Need support

Hello everyone...I can really use some support. I am back and forth with my weight loss journey. I do good for a while then fall back into old habits. Just looking for some friend to help me stay on track. Thanks


  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Feel free to add me. Old habits are old time for some better ones.
  • mboktay
    mboktay Posts: 69 Member
    Add me. I was off for a week and it was MFP that brought me back and excited again, just today! YOU can do this. It's a slow process, but MFP and the support works!
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    You can do it ;D!!! Start thinking about food as fuel. Don't think about it as a treat, or anything like that.. think about 'is this food choice, going to fuel my body long enough'? I've been going up, up, up, up and then down a little, then up, up, up since I was 14.. Food is Fuel =) That has finally clicked in my brain and is helping me control it..

    Another thing.. Dopamine.. the 'feel' good chemical in your brain.. Eating can release it and make you feel good, I've been getting grouchy at night because I haven't been snacking at night. Just gotta fight through it =)

    You can do it! I'll add you, if you would like an email address to keep in contact to you can do that!
    Good Luck!!
  • NavaGirl35
    NavaGirl35 Posts: 36
    You can do, just need to be pushed and directed in the right path..... add me....
  • Carshenap
    Carshenap Posts: 7 Member
    me too! you can add me!