lost 104 lbs...will help, support, & motivate others

This is the first time I've logged in online...I use the phone app. I'm a 37 female. I started ât...wait for it...

275 lbs.

That was a little over a year ago. Now I'm 173 lbs. No fad diets, no miracle pills, simply eating a very strict diet and training.
Luckily, one of my best friends is a body builder and private physical trainer, so he has supported me the whole way. I still have 23 lbs to lose til I'm ât my original goal of 150 lbs, but I think I'm going to lower the goal down to 135 lbs.

I know what being overweight feels like and what it does to a person's mind, body, heart, and soul. If you are serious about losing weight, getting in shape, and improving yor quality of life... I'm willing to offer support, recognition, and open my diet and exercise regimen so that you can see how I have been successful. I still have a long way to go, but I'm committed to my goal. If you send me a friend request, I will accept. I want to give back what had been given to me...support, correct information, and knowledge.

Good luck to everyone!


  • kel101477
    kel101477 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi your story inspires me. I have been trying to lose the last 20 lbs and i am failing miserably. Last week i started walking everyday. Now this week i am going to incorperate lifting at the gym. My weakness is carbs. If there is any advice you can give me I would greatly appreciate it. I work part time and have 2 boys 3yrs and 1yr old so time can sometimes be limited. Thanks for the inspiring story! Have a great day.
  • b0mbersfan
    b0mbersfan Posts: 16 Member
    Wow! 104! Thats a really big number... at 5'6" 290 i probably should have set a goal that big but didn't have the courage. Great job
  • wel done hun, xx
  • grumpy_lynn
    grumpy_lynn Posts: 14
    i added you as a friend, i hope you'll answer my friend request. I look forward to the motivation, encouragement and support along the way! Congratulations on losing so much - that gives me hope. Thanks much!!!
  • Drivnvws
    Drivnvws Posts: 2
    You already know...kill those carbs! Lol
    I have 2 little boys (3,6)...so I know it's difficult.

    Lean protein...that should b the bulk of your diet. Here is the great thing...kids will eat whatever u do, so that will help. I got all the carbs out of the cabinets, and put all "bad" food in one small cabinet. I never open it unless I'm serving kids right that minute. Cardio...I hate it, but its the only thing that works. I have to make myself do it every day. It always sucks. It's never going to b fun. Pap exams aren't fun either...we just do it. Lol

    You can do it! Don't let anyone discourage you.

    I forgot to put in my original post...women only please. Nothing against the wonderful men working so hard to lose weight, but my caloric intake and training program is geared for a woman so it would not be beneficial for you. Good Luck!