To much protein?

Is it a bad thing when your protein is in the red? I always thought protein is a good factor when trying to loose unwanted weight...I am doing well in all other areas and staying within my daily allowance...except for protein...when I look back at the end of the is the eggs and chicken doing it...thanks for any thoughts you may have! :-)


  • TammyJo0
    TammyJo0 Posts: 3
    PS...I have only been doing this for 6 days :bigsmile:
  • jasperann
    jasperann Posts: 136 Member
    I go over on my protein all the time. I am actually trying to at the moment. I am aiming for 100+ in protein per day. But I work out hard and I need it for my muscles to recover properly. When I don't have it then my muscles hurt really bad.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Protein is needed for muscle recovery. Too much is not bad. I always try to be over 100g protein daily, and try to be over in my fiber. Everything else I try to stay under in my macros!
  • imsomony
    imsomony Posts: 18 Member
    It depends on how you're setting your protein allowance. If I remember right, the basic setting is 40g per day, but you can customize the allowance based on your goals (like how the others who commented here are aiming for 100+).
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    HI, I usually am over 100m as well each day. It depends on you age and how active you are. You can also change your totals under "your goals".
  • TammyJo0
    TammyJo0 Posts: 3
    Thank you very much...When I see it in red...I thought that was a bad thing...I have only been doing this for a week...and feel better already...I find its not difficult if I plan ahead...thanks everyone for your support! :heart:
  • imbanter
    imbanter Posts: 72 Member
    It depends on how you're setting your protein allowance. If I remember right, the basic setting is 40g per day, but you can customize the allowance based on your goals (like how the others who commented here are aiming for 100+).

    The default protein intake on MFP is low. I changed personally changed mine to fit my goals. To answer your question - it will not hurt you to exceed the protein goal. I frequently take in more than 200g of protein a day and I feel great!
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    Not a bad thing at all! I get roughly 40% of my macronutrients from protein. You can check your settings as others have mentioned.
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    If your protein is unreasonably over your limit, and is not balanced with carbs, your kidneys start to freak out trying to get rid of all the extra protein and it can screw up your kidneys.

    I have kidney cancer already on both sides of my family so I'm very careful to try to keep my protein no more than 10 grams over my goal!
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    My daily protein goal is almost 200 grams
  • imbanter
    imbanter Posts: 72 Member
    If your protein is unreasonably over your limit, and is not balanced with carbs, your kidneys start to freak out trying to get rid of all the extra protein and it can screw up your kidneys.

    I have kidney cancer already on both sides of my family so I'm very careful to try to keep my protein no more than 10 grams over my goal!

    Just for clarification this is not actually been proven through clinical studies. There are studies that are ongoing to determine if excessive protein can in fact cause kidney problems. However, doctors frequently advise people with kidney problems (or a family history) to avoid high protein, low carb diets for for long periods ot time.
  • mary1970
    mary1970 Posts: 4 Member
    thank you everyone, I was really beginning to worry because my protein and fiber is over everyday (only been doing this for 17 days) glad to know it's ok. ps I do not eat red meat only poultry and eggs.
  • jennallyssa
    jennallyssa Posts: 4 Member
    Too much of anything isn't really good. But too much protein is bad for your kidneys, can cause Osteoporosis and it may also contribute to insomnia. If you go over a few g's, it's not too bad, but remember your greens, your fruits and 25% carbs!
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    MFP definitely sets the protein low. I manually changed mine to a 40/30/30 (carb/protein/fat) ratio, and it's a lot better! :) I also manually changed my fiber because it seemed really low.
  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    The Institute of Medicine recommends 45-65% from carbs, 20-35% from fat, and 10-35% of your calories comes from protein. The lower your daily caloric intake the greater portion of your calories should come from protein.
  • chaser1977
    chaser1977 Posts: 70 Member
    I thought this was a pretty good read. Should take a look. Personally I aim for 1g per lb of body weight.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I like my protein high because I'm trying to keep carbs under 50% in order to stave off insulin resistance.

    Calories have to come from someplace, so if it's not carbs, it's protein or fat.

    You have to eat something. The only problem I have ever heard of this is from my father who had 'weak' kidneys. Massively high protein stressed them and he got gout. If yours is just a little over, I honestly wouldn't worry.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    Yeah that is fine be myfitness pal and the app are very low when it comes to specs so if you work out eat alot of protein because it is good for you
  • 78Octane
    78Octane Posts: 68
    If your protein is unreasonably over your limit, and is not balanced with carbs, your kidneys start to freak out trying to get rid of all the extra protein and it can screw up your kidneys.

    This might be the most ridiculous post of the month, so far.

    In response to the OP, you need an ample amount of protein to sustain your current muscle mass while you are trying to lose body fat. A combination of protein and weight training is the only way to try to not lose muscle mass while cutting fat.

    Go to the goals tab and change your macro settings to 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat. Or 40/30/30 if you prefer. Get at least 30-40 % of your calories from lean protein.