Those of you who have lost 40+ pounds



  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I did it one step at a time. First thing I did was to cut out empty calories like sodas, alcohol & fruit drinks also fast foods. However I still eat normally. Then when I discovered MFP, that's where the big change came because although I was losing prior to MFP but I plateaued & had no idea that I was eating way too much calories. It actually took me 3 years to lose 50 lbs. or 22 kilos.

    As for my workout, I started out doing 30 min cardio 3x a week & then up the workout days & intensity later. For now I workout 6 days a week, 3 days for heavy weight lifting & 4 days cardio (since I'm on cutting phase so I have to up my cardio).

    Even though I already achieved my weight loss goals, I keep on improving myself. Although I'm very happy about what my body achieved but I don't stop improving my physique.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I cut a lot out.

    Fast food. Pop. **** like that.

    But....if I had calories left and I wanted something I ate it.

    I've had cheat days. Hell all last week was a cheat week.

    I go to the gym 3-4 days a week and mostly do cardio.

    I also do pilates and yoga twice a week and play a few fitness games on my kinect 3-4 times a week.

    I'm still learning.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    How exactly did you do it?? What foods did you cut out of your diet?? How many hours a day did/do you work out?? Did you ever allow yourself drinks with friends or drinks on weekends????? I need to switch some things up because I am a stand still for over 2 months now... Help

    How did you do it? - Counting calories, tracking EVERYTHING even a bite of something. Not lying, doing it for myself, but before I could even start, I had to find something I loved about myself and go from there. I Had to find my self worth, I had to believe I was truly worth being better before I could be better.

    What foods did you cut out of your diet? - The only food I've truly cut out is fried foods. I do not allow myself to eat fried and honest I don't miss it...

    How many hours a day did/do you workout? - I work out 4-5 times a week and I work out probably about an hour every day. Not all the time but that's my average.

    Did you ever allow yourself drinks with friends or drinks on weekends? - I drink a glass of wine every now and then, once in awhile my husband and I will go out and I'll have a drink. I don't deprive myself, this is after all a life style. If I deprive myself I won't do it after my weight is off.

    Sounds like a Plateau you are at, I suggest zigzagging your calories, tricking your metabolism.
  • KettleBellHoe
    KettleBellHoe Posts: 161
    I weighed 180 at age 15. Mostly muscle from Mixed martial arts but also way too much fat percentage from all the junk I considered to be food.
    I started dating my Boyfriend Dan at 16, hes all about health and putting good **** into his body so I decided to transform myself .

    I cut out all sodas,all corn syrop/artificial flavor products, nothing in cans or packaged for convenience(so much salt)
    No white flour products,nothing with MSG or Trans Fat, no alcohol, no coffee.

    It's important to take vitamins everyday especially Fish oil because the omega 3/6 fats help you metabolize fat and gives you a higher mood because fish oil niacin and glutamine is what your brain basically eats.

    Green tea,hemphearts,salmon,oats,spirulina,all seaweeds,all fruits and veggies << these were my secrets, Whole Foods

    Lots of cardio(x3 a week or more) plus strength training which is very important because building lean muscle and losing fat percentage go hand in hand.
    So my favorite exercises are using the Kettlebell(1 minute of kettlebell is 20 calories! )elliptical,,jogging,Pilates(for nice bum,lower abs and thighs), And any kind of martial arts training is ideal as it focuses on making you a lean mean fighting machine.

    What I did definitely works because I am just under 130lbs now, Although it did take me well over a year to get there.

    Progress not perfection, your body is undergoing a transformation it can't be rushed.
    It is a beautiful thing so cherish the time you put in with your body to become happy and healthy.
  • Abrowe313
    Abrowe313 Posts: 189 Member
    i stopped eating fast food except for subway, i drink nothing but water and green tea now , i gave up drinking diet pepsi which was a huge thing for me. and i try to work out at least 4 days a week. i have drank alchohol during my weight loss but try to keep the cal intake under my daily goal no matter what.
  • Civeng1
    Civeng1 Posts: 11
    I'm down 46 pounds. I don't work out at all and have done this with sensible diet. I cut my calories down to the level recommended here. the home run was losing my apetite for sweets and carbs by cutting back. I have some carbs each day, but never feature them with a meal. I don't drink hardly anyway, so that didn't affect me, but I did cut out all drinks except water and green tea, with an occasional cup of coffee unsweetened.
  • PixelTreason
    PixelTreason Posts: 226 Member
    You are going to find that people have many different ways to reach their goals and lots of them work. You can choose your own that woks for you!

    I lost about 50 pounds over 9 months or so. (167 to 115)

    I cut out "white" carbs - bread, pasta, rice, potatoes. In fact, I didn't even have whole wheat bread/pasta, or brown rice for a long time. Only now that I am maintaining have I brought some whole wheat and grains back into my diet.
    Cutting out a good chunk of grains helped a lot, if only because it took away a lot of calories that I then filled with whole fruits, veggies and lean meats!

    I also cut out as much added sugar and processed foods as I could.
    Oh, and I drink only water, almond milk, coffee and tea.

