Food Addiction :(

I have been trying to get back on track with my weight loss (again). I have been eating well during the day throughout the last few weeks, but the weekends have been horrible. It's not just a few wrong choices, I am eating everything in sight! I want to stop, but when I am in the moment, I can't!! It doesn't matter that I am not hungry, or that I know I shouldn't be eating. I don't know what my problem is, but I want it to stop. I feel miserable about everything, the way I feel, the way I look. I think I have a food addiction :(

It's also been about a month or more since I have done any sort of excercise, besides walking. I keep telling myself tomorrow will be the day I start.

Has anyone else been here? How did you overcome this? I would appreciate any support or advice you may have.



  • Happyhappy352
    Happyhappy352 Posts: 153
    I have the same sort of problem. I have fallen off the wagon for a few months and just today gotten back on. My problem is with the weekends as well. Like this weekend I went to a bbq and had chips, frozen mix drinks ECT... This time I'm going to give myself a +500 calorie Saturday. Maybe this way I won’t think I'm depriving myself as so I won’t fall off the wagon. If you want to add me as a friend feel free. Maybe we can give each other a virtual swift kick it the tush lol. I have about 40 lb to lose.
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    My advice to you... Don't start tomorrow. Start today.

    Take it from someone who used to always say that... Oh, I'll start my diet tomorrow. I'll eat better tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes when you have that attitude!

    Get out, do something good for yourself TODAY.
  • CharityAngel
    CharityAngel Posts: 111
    There are a few ways that I have worked through the same thing. Addictive eating is usually tied to emotions. It appears from what you said, that you are feeling sad or disappointed, maybe even a little depressed about how you look etc, and so on the weekends you are eating a lot to deal with those emotions.

    What has worked for me, is to workout when I have those feelings. I run in place in my house for 45 minutes in the morning, it is the first thing I do. If I feel stressed, angry, frustrated or anything else during the day, I run again for 30 minutes. This has given me a new addiction you could say to help process those feelings.

    Another thing I do, is let myself have a free weekend. Because I am working so hard during the week, and eating so well, I let myself not worry about it. This last weekend, I helped my mother move, I played ultimate frisbee, and thought I ate like a pig, but when I actually tracked it all in MFP, I was way under my calories because of all the activity I was doing. I had planned to be lazy on Sat since I am working out on five days a week, but I just couldn't help myself.

    I would start working out every other day until you feel like you want to work out more, and keep track of what you eat all week.
  • hlawry83
    hlawry83 Posts: 12
    Thank you! I will add you, as i need all the support I can get at this point. I have about 35 lbs to lose.
  • kristenlees122
    definitely been there, done that.. a million times over. there is nothing that anyone can say that will make me stop eating everything in site - i'll just do it in secret and feel bad afterward. i think i finally hit the limit on saturday because i almost puked-not on purpose, but i guess because there was so much crap in my body, it had enough and wanted enough. i ate well yesterday (i had just one dessert, instead of one dessert and fifty other things following it) and today i'm gonna try no sweets.
    honestly, its gotta be you that finally stands up to yourself and says no more. you can do it. no one else, you. you are in charge.
    feel free to add me or message me any time you feel a binge coming on!
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    You are not alone! I have this exact same issue! I am almost sure that I have some sort of an eating disorder, because I know I do not have a healthy relationship with food. I am able to be healthy. As you said in your original post, I am SOOO good during the week when I am at work. I eat veggies, good fruits, and always lean meats and/or peanut butter- protein bars……I feel so good about my food all weeks ling- even healthy dinners for the family each night, but my weekend, and late night eating are disgusting to me. I will never be able to stay on track if I keep up this behavior!. I even tried to lower my calories by about 300 or more each weekday, so that I would have those extra 1500 calories for the weekend, but it doesn’t help! I find myself consuming my ‘saved’ calories PLUS more. What gets me bummed at myself is that I know this isn’t healthy for my body, but so hard to control. If you would like support, please feel free to add me and we can send messages of encouragement to each other, of blow up each others wall every weekend with inspirational posts on staying healthy  Just know that are so many of us that feel exactly the same as you! We all just have to air our feelings and together we can help get each other into this healthy lifestyle!
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    I am and have been in the same boat now for the last month. I was doing excellent until then. I feel off the wagon and it continues to roll back and forth over me again and again.
    I am the exact same way...can do well at work during the day, but on weekends and at night, i eat everything i can. NOT hungry, just eating to eat.

    I got on the scale today, and it is up 10 lbs from this time last month. Geesh, is that even possible? My vacation is one month away...and its on the beach, with a new boyfriend.

