Need more friends for motivation

I've been on this thing for about 18 months and after I got married my weight went up a bit (mainly cause of my honeymoon haha). I want to drop the last 6-8kg's to get back down to my idea weight but struggling a bit. Need more friends on here for some support. I got a few at the moment but there only seems to be a few of those who are active anymore.

I'm not worried where you're from or what your goals are, I think that any moral support we can provide to each other in this place is good support.

I'm from QLD AUS myself, so any more Aussies would be cool as well :D


  • ediesmommy
    ediesmommy Posts: 76
    Well, I'm not in Australia, but in Texas and I have only been on this site since May 3, but you are more than welcome to add me as a friend for moral support and encouragement!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Everyone should add him... good dude!
  • Gtg329x
    Gtg329x Posts: 6 Member
    me too I need friends and support!!!
  • BecciJG
    BecciJG Posts: 55 Member
    Hey, I'm from the uk but always happy for supportive friends who are motivated & can keep me motivated too. Could do with some more active friends :)