    I always had a "cheat" day (still do) where I still exercised and stayed in my calorie goals for the most part but ate foods I had been missing (pancakes, ribs, cornbread).

    I did a lot of cardio, mostly on the elliptical. Six days a week for 30 minutes to an hour of high intensity work.
    (Now that I am maintaining I have worked in strength training along with jogging. The elliptical sits unused in the corner except for rainy days!)

    That was just my way. There are many others!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    How exactly did you do it?? What foods did you cut out of your diet?? How many hours a day did/do you work out?? Did you ever allow yourself drinks with friends or drinks on weekends????? I need to switch some things up because I am a stand still for over 2 months now... Help

    I didn't cut anything out, I just started following portion sizes and keeping track of how many calories I ate. It helps that I haven't liked wasting precious calories on drinks for years anyway (I drink diet soda, coffee with creamer and sweetener, and water).

    I currently work out about an hour and a half at least 5 days per week (I'm in a challenge) but at first I did 30-45min cardio per day or a session of 30DS.

    I did and do still go out for alcoholic drinks sometimes. Sometimes when I go I limit myself to Diet Coke if I haven't got the calories. It still looks like I'm having my usual rum and diet but no one but me can tell there is no alcohol so I don't feel left out. I'm probably a better dancer without the alcohol anyway.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I didn't stop eating anything that I wanted. I learned to control my portions, stay within my calorie limits, and eat more of the "healthy" stuff and less of the "junk". As far as food, I eat lots of fruit and vegetables now, probably more chicken, turkey, lean beef, and fish than I ever did before, and have found many ways to make protein shakes that are much more nutritious than the ice cream that I used to crave (and just as tasty).

    I work out 4 - 5 times a week for 45 - 60 minutes with lots of cardio and some strength training mixed in every other day. I started running a couple of months ago, and yesterday I ran my first 5k.

    I am 58 years old, and have lost 84 lbs. in just under 8 months without denying myself much of fact I had a beer this afternoon, just because it was a beer kind of day. If you make changes that you cannot maintain over time it will be very difficult to maintain any weight loss. This is a lifestyle change - not a diet and exercise program.

    Good luck with your goals - if I can do it anyone can! :drinker:
  • nheilweil
    nheilweil Posts: 82 Member
    I stuck to 1,200 calories a day after exercise (which is 1,000 cal under my TDEE and amounted to a weight loss of about 2 lbs. a week). So, if I burned 400 calories at the gym, I'd eat 1,600 calories (1,200 & 400).

    I do cardio every day for a minimum of 30 minutes. Started out walking (two 15-min. sessions) and progressed to joining a gym and hitting the elliptical machine for a higher calorie burn. Some days I'd go to the gym twice just to burn some extra calories!

    At first, I just tried eating less of everything I normally ate, but I couldn't stand the small portions and feeling hungry. I quickly learned to make better food choices -- big salads with loads of veggies and just a little balsamic vinegar, TONS of broccoli, lean proteins with every meal, drinking lots of water. I would joke "I've never eaten so much food in my life as when I've been on a diet).

    I also got a body fat scale so that on weeks where I might show no weight loss, and I'd otherwise conclude I had stalled, I could see that my body fat was going down.

    OK, so I've shared what works for me, but what about you? How many calories do you eat each day? How often do you work out? Is there anything else besides you weight which has changed over the last couple months -- like less body fat, a smaller waistline, etc?

    Finally, I'd say -- if you're stuck change less and workout more!
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    I've almost lost 40 lbs. I eat 1200 calories a day except for one meal a week, where I eat what I want. I don't work out, although I'm working on changing that.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    Down 72 lbs in just under a year. My wife and I have been vegetarian for years, so we don't do meat/fish/poultry, and we limit our dairy, so we didn't really cut anything NEW out of our diets, but we had that going. We limit our sweets to (at most) 1 a day. Our biggest change was portion sizes; what we were eating was (for the most part) fine. We were just eating too much. I work out between 30-60 minutes a day. I don't drink, but my wife has an occasional glass of wine if we go out; she just plans for it.

    I'm sure you can do it. My wife & I have both hit plateaus and eventually busted through. Good luck!
  • RainRedfield
    RainRedfield Posts: 597 Member
    Cut out the junk... increased protein and veggies... walk every day :)
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    How exactly did you do it??
    Portion control and exercise, counting calories and measuring food mainly :)

    What foods did you cut out of your diet??

    How many hours a day did/do you work out??
    On my workout days, at least half an hour. I do mainly body weight and strength exercises. Though lately I have started to incorporate a bit more cardio (walking and learning to run) now. I generally workout 5 - 6 days a week.

    Did you ever allow yourself drinks with friends or drinks on weekends?????
    Sure do :), but I'm not much of a drinker.. I don't let my lifestyle change dictate my social life though :)

    I am not doing anything that I don't expect to keep doing for the rest of my life. My weight loss is slow,19 kilos (42 lbs) in 9 months, but it's been steady with no plateaus.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    How exactly did you do it?? What foods did you cut out of your diet?? How many hours a day did/do you work out?? Did you ever allow yourself drinks with friends or drinks on weekends????? I need to switch some things up because I am a stand still for over 2 months now... Help

    Nearly at 40 pounds and halfway to my goal.

