eat, I'm not the healthiest eater and that is something else I am working on. Like some on here have suggested, my breakfasts and lunchs will be heavier than my dinner. Breakfast can be a bowl of cereal, if I have snacks here in my office at work they are healthy snack and I'll eat those between meals like fiber one bars, bananas, apples, etc...lunch is usually what's served here whether it be a hot meal (that changes everyday) or a sandwich.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    with the double soccer practices --- could you share car pool with other parents?
    so one day you do the drive and the next another team mates parent does it?

    for both practices? :smile: just an idea that would save a bit of time [and extra sleep on a couple of days]
  • Honey AND bee pollen or one or the other? I'm familiar with honey but not bee pollen.

    Either one or both. You can buy bee pollen at any health food store. Sprinkle it into your food or just eat a teaspoon raw daily. I have a cast iron stomach and can eat anything so the strange taste of it doesn't bother me at all. It's both sweet and bitter.
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