Anyone else limited due to back problems?



  • margejonez
    margejonez Posts: 14
    I amnot limited by back problems but by two knee surgeries and a broken foot in four places. I also am having a problem reaching any goal at a fast pace. I am just trying to take one day at a time and do what I can do. Sounds as though your doing fine.. I am 5" 6
    weigh 210 lbs. 60 years old and trying to get down to at least 150. I started at 244 in Jan. I am also diabetic. Keep up the good work your doing awesome!!!!
  • Bogz8
    Bogz8 Posts: 2 Member
    shankylmor, are you able to do Zumba with your back injuries? I used to do it all the time, and I'm afraid to start back up again because I haven't been able to do much of anything with all the damage I have from my car accident. I want to....but I am nervous....does dancing bother you? It's good that there are forums like this.....I'm just starting to realize that if other people with similar conditions to mine can do this, then maybe I can, too. :smile:
  • geezer99
    geezer99 Posts: 92
    My doctor gave me the choice; "Wear a back brace for the rest of your life, or build your own brace out of muscle." And so I swim. Finding a knowledgeable trainer or physical therapist is probably a good idea but look around for someone with the necessary specialized experience
  • shankylmor
    shankylmor Posts: 19 Member
    I'm going to find out where I can join a pool this week. Sounds like an excellent exercise for me.
  • shankylmor
    shankylmor Posts: 19 Member
    I tried yoga but it flared my back up again. I thought it may of been coincidence and tried again and same thing happened again. I think its the downward bending that does it.
  • shankylmor
    shankylmor Posts: 19 Member
    I agree and feel the same way.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    I had lower back problems within the last 6 years, and it decreased tremendously when I began to diligently perform daily lower-back and leg stretches that don't put a lot of pressure on the spine. Eliminating the pain then allowed me to start working on increasing flexibility with body-weight standing twists and gentle side stretches. This in turn allowed me to start lifting hand-weights for standing shoulder presses and lunges. Finally, I found myself able to turn to the elliptical and be able to "ellipse" for long enough to start burning calories and lose weight. I had to strengthen the relevant muscles first, though.

    Best wishes for a safe and full recovery.
  • shankylmor
    shankylmor Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks...I love walking and used to be an avid hiker. Who knows I may just work my way back to that once my weight lowers.
  • shankylmor
    shankylmor Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks. I have been noticing a difference in my pain with the weight lowering. More energy than before too. I am still get physio and traction on my back and neck. Hope you feel better too.
  • shankylmor
    shankylmor Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks. It's so comforting to not feel alone in this battle anymore.
  • shankylmor
    shankylmor Posts: 19 Member
    I bought the zumba x-box game but have not tried it I guess we will see. As far as dancing goes...I dance around the house with the radio on every now and again.(usually a few minutes) I don't think I'm up to a night out dancing.
  • shankylmor
    shankylmor Posts: 19 Member
    I agree. The right physiotherapist makes a huge difference. I've been through a few and am very pleased with who I am now with.
  • imbanter
    imbanter Posts: 72 Member
    I had lower back problems that plagued me for years and for which I had to go to a chiropractor for years to treat when I was younger. During a visit with a doctor it came up because it was on that list of pre-visit questions they give. He told me the best thing I could do is to build the muscles in my back and it would help with the pain. His explanation was simple - the muscles would essentially support my spine and take some of the pressure off of discs and that pinched nerve that was hurting. I was already lifting with friends and started working my back muscles regularly and the pain in fact did go away and I quit seeing the chiropractor - that was 15+ years ago. Deadlifts in particular built the muscles in my lower back. At the top of the lift push your shoulders back and your belly forward so you kind of feel it in the lower back muscles. Of course I have no way of knowing how bad off you are but it helped me.
  • shankylmor
    shankylmor Posts: 19 Member
    Yes, muscle will help my spine. If i can even strengthen my core I think it will make a difference.
  • shankylmor
    shankylmor Posts: 19 Member
    Dead lifts were one of my FAVORITES when I was working out. Presently I can't bend forward very well without pain...I'm thinking of trying planks..not sure how that will go. My core is horrible.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Yes. I'm pretty broken up. Two car accidents, one horse accident. A few other bang ups. It can be challenging for me.

    If you want to do squats, that kinda messed up my spine, it snags my spine out. Squats is the one thing I should be doing. I just have to be careful. I have to be careful when twisting because my right posterior ribs were still broken last time they checked. Doctor said be careful when twisting. Dont over twist. Haaah.

    Guess the answer is YES. I was getting trigger point injections at Kaiser for the lower discs in my spine. And spinal arthritis.
    Next treatments have been prescribed. They've referred me to outside of the network to a accupuncturist. I've done two therapeutic salts baths and stretching two times a day, and medication for a while now. I can usually go on the eliptical machine pretty good after taking a hot salt bath. It helps to take the pain away, so I can move better. I also do this theracane for the pressure points. I have fibromyalgia on top of it. It kinda sucks. I try to stay positive.
  • dbent80
    dbent80 Posts: 7
    Its a problem but also a motivation....its time to work on the core muscles
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Hello, I too have back problems. I have degenerative disc disease and have had 3 back surgeries. I would love to be friends so please feel free to check out my profile and add me if you would like. I love to motivate, support and encourage others.

  • SoulHippie
    SoulHippie Posts: 8 Member
    I have the same issue. I was in a bad car accident in 06 and ever since then my weight had just increased. It sucks because I feel like I could do so much more in my workouts, only if it wasn't for my back killing me.