Hellllooooo.... Is anybody out there???

MizRik Posts: 108 Member
Hello everyone! I am not totally new to MFP, I have had the app on my phone for years and I use it on and off when I am in a health kick, but I have never been super consistant with it. Despite using the app on my phone I never looked at the community boards or found friends for support. I decided this time I would try including that aspect to help keep me motivated.

I am looking to get generaly healthy and finally commit to a lifestyle change. So I am not super strict at the moment as I dont want to feel like I "Failed" at something and give up. I am just vowing to exercise more, be mindful of what I eat, and if I have a bad day I will simply say '"Ahhh *kitten*!" and move on.

So anyone needing a little support or wanting a little in return, feel free to add me :)
Also search out Moonface48. She is my BESTIE!! Tell her I sent you to stalk her :)



  • Flygirl214
    Flygirl214 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Rikki,
    My name is Angela and I am the same. Had MFP on my phone for ages, but just committed to getting back to my healthy lifestyle 2 weeks ago. I am so onboard if you want support. My background is in personal training, but due to 2 major injuries I was inactive for the better part of the past 2 years. I am now trying to get my old body back and rehab these injuries.

    Add me as a friend and we can do this together.
  • sweetmelissa40
    Pretty much exactly how I feel!!

    Add me, if you like!!
  • Becky0582
    Becky0582 Posts: 23
    Looks like we ae in this together! I am committing to this as of tomorrow a.m. Been playing around on the site today just to get a good feel of the tools and such! Good luck with your journey!
  • MissyPooPoo74
    Hello! My name is Melissa and this is my first time on the computer using MFP. I usually use my iPhone. Just wanted to say Hi! I am also struggling w/ my weight and am dead serious about getting it off! My metabolism is like a snail. So, hopefully with everyone support on here, I can be a sucess! I need to look good for my upcoming special day :~)
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Yes - you can friend me if you like!
  • lillyy23
    lillyy23 Posts: 136 Member
    hello you can add me too! I just checked out this site. I downloaded on my phone but i havent completed adapted to using it every day. I forget to track sometimes, and somedays im just like whatever i dont care anymore. so its been on/ off with weight loss, but i really wanna lose at least a few pounds so that i dont look hideous in a bikini for summer :P I didnt even know there was social boards,so its kinda like sparkpeople.
  • Huggybearz75
    Huggybearz75 Posts: 29 Member
    Request sent :)
  • MizRik
    MizRik Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks everyone!!