Fast Food Horror Stories



  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Had a similar experience to the dirty bolt.

    I found a nail (not a fingernail) in take out once. I returned it and they didn't seem overly concerned..
  • Tender78
    Tender78 Posts: 119 Member
    If the OP is still reading this, I have a couple of Wendy's horror stories for you. Not about the burgers which I know is what you said you like but still bad enough. Here goes...I had NEVER eaten @ Wendy's because a friend used to eat there all the time because he loved their chili. He would eat their chili almost daily...until one day when he finished a bowl...he found what could only be the foot of a mouse. me the heebie jeebies just think about it.

    After years of never eating @ Wendy's, my ex-boyfriend talked me into one day when we were on a road trip. He bought me a chicken sandwhich from there...I was about 1/2 way through it only to bite into, what appeared to me, a huge blood clot. I promptly chucked it out the window and did everything I possibly could not to throw up. Needless to say...haven't been back to Wendy's since.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I once ordered a stuffed crust pizza, that had a bit of blue plastic (we think from a straw or something) baked into the crust on one slice...we ate the rest of the pizza except from that one slice, then complained and got another one for free :L

    man, we were *kitten* holes.

    And obviously not very squeamish :P
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    When I was a kid my mom used to buy the powdered Nesquik chocolate milk mix. One night I was watching a movie and went to the kitchen and made myself a big glass of chocolate milk. I didn't turn the kitchen light on while making it. Went back to watching the movie and drinking my milk. Realized it was kind of crunchy. I thought it was just clumps of chocolate mix that I didn't stir well enough. Looked in my glass and there were a bunch of weevils in there. (You know those little hard beetle like bugs that get in flour and powders. Eww. I do NOT use powdered chocolate anymore EVER.
  • auuudriana
    auuudriana Posts: 18
    I guess I'm not easily grossed out. I just pick the offending item out and keep going. I'm not going to die from someone's hair touching my food. Even if they do have a lot of split ends.
    Ha, same. I'm a manager at McDonald's and certified in food safety, and while I would NEVER serve a customer something with a hair in it, if it happened to me I would just pick it out.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Once I got violently ill from Subway Grilled chicken sandwich with talking violently ill. It was ten years before I ate there again...and I still dont like them...and I NEVER get chicken or mayo there. Really. think about it...mayo sitting out on the counter all day long????

    also, once I took a bit bite of a hershey bar with almonds and looked down to see a live maggot. I almost barfed.

    I haven't been to a Quiznos for 2 