Can a body weight exercise routine replace lifting?



  • hawwaha
    hawwaha Posts: 2 Member
    Personally, I would go to Zuzana Lights youtube channel and do her workouts. She is a co founder of bodyrock tv and is doing her own thing now. I find her to be more personable and relateable then those who are now on the other site. Plus she has a rocking, inspirational body. :)
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    Dont know about the lifting and what not, but attempted this while on vacation......
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    Personally, I would go to Zuzana Lights youtube channel and do her workouts. She is a co founder of bodyrock tv and is doing her own thing now. I find her to be more personable and relateable then those who are now on the other site. Plus she has a rocking, inspirational body. :)

    Awesome, thanks, I really like the results bodyrockers seem to get, their site is just so confusing to me!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    The Insanity series uses body weight and it IS a series that will kick your @SS and will keep you in shape till you can get back into lifting! Guaranteed!!!

    p.s. YOU look awesome and don't EVER quit!!!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    You may enjoy digging around on this site:

    There are several workouts that utilize stuff that you would have at home, chairs, milk jugs etc.


    Whatever you do, don;t let the lack of a gym be an excuse ;)
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    That is Stellar, and thank you! Best of luck.... I just looked up You are your own gym and I think I'm going to try that too. GOOD LUCK GIRL!

    I forgot to mention the moves I do are typical weight lifting stuff, like curls, overhead press, chest flies and squats/lunges with weights, crunches with weights etc. I just try to make every muscle tired and I dont do anything the PT showed me that was more complex than that because I dont like doing complex moves, they just frustrate me haha. Also, if I feel lazy, I just do machines. Thank you and good luck to you too!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    Ive been going to the gym and lifting for about two months and Ive gone from 27.8% body fat to 25% my current goal is to get down to 22% by the end of the summer but Im not at home so I cant go to my gym anymore. I would rather not get a gym membership (at home I use the schools) for money reasons. Can a body weight routine get me there? Eventually I want to look like Spezzy:


    I dont know if that is a realistic goal for this summer but eventually, I want that. Can I do that without weights? She lifts heavy I know, but this summer, as I said, I cant. For cardio I do 2-4 runs a week of about 2-3 miles at an 11-12 mile pace. Also, I go on long hikes about twice a month. I eat 1800 calories, try to limit carbs to whole grain ones and fruit, and I dont eat exercise calories. In the past I have gone to the gym to lift 2-3 times a week for 45-60 minutes, I mix it up with free weights and machines. Will I lose what Ive achieved If I just do things like as many squats as I can, pushups, pull ups (not even one yet haha) crunches and lunges? Or will that be good? Thank you so much for reading my post and any input is appreciated!

    Edit: fix pic

    First, you look great and have had amazing results!

    Secondly, the answer to your question is, not really. The only bodyweight exercises of any real value to strength are Chin-Ups and Dips. Plyometric jumps aren't a bad form of exercises for your lower body and just teaching yourself how to transfer power, but nothing will replace solid strength training.

    I couldn't agree with this comment more... First and Secondly!

    I agree as well.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    One more thought - if you have contact info you may wanna ask the trainer that you worked with before for some ideas. Good luck!!!
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    The Insanity series uses body weight and it IS a series that will kick your @SS and will keep you in shape till you can get back into lifting! Guaranteed!!!

    p.s. YOU look awesome and don't EVER quit!!!

    I wish I could do this! its just too expensive, I already spent money on the trainer. Should have thought to ask her for a routine that I could do sans gym doh!
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    One more thought - if you have contact info you may wanna ask the trainer that you worked with before for some ideas. Good luck!!!

    I could probably get in touch with her, maybe shell give me something after buying so many lessons haha!
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    I came across this body weight workout and book marked it a day or two ago. You've gotten some good suggestions. I body rock some and do some of the Insanity workouts I've found on the web. Just ordered the program and I'm waiting on it. This looks like a crazy intense workout that should build muscle though:
  • walkner88
    walkner88 Posts: 165
    Feel free to add me as a friend I'll try to write down the routine I do that day because I do a lot of bodyweight workouts
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    You do look great!

    bump for later!
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    Not me! But my favorite yoga teacher and her amazing physique:


    My first photo add too, hope it works!
  • jeremy_c
    jeremy_c Posts: 21
    I'd highly recommend you pickup the book "You Are Your Own Gym" by Mark Lauren. Also consider joining Fitocracy, turns exercise into a fun game, 32,000+ members in the You Are Your Own Gym group there. You can do anything you want with body weight exercises in your own home. In fact, you can get in better shape quicker this way as body weight exercises typically activate more muscles for each exercise and are not so directed as weight lifting. Many people think that you can't vary the weight with body weight exercises. This is simply not true. Take the basic push up. People know of two common methods, on your toes or on your knees. Both of those too hard? Try an elevated push up, for example put your hands on the side of your table and legs out a bit and start doing push ups. Is that too much still? Lean into a wall while standing and push off of it. Now, the other side... You can do push ups all day long on your hands and toes? Bring your hands in close, then try it. Can do that? Put your toes on the couch and then do push ups. Can do that? Start with one armed push ups. Can do that? Put your legs up in the air against the wall and do push ups. Can do that? Well, now it is time to use a different "push" exercise.

    The YAYOG book breaks exercises into 4 parts... Push, Pull, Core and Legs. Through that you exercise your entire body.

  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    Thank you, Ill look into that.
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the advice and complements everyone!
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    Yes they certainly can. I don't do much lifting due to my being in love with rock climbing and the negative impacts being larger would have on that. A good routine will require you to do circuits and they aren't easy. Here is one my old boxing coach taught me as a kid.

    5 minute warm up with jump rope
    20 pushups (if too easy elevate your feet on a chair. This changes it to moving 85% body weight instead of 45%)
    30 sit ups with arms straight out behind your head (keep them straight and don't swing them this makes it just abs)
    15 jump squats
    14 lunges
    30 seconds of planks on each side

    This is one
    Do 3 minutes of full effort jump rope in between and do the cycle three times. On days you want to build triceps he would throw in a dip with hands on a chair or bench behind you and feet on another chair, or pushups with your feet on the bench and your hands touching in a diamond. This is great for building lean muscle and cutting body at. I like to throw in sets of mountain climbers after the planks.

    Wow! That sounds intense! I definitely have to give that a try! Thank you!

    That makes me a little nauseated and tired just looking at it, and I can't wait to try it.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Zombie thread.

    But to answer anyways, you can do a LOT with just body weight stuff.

    I haven't touched a weight in 6 years and have only just scratched the surface with this body weight thing for about 6 months.