I'm thinking about buying a timex HRM

So, Ive been doing some research, and im thinking about buying a timex HRM. I found one on ebay for like 40 bucks! Does anyone have one, or had any good experiences with it? or bad?? I wanted to buy a bodybugg but I dont want to spend that much money on it. Thanks


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Don't do it! TImex's are absolute crap at estimating calories burned... and the only thing it is good for is estimating heart rate.
    I had one once and for 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill, speed 3.0, incline around 10 or so, it told me I burned 580 calories.. which is insane! I did the same exercise with my Polar FT7 HRM, and only burned 300 something... so there was a major difference.

    Honestly, save your money and buy a Polar.. You can get the Polar FT4 off of amazon for 60 dollars and free shipping.. and it will be much better than the TImex.
  • chellyy_beann
    chellyy_beann Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks!!! I'm definitely going to do that!! It doesn't need like a monthly membership or anything right?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    When I was HRM shopping, I read all the topics about them here, then looked them up on Amazon & read the user reviews there. Narrowed my choices down to two - either a Polar or a New Balance N4. Money is tight, so I looked up both models on eBay and put auctions for new items on my watchlist. The New Balance came up first, and I got it for $26 (retails for $70) - works great, it was brand new in the box, instructions and all.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Thanks!!! I'm definitely going to do that!! It doesn't need like a monthly membership or anything right?

    No it doesn't.. Polars are strictly HRM's.

    Just don't wear them all day.. they are not made for that!
  • JennyNotSoSkinny
    JennyNotSoSkinny Posts: 97 Member
    I got the new balance n4 yesterday. Love it so far. Feels accurate.
  • Becky0582
    Becky0582 Posts: 23
    My husband bought me a Polar FT7 a few years ago and I love it...it was around $100, but well worth it!