    That is what made me decide TODAY I get back in the swing of things. NO more extra eating for me during the week, NO more alcohol for me during the week. Now mind you, I will drink and eat in moderation on Sat and or Sun and I think that will help keep me on track, but I vow to do better. You can too!! Add me if you would like, we can support each other
  • Synnfuleyes
    I am also a food addict. I know exactly what you're going through. I'm currently fighting a binge urge. (I took the day off from work because I dont feel well.) It takes sheer willpower to fight it. And damn, is it hard.
  • SJagielski
    SJagielski Posts: 1 Member
    The best thing for me when I am stuck eating like this is to sit at the table with everything I eat, and eat painfully slow. Have a conversation with your body, and take all emotion out of your chewing. Also make sure you are getting good nutrition, sometimes we turn into Taz (from looney toones) because our bodies are looking for nutrients, and we will grab anything in sight to fill the void.
  • Mizzy91
    Mizzy91 Posts: 63
    Your not alone, we all fall off at times. You can see where your going a bit wrong and your gunna try and rectify them, which is great! keep going girl xxx
  • hlawry83
    hlawry83 Posts: 12
    Thank you for all of your replies!!! It really helps knowing I am not the only one going through this, even though I don't wish this upon anyone. I feel like I have found some much needed support and any of you can feel free to add me as a friend.
  • TessieAnne
    TessieAnne Posts: 11 Member
    I have the same problem as well. I tend to eat when I get bored or when I go to big events or parties I would think it was ok to indulge. These past two weeks I decided to hop back on the exercise wagon and weight loss wagon, but I wound up choosing to do that when I've had back to back weekends of graduations and weddings (like I had 2 weekends of graduations, a wedding this past weekend and another one this next weekend). And there's so much food I don't know what to do.

    I've found however, that one good thing to keep from overeating is to just stay busy. This past wedding, I didn't even get to have a slice of cake because I got caught up in talking with some old friends. I've found that keeping myself busy at home also helps because it keeps me from getting bored and snacking. I've recently taken up crocheting, and every time I get bored and think about getting a snack, I crochet instead. Now I'm running out of projects because I get bored/hungry a lot. XD

    So maybe a hobby could help? Or every time you think about getting a snack, you could exercise instead (not intense workouts of course, but little things. You don't want to to hard-core exercising every time you're hungry and never eat) or maybe even do some extra cleaning around the house.
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    I guess there's a lot more of us (and this issue) than I originally though! And it does feel like an eating disorder! It almost feels like self-sabotage -- if I make any sort of progress, I get these urges to eat (usually something crunchy and loaded with carbs). I've even tried reasoning with myself, asking why I want to eat/what emotions am I feeling, but it's like all I can think about is eating -- and I'm never even hungry when this happens! I'm certain it's tied to my emotions, but I don't know how to fix it and I ALWAYS end up hating myself afterwards. It's like my mind is buzzing like crazy before and during the binges and then quiet afterwards (quiet, expect for the guilt and shame). Everyone always commends me for my healthy food choices and discipline -- no one knows what really goes on...but clearly my extra weight tells a different story : ( It would be so great if we could help each other, listen, and encourage each other (and ourselves) -- especially in times of need.

    Best wishes.
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    I am also a food addict. I know exactly what you're going through. I'm currently fighting a binge urge. (I took the day off from work because I dont feel well.) It takes sheer willpower to fight it. And damn, is it hard.

    Try to distract yourself -- get AWAY from the foods that tempt you! Go outside, if you can. Just do something! : )
  • jmpetros
    jmpetros Posts: 10
    Some things that are helping me

    1. Plan your meals for the week. I love weight watchers new complete cookbook. Healthy and delicious!
    2. Set workout clothes next to bed and go straight to the gym to wont even get a chance to change your mind if you are already dressed and halfway there.
    3. Don't buy anything at the store you would regret eating...if needed have a friend shop w you.
    4. Have a friend to keep you accountable.
    5. Feel good about not being a slave to food.
    6. Reward yourself every now and then

    Hope this helps! Good luck. You can do it!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Well you're back here, so that's an amazing step.

    How does MFP work? For me:

    1. Eat clean
    2. Meet your calorie goals, don't fall below them
    3. Set your goals to lose 1lb/week unless otherwise advised by a doctor
    4. Log every bite--if you are tasting during cooking chew gum or just log each taste.
    5. Keep your routine varied, try something new: Zumba, martial arts, body combat, Tai Chi, power yoga...keep your body confused and your mind from getting bored.

    I reached my goals in September. I also read Everyday Food magazine (makes it easier to log--nutrition info included),, and Whole Living Magazine. You can get free recipes on all of their websites.
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 320
    I have the same problem. When I was 19 I was anorexic/bulimic. If I had to eat (like if my parents were around), then I would sneak away and throw it up when I was done eating. I am NOT proud of it, but that's what society basically tells girls they have to do to match up to the models..

    Anyways, SOMEHOW I think I developed the opposite now where I cannot control my self and I binge eat. ;(.. I am struggling as well, weekends are very tough for me as well.

    The only advice I can give you is do not give up. We can overcome this :)
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    I am and have been in the same boat now for the last month. I was doing excellent until then. I feel off the wagon and it continues to roll back and forth over me again and again.
    I am the exact same way...can do well at work during the day, but on weekends and at night, i eat everything i can. NOT hungry, just eating to eat.

    I got on the scale today, and it is up 10 lbs from this time last month. Geesh, is that even possible? My vacation is one month away...and its on the beach, with a new boyfriend.

    That is what made me decide TODAY I get back in the swing of things. NO more extra eating for me during the week, NO more alcohol for me during the week. Now mind you, I will drink and eat in moderation on Sat and or Sun and I think that will help keep me on track, but I vow to do better. You can too!! Add me if you would like, we can support each other

    I think we should start a small- yet REALLY supportive group because it seems that there are a lot of peole on here with this exact issue! We grasp healthy eating and exersice but eat without being hungy night after night, and SEPECIALLY on weekend! Please PM message me ladies if ANYONE is interested in gettign together a group for this! I have been on MFP about 8-9 moths, but have only recently got intrested int he forums and groups, and I would love to make this happen!! PM ME!!!!!!!