Anyone lose with Chalean

So my first week day with Chalean Extreme and I have swam twice this week burning like 400-500 cals each time I have not lost anything. I am hoping nby the end of week 2 I will have lost some.


  • Cinbeth
    Cinbeth Posts: 29 Member
    I just got the DVDs and was wondering if anyone else has tried them. What do you think so far, is it an easy program to follow? Hope we both lose lots of inches and feel amazing!!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member

    I love the program so far I look forward to doing the videos. Perfect amount of time. I hope we do to. I have been reading others that have completed it they said they didn't lose much weight just inches which is fine with me. We can be buddies if you want.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I loved the program. I did not really lose any weight, but replaced fat with muscle. It totally reshaped my body like no amount of cardio has been able to do.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Try not to be too obsessed with the scale during this program or you will psych yourself out of it. I DID lose almost 20lbs doing this program in combination with MFP Calorie tracking.

    One of the best quotes I ever read and try to keep in mind is from Lee Lebrada. He says that the first 4-6 weeks of any workout plan you may not see changes, but the changes are happening on the inside. I found this to be very true of me.

    I would say that I really noticed in the 4th week of following the plan. I love the workouts and miss them currently (I'm doing brazil butt lift). I plan to do another round starting sometime in late June/Early August.

    My body is definately more muscular and I love it. My guns are sexier than my husbands!!

    Also, it seems like you are burning a lot of calories. Are you eating that back? Some days of CHX i was stupid hungry!! (usually burn intervals and then most days in the Lean month.)

    Stick with it! It's only 90 days to start.