Fast Food Horror Stories



  • Puddykat1026
    Puddykat1026 Posts: 164 Member
    Hubby & I ordered Chinese food a few years ago & he bit into his fried rice & got a BOLT in his mouth! Probably from the vent up on top of the fryer/grill area & it fell in. We stopped eating there & my hubby has a fear of eating anything with stuff mixed in (ie. pasta or rice mixed with veggies or meat, etc).

    Also, about 8 years ago we bought some Sabrett hot dogs & my hubby bit into one & got a huge BONE in it! Poor hubby couldn't eat hot dogs for a LONG time! He's now buying the kosher ones in hopes they are prepared in a better fashion.

    I, thankfully, never had anything happen to me. I'm surprised my hubby doesn't live off of water yet, but I'm certain there's all kinds of things in water we don't want to know about. I live in FL & our tap water is NASTY! Only filtered water for me now.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I guess I'm not easily grossed out. I just pick the offending item out and keep going. I'm not going to die from someone's hair touching my food. Even if they do have a lot of split ends.
  • Reuxlette
    It's a roach.
    In his mouth.

    I am what my father calls a "milk fish" at times and chocolate milk used to be one of my favorite things to drink no matter WHAT I was eating.. Even pasta! Until about 30 seconds ago hahaha.. Gag me! Blargh!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Ick! Wow, this is really turning my stomach. Maybe we should archive this thread so anytime someone wants to binge they can read this and will no longer be hungry!

    Personally I've only found the occasional hair.

    I worked at a Mexican restaurant and after turning on the fryers one morning we realized a mouse had drowned... so it was scooped out. To be fair, the oil gets extremely hot, no bacteria could have survived.

    Same restaurant:
    Shrimp fell on the floor, tossed in garbage, boss told the person to pick them out and use them. And they were. (rinsed off...)

    Personal, I was eating wings out and realized that one of them had managed to get to my plate with a feather still on! Granted this was not a hygiene thing, it came from the chicken, but still. I still can't eat wings.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Years ago, hubby and I went to a local mom/pop cafe for breakfast. Sitting near the windows, hubby was just daydreaming out the window as he picked up a piece of bacon. I said "Uh, hon...look at that bacon before you put it in your mouth." The piece he was holding in his hand was attached to 2 more strips of bacon by a long, long hair that had been cooked into the bacon.

    Even longer ago, my first husband and I used to love taco subs from a local pizzeria. As we were eating ours one evening, he just kept chewing and chewing and chewing on a bite he'd taken from his sub. Finally, he pulls out of his mouth....a huge, thick, wadded up rubber band! Bleck!
  • Reuxlette
    Ick! Wow, this is really turning my stomach. Maybe we should archive this thread so anytime someone wants to binge they can read this and will no longer be hungry!

    Personally I've only found the occasional hair.

    I worked at a Mexican restaurant and after turning on the fryers one morning we realized a mouse had drowned... so it was scooped out. To be fair, the oil gets extremely hot, no bacteria could have survived.

    Same restaurant:
    Shrimp fell on the floor, tossed in garbage, boss told the person to pick them out and use them. And they were. (rinsed off...)

    Personal, I was eating wings out and realized that one of them had managed to get to my plate with a feather still on! Granted this was not a hygiene thing, it came from the chicken, but still. I still can't eat wings.

    I agree, even going as far as to create a nice little book with either illustrations or pictures of recreated scenarios would do a world of good for suppressing one's appetite for fast food!

    And the mouse thing.. Just gave me flashbacks to Beavis and Butthead and the many o' fried rats among other things that would frequent their fryers! I'm sure no one would find it as funny now knowing there was some truth to it lol.

    And I am thoroughly disgusted when turkeys have leftover quils in them so I definitely understand the whole chicken wing thing..
  • Reuxlette
    Even longer ago, my first husband and I used to love taco subs from a local pizzeria. As we were eating ours one evening, he just kept chewing and chewing and chewing on a bite he'd taken from his sub. Finally, he pulls out of his mouth....a huge, thick, wadded up rubber band! Bleck!

    How on earth does a rubberband make it in to someones food like that... What, were they preparing meals with their eyes closed?? And hairy bacon... Pass!!
  • hwarner1995
    I'm the kind of person who thinks hair is the grossest thing in the world, I will literally run away if someone tries to taunt me with a strand of hair (and believe me, they have). I was at a Dennys for breakfast and when the server brought me my pancakes, I immediately spotted a long black strand of hair. I couldn't help but scream "Eww there's a hair in my food" at the top of my lungs. I know it wasn't personally the servers fault, but I still demanded a replacement plate and my whole family's meal being free. The server agreed and was surprisingly very apologetic.