    I had a head start on the diet part. I have been eating fairly clean for 5+ years.
    Foods I don't eat: things with transfat (rare exceptions, i.e. when my mom makes cake for a holiday), preservatives
    Foods I try to avoid: artificial dyes

    Otherwise everything is OK in moderation. I eat cakes, cookies, pastries (from local bakeries that use good ingredients).

    In terms of meals: I try to limit starches to 2X a day, mostly whole grains. I try to exceed 20 grams a day of fiber, and eat my 5 a day.

    I try to avoid most added sugar, and limit my treats (sweets etc) to about 2-3 times a week. On the weekend I usually have a couple of cheat meals. They almost always fit into my calories for the day. Either I eat less on the other meals or I eat moe of my exercise calories.

    I only have one drink at the bar, and I make it one really exciting one. For the rest of the night I stick to water, sparkling water or tea. I have a drink about once a week.

    I do planned exercise 3-4 times a week for an hour (strength and cardio) and fit in maybe another hour or two of unplanned activity like walking to errands or yoga.

    Good luck!
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    How exactly did you do it?? What foods did you cut out of your diet?? How many hours a day did/do you work out?? Did you ever allow yourself drinks with friends or drinks on weekends????? I need to switch some things up because I am a stand still for over 2 months now... Help

    1) set a calorie goal in MFP
    2) recorded everything I ate... EVERYTHING... EVERY DAY
    3) I used exercise as my carrot to substitute carrots for carrot cake
    4) A food scale for accuracy
    5) being a pain in the *kitten*... Not going to restaurants that didn't have healthy options, making 5 substitutions to bring a 1500 calorie menu option down to 500, bringing my own healthy food options to parties (if i knew healthy options wouldn't be available), and drastically cutting back on my alcohol consumption and spectating at my friends attempt at power hour.
    5) Persistence... i'm at about 80-90 pounds of loss... and it took me 1 year and 3 months about.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Were your workouts easy, medium or high intensity? (or varied!?)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    How exactly did you do it??

    Never quitting, always looking to do better, and tons of rough hard dedicated days.
    What foods did you cut out of your diet

    I've tried to cut out eating out as much as possible. When I was eating out and tracking, I was not losing. My guess is that this is because restaurants don't report their nutritional information correctly or the portion sizes are off somehow. I was (obviously) eating way more than I thought I was. At home, I just weigh, measure, and homecook everything. Sofar, it's been much more effective.
    How many hours a day did/do you work out??

    When I started, I spent all my time doing cardio. That worked but was B-O-R-I-N-G as heck. I'd have to bring my laptop and watch movies on the stationary bike just to amuse myself long enough to get through it.

    Now, I just do 20 mins light cardio 3x per week and 45 mins of compound lifting and weight training (heavy lifts). The results are incredible. I'm much "leaner" looking despite the scale number not moving as much as before. I look about 10 lbs lighter than I really am. Plus, seeing the strength gains has really taught me a good lesson: I am really strong, physically and mentally. I'm a tough woman. That is more than I ever got from doing incessant cardio workouts.

    FYI: I'm not saying cardio is bad, just not my thing. Just find something you LOVE to do.
    Did you ever allow yourself drinks with friends or drinks on weekends?????

    I rarely drink. Only one drink per night also. I used to have a drinking problem, so I just keep that on a very tight leash. You CAN drink and lose weight, but you need to be careful and track those calories also. Clear liquors and diet sodas or juices are good very low calorie drinks.
    I need to switch some things up because I am a stand still for over 2 months now... Help

    Here's the checklist:

    1. Are you eating what you're logging? Make sure you are measuring diligently and tracking everything including condiments and drinks.
    2. Are you eating enough? I started here eating 1200 calories per day. That worked, until I completely stalled out for two months. Eating more was the only thing that helped. 1200 calories is the MINIMUM. If you are working out, you need a lot more to fuel those workouts.
    3. How is your sodium/potassium ratio? Water retention is often caused by excess sodium intake and insufficient potassium intake. Try to balance them as best you can. Potassium rich foods include: black beans, tomatoes, spinach, bananas, potatoes, and peas.
    4. If you recently made a change, give it a full month to take effect. It takes a while to be sure what the effects are of any dietary changes so be patient

    Finally, I'll just issue my standard public service announcement here: Please set some fitness goals for yourself. Do not measure all your success by the scale, because you will want to quit somewhere along the way. It happens. Throw that energy into something you CAN achieve with solid hard work: a fitness goal.

    Hope this helps.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Were your workouts easy, medium or high intensity? (or varied!?)

    I keep my intensity high. I do intervals, heavy weights or more sets depending on the day. My unplanned exercise is lower intensity. (Walk at normal pace, which for me is basically 3mph)
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member

    Generally: When I am good I am very very good, and when I am bad I am horrid.
    Love this... there was a little girl... who had a little curl...
    Nice job on the weight loss!