Those of you who have lost 40+ pounds

How exactly did you do it?? What foods did you cut out of your diet?? How many hours a day did/do you work out?? Did you ever allow yourself drinks with friends or drinks on weekends????? I need to switch some things up because I am a stand still for over 2 months now... Help


  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    Ok- I will try my best to answer them all. I didnt cut out food as much as checked the nutritional values/calories when making food choices and I would pick the yummiest thing with the least amount of calories. I eat 6 times a day. I work out 6 times a week. I still drink once in awhile.

    Interestingly enough, I had to add calories into my diet daily to break plateaus. I started eating back some of my exercise calories burned. I only at some because I never trusted MFP exercise burn amounts. The weight started to fall off again and I am never hungry ever.

    I hope this helps
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Ok- I will try my best to answer them all. I didnt cut out food as much as checked the nutritional values/calories when making food choices and I would pick the yummiest thing with the least amount of calories. I eat 6 times a day. I work out 6 times a week. I still drink once in awhile.

    Interestingly enough, I had to add calories into my diet daily to break plateaus. I started eating back some of my exercise calories burned. I only at some because I never trusted MFP exercise burn amounts. The weight started to fall off again and I am never hungry ever.

    I hope this helps

    how many hours a day did you work out????
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    around 30 minutes if I am running (I do 5k a few times a week)
    around 1 hour if I do strength/job (i do a few times a week)
    around 1 hour-2hours if I am playing basketball
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I have lost 65 lbs over the last two years - I haven't cut out anything, just cut back on portion sizes. At the start I was exercising 1.5 hours 4x a week, not eating back calories. Then I started eating them back. Now, I have a fitbit so just eat to maintain a 1000 calories deficit in my day, regardless of how much (or how little exercise) I do. I'm in a bit of a rut at the moment (eating chocolate and then having to work it off) but I'm slowly getting my head around my binge issues, even if that doesn't reflect in my diary.

    I've been consistently losing about 5lbs a month for the last 3 months - which is where I want it to be. Not too fast, not too slow. I have about 40lbs to go.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    50 lbs. lost this year. Walking and not much else. Eating a lot better then I was.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I have cut absolutely nothing out of my diet, I just make sure to meet my calorie goals. If I cut things out then I wouldn't feel like I could sustain this longterm and that's the point of this whole thing! I do drink, again - this is a lifestyle! I pick lower calorie things, and make sure I get a good workout in that day to make up for it and drink lots of water. I work out 5-6 days a week, depending on the week for about an hour a day.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I also didn't really cut anything out of my diet - except soda. I dropped that bad habit first, then started making healthier choices, and really paying attention to portion sizes. I knew that if I made any food "off limits" I would cave and binge, so I just stuck with a serving of what I wanted, and made sure to have the calories for it.

    I worked out 5 days a week - three days of weights and two cardio (usually Zumba). I also found that to get through some plateaus I needed to add calories to my daily intake in order to keep losing. I would eat three meals, and 2-3 healthy snacks a day, that I carried in my bag, and drank a TON of water. It's all I drink now, really. But occasionally I will have drinks with friends, too.

    You can do it! Good luck!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    It was a while back but I just switched out my lunches and breakfasts for healthier options. Lots of fruits and veggies. I still ate what I wanted for dinner and went out with friends to eat on weekends. I actually never exercised aside from colorguard practice. It was years ago though. I just made sure to keep track of my calories and made most of my meals big from veggies or fruits so I felt more satisfied.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i try to net about 1000 calories a day (net is after exercise)....1200 is the goal but on major workout days like today that can be hard. this means i generally eat about 1600 calories a day. it took some time to figure out how many calories worked for me.

    exercise began with couch to 5k for treadmills, then i added bridge to 10k once i could do the 5k. when i was doing bridge to 10k i also was doing 30 day shred. so i started at around 30 minutes a day and worked my way up to about 85 minutes a day. currently i run 10k three times a week, walk 8k with my dogs four times a week and i am doing jillian micheals body revolution. i have developed a love affair with exercise. i eat back what i have to of my exercise calories. sometimes i am so hungry i eat them all back, sometimes i don't eat any back. i listen to my body.

    sometimes....about once every two weeks i do not worry about calories. i just go out for a nice dinner and have a few pints. for food there is nothing i "cut out", but there are many things i have cut back on. i just focus on making my macros and calorie counts.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    How exactly did you do it?? What foods did you cut out of your diet?? How many hours a day did/do you work out?? Did you ever allow yourself drinks with friends or drinks on weekends????? I need to switch some things up because I am a stand still for over 2 months now... Help

    1) Nothing is cut out. I eat a lot less of some foods (like refined carbs) and a lot more of others (fresh veggies and protein). We cook virtually all of our food, but that isn't a change I made when I started losing weight...we've always done that. I just eat less and plan higher calorie foods into my day. You can look at my diary; it's open. Foods that should be treats finally ARE treats, versus things I have whenever I feel like it.

    2) I am at the gym 5-7 hours a week. I also have more activity in my daily life too...more walks for the dog, bike rides with the family, etc. I love exercise and it's now a very important part of my life.

    3) Yes. I had a very nice vodka soda last night, I drink (good) beer when I go out and there's great stuff on tap, I go out for dinner a few times a month.

    Generally: When I am good I am very very good, and when I am bad I am horrid. Apparently that balance works well for my weight loss; I have lost 113.5 pounds and never once plateaued. I had weeks where I didn't lose but those were generally following one of those horrid weekends I mentioned above.
  • scrang37
    scrang37 Posts: 21 Member
    I cut out as much sugar as possible, cook more at home, and drink lots of water. As for exercise, I have 5 kids and work outside the home so I typically would try to get in 3 days at the gym. However, in the last 5 weeks I haven't made it once, but I am still losing weight:) When I hit a plateau for about 3 weeks I was ready to give up. Instead I had a spike day and ate double my calories then started eating right the very next day. Amazingly enough, that must have helped because I lost 2 lbs that week. After that I also decided to take measurements instead of just looking at my scale. I continue to have success and wish you well:D
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I have lost almost 60 pounds, but it took 1.5 years to do it.

    i upped my protein, cut my carbs way back except for one day a week, when i allow myself more. Increased water intake, and i work out about 15 hours a week. That include 9 hours of weight training, and the rest cardio. i've recently started doing intervals on my cardio training, and it released me from a plateau. Just needed to change things up, i guess.

    It seems more likely that the weight will stay off when it comes off slowly, so i'm happy with my progress. And these days i worry more about moving my bodyfat percentage downwards, and less about scale weight.

    I've got from a size 16 to a size 6. :D
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I didn't cut anything out totally. I do try to eat as well as I can as often as I can, but I also have splurges sometimes.

    A big thing for me is getting out for a walk. I try to walk at least half an hour every day. I really got away from it over the winter, and I'm glad to be back to it.

    It's a long road, but so worth it!
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    I don't cut out any foods, I just eat in moderation and I make sure that what I am eating stays within my calorie goals for the day. I have a splurge day about every 2-3 weeks where I don't count anything. I find that this helps to jumpstart my losses again, especially now that I am nearing the end of the losing weight part of my journey (I only plan on losing 12-15 more pounds and it's getting harder to shed those). Next, I plan on moving on to some serious weight training.

    I only drink water and skim milk. But I was that way before I started to lose weight. I just don't like alcohol. My decision to not drink has nothing to do with weight loss. I try to drink 12 cups of water every day.

    I workout 6 days every week and make sure to get my rest day in. I do NOT spend hours in the gym. In fact, I have only been to an actual gym to work out maybe 3 times since I have started to lose weight. I LOVE workout DVDS, especially Jillian Michaels. I also love running and swimming. Truthfully, the large majority of my workouts last between 30-45 minutes except if I'm going for a long run (more than 5 miles). This has worked for me. When I workout, I go hard and I push myself but I don't feel like I need to go for hours to see results. I have lost 82 pounds this way.

    I hope this helps you! Best of luck and congrats on your loss so far!
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    I have lost 53 pounds so far. I did not cut anything out. If I want something, I work it into my calories (including alcohol). I do find that at this point I don't want much for "junk food" because it isn't worth the calories and I don't have cravings like I used to. I aslo make sure that I eat plenty and I don't feel deprived at all

    As for working out, I go to the gym 3-4x/week and do weights (about an hour) and 30 min cardio. The days I don't go to the gym, I try to walk.
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    How exactly did you do it?? What foods did you cut out of your diet?? How many hours a day did/do you work out?? Did you ever allow yourself drinks with friends or drinks on weekends????? I need to switch some things up because I am a stand still for over 2 months now... Help

    I work out 5 days a week 1hr to 1,5 per day, eat normal food just watch the porition size, Drink every now and then, The big thing for me was portion size, and lots of water. Good luck
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    I also didn't really cut anything out of my diet - except soda. I dropped that bad habit first, then started making healthier choices, and really paying attention to portion sizes. I knew that if I made any food "off limits" I would cave and binge, so I just stuck with a serving of what I wanted, and made sure to have the calories for it.

    This is pretty much what I did - soda was my big vice. In addition to exercise, I also started paying attention to macros, making sure I was getting all of the health benefits too.
    CVALGAL Posts: 108 Member
    Hi. I've been losing consistently for the last 8+ months. I haven't really cut out much, I just eat less of everything. Trying to eat balanced meals. But i do have a sweet tooth. I just don't binge anymore, and dont eat quite as many fried foods. My doc told me to workout more days of the week than not, so that means at least 4 days a week. I've been trying to get 5-6 here lately though.My workouts are generally between 30 minutes to an hour. But I also try to be more active in general. I have hit several plateaus along the way but like Hapoo...I found that when i increased my calorie intake, I would start losing again. I don't drink alcohol so I cant help you with that. Hope you are able to find what works for you!
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    Please keep in mind that when I started in january I started at 226, so lost weight quicker than someone who is lighter.

    I exercise 5 to 6 times a week, typically its zumba for 60 minutes. I just started C25K. I try to ride my bike every now and then to shock my body or do a workout video to change it up, but never miss zumba unless I have to work.

    As far as my diet I do not drink alcohol, never did though. I follow 1200-1300 cals a day.

    I also watch nutritional information. I watch my carb intake, I eat carbs but keep it at 100grams or less. My macros are 30% carbs, 40% protein and 30% fat. I try to stay away from fast food, but at least once to twice a month will hit a Denny's, Sweet Tomatoes, Chilli's. Most of those times I am able to stay within my cals, but other occasions when I have to have desert (chocolate is my alcohol) I go way over. But its a rare occasion. I only had 2 weeks since January where I did not have a loss.

    This plan works for me, not everyone may agree with it, and it might not work for them.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    modest calorie deficit (eat above BMR for your net), cardio 4 times a week, lifting weights 3 times a week. Cardio maybe 30 minutes at a time, weights for 30 minutes, too (some days would have both cardio and strength). At least one rest day a week, too. I didn't cut anything out. Everything in moderation. If I could go back I would cut back on the drinking. I am doing that now though..