    I also recently bought a $10 dinner box from Pizza Hut and found of course yet again another hair. I called and complained but that was basically all I could do since I was home when I noticed it and they had no way of knowing if I planted it there myself.

    I still eat some fast food on occasion, but always carefully inspect my food. I always feel like there is something there I am missing and can never enjoy my food unless I cook it myself.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    This thread is DISGUSTING! LOL!

    My story is not fast food, or even a restaurant... it was a church potluck, and the offender just HAPPENED to be my mother.

    I invited my mom and dad to church one Sunday and after the service there would be a potluck. My mom decided to bring homemade potato salad. Well, as everyone was eating, I noticed a small commotion out of the corner of my eye... a nice (but freaked out) lady had approached my pastor with a large gold and diamond ring she has "found" in her potato salad! (She almost choked on it.) My very loud and boisterous mother hollered out, "oh yep, that'd be mine! I wondered where it went! I must've lost it in the potato salad when I was mixing it with my hands."

    I was MORTIFIED.
  • woopidydoo
    woopidydoo Posts: 79 Member
    I was eating a pizza turnover from a local restaurant. The pizza turnover was extremely cheesy... I started choking on what I thought was some extra long gooey cheese... I pulled up, from my throat, a huge clump of hair. It looked like someone with long brown hair cleaned out their hairbrush after a year and put it in my pizza turnover. It was awful!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I stopped eating seafood after I ordered some fried shrimp and one of them had not been de-veined. The vein was FULL of poop! Fortunately, I was already beginning the very long process of starting to keep kosher, so that helped the "no more seafood" step along nicely. Which is good, since I only ate seafood battered and fried.

    Oh, and for the lady whose husband is hoping that the kosher hot dogs are more hygienic. Nope. They're not. Sorry.
  • kellyroberts1
    kellyroberts1 Posts: 16 Member
    I got gastroenteritis after eating a Mcdonalds (not sure if it was from the Mcdonalds but it was directly after) and once you have vomited up a quarter pounder with cheese you wont want to eat one ever again.

  • sneakypackrat
    sneakypackrat Posts: 33 Member
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Once I bit into a Reese`s peanut butter cup and there were maggots. That was in high school. I am in my 40`s now and still can`t eat one. Never liked the consistency of the peanut butter in them anyway.

    I am the most horrified person alive. This thread is going to kill me.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    And here my best story is them messing up orders and forgetting straws.... Some of you have had some absolute TERRIBLE experiences...
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I don't eat fast food at all, EVR, but my best friend ate at a local McDonalds when she was visiting me, and got food poisoning for about 3 weeks. It was sooo awful. The doctor said it was the worst case he had ever seen. I prefer to homecook my meals now that I am living in Europe. Then I know exactly what is in it and if I find a hair, it will most likely be my own (I eat really clean). Since I wash my hair once and sometimes twice a day, I know it is super clean :).
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    My first job out of high school was at a Taco Bell knockoff based in Kansas. It was, and still is, a very poorly kept chain. The prices are very low, the store is very dirty, and corporate never wants to spend money on anything.

    When I first started working there it wasn't quite that hot yet, but one day I came into work and the air conditioner was broken. My general asked the district to have it repaired, but they said to just open the lobby doors and stop whining. So we did. The next day, as soon as I clocked in and no customers were around, my general pulled me close and said, "Don't say anything, but look down." I looked down and the floor was just CRAWLING with maggots. Having the doors open like that had brought in a whole host of flies and now they were everywhere. If she hadn't said anything, I would have thought it was stray cheese!

    The maggots must have been there for 3 weeks before either they just went away or corporate fixed the AC, I don't remember which. One day I was taking a guy's order, and halfway through the order I saw him look down on the counter by the register. I looked down too and a maggot was crawling across the dark orange countertop. I didn't know what to say, but the customer and I locked eyes for a while. Finally he said, "I get this for free now, right?"
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    Upset stomach is enough to turn me away from eating fast food. I had a craving for chicken nuggets, and decided to go and share some with my girl, she didn't eat any, a few fries, that's it. So I had some, shared with my dad. I paid for it two hours later. My body isn't used to junk anymore, I felt sick the whole day afterward as well...
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    mine isnt from a fast food place but sainsbury supermarket in the uk. I bought two cream cakes with raspberries on. I opened the box and one of them had wee tiny maggots all crawling around the raspberries. I took them back that very same afternoonnand had a real fight with the manager who thought that they didnt need to replace them. I wrote and complained got a voucher but... hello i never shopped there again.
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    I should also add that we had a complaint once that a customer found a dead fly in their taco. He accused one of our crew members of putting it in there, but he wouldn't do that. It must have just gotten mixed in with the cheese :S