Need friends and motivation please!

I am new to this site thanks to my cousin Dan. I recently lost a baby due to an ectopic pregnancy, had a couple surgeries and now I have gained about 40lbs. I feel and look horrible. It's time to stop pity partying myself and get motivated. I tried to do this a month ago and failed miserably but this site really seems to motivate. is my website that I tried to keep a daily log but got tired of it after I gained weight back by being, well LAZY! Lack of will power!

I need motivation, my wedding is in 3 months. :embarassed:


  • Stallion_Duck007
    I am so sorry for your lost.
    But I congratulate you on bouncing back. Good for you, you are such a strong woman!
    I am actually kind of getting myself in shape for the same reason, my boyfriend is talking about moving to the next step in our relationship, so I want to be a thin bride!
    Oh and congratulations on the wedding!

    Staying motivated is HARD. IT'S HARD WORK. There's no easy way out for getting motivated, and staying motivated. You are going to get tired, and hungry, and you will want to cheat. And that's okay; because that's human.

    For me, it took me a LONG time to find something to fuel my butt being lifted from the computer couch. But one day, I just went running. So my first piece of advice;
    And when I went running, I felt better, and healthier. Which motivated me even more.
    And I it was a wednesday, most people say "oh tomorrow," and they continue that to justify not starting.
    so my second piece of advice;
    Why wouldn't you want to feel better about tomorrow? It's a new day and a new you. So work as hard as you can today to pay off tommarrow.
    and my third piece of advice;
    Very self explanatory.
    Did you know it takes 3 weeks to work off 1 doughnut? Yup.

    I am going through this myself; I've yo-yo'd my entire life, and i'm now sticking to my guns. I hope this helps and is not all jibberjabbber!
    Good luck!
  • Stallion_Duck007
    also, I am terribly sorry about all of the grammar mistakes. It's early. My keyboard is a mess. :tongue:
  • _Dan_
    _Dan_ Posts: 55 Member
    GO CUZ! YOU CAN DO IT!!! ^_^ This is a great site to help keep on track, and make friends who are trying to accomplish the same goals. :-)
  • kryscallarman
    kryscallarman Posts: 114 Member
    This is a great place for support and motivation!
  • ChiefsChick4Life
    YOU are so motivating and this site almost has me in tears because of all the support and motivation! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
  • slimsteelerfan
    slimsteelerfan Posts: 193 Member
    Hey Chief! I have put on 200 extra pounds between the death of my mom and my failed marriage (Divorced was finalized on 4-12-12). I joined here a couple months ago. Meeting new people that share in the same goals as your Dan mentioned is great! I paid $10,000 to a Therapist who once told me what I will give you for free! "Surround yourself with positive people".......I had 3 miscarriages (2 were blighted ovums), so I know the pain of losing a pregnancy. However, I believed that maybe I wasn't ready at the time, so later down, God blessed me a boy and girl! I will agree with what the young lady said earlier........Live for today - tomorrow isn't here yet.

    If you are spiritual, I will suggest the number "1". If you do 1%, than God will do 99%. Just show up and suit up! Some days I literally need to take one second at a time because I work in a busy office that have meetings after meetings, and all know what kind food and treats are served at meetings!!!

    You can do this. If you have your wedding dress - take pics of it and plast them all over your house! (especially the fridge). Also, I would like to suggest you journal about your feelings, etc. even when you want to throw in the towel! WRITE IT DOWN! I have lost a total of 55 pound (I lost a few before joining MFP). I am feeling good. I have my ups and downs because my exhusband decided to get a 20 year old girlfriend who is trying to be "Mom of the year with our kids". Not to mention our son will be 17, so you do the math!

    Anyhow, put one foot in front of the other and don't look back. Never look at it as a diet..........Eating clean and exercising is a way of life and we should all do it!

    Ask yourself 3 questions?
    1. How did I get where I am today?
    2. How bad to I want to lose 40 pounds?
    3. What do I need to do to make it happen?

    Everytime you get weak and want that piece of something..........Say to yourself "I know what that taste like, and that's one of the reasons my *kitten* is big now". LOLOLOL - Keep your head up!!! I am here if you need me!

    Take care,
  • ChiefsChick4Life
    Thank you Melisa! Really, you are inspiring!!!!
  • debbieHOC
    debbieHOC Posts: 56 Member
    Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. If you have a hospice in town close to you they should have couseling for free. The hospice I work for offers counseling to anyone who has had a loss.. Doesn't have to have been a hospice death. Meeting with women who have been through the same thing as yourself can help.
    Walking will help to release endorphines which will help with depression. Good luck on your upcoming wedding. I am sure your little girls are excited about that.
    Blogging helps... Helps to get yur feelings out that are trapped deep inside. Continue to post here - MFP is such a wnderful place for support.
    [[[[ HUGS]]]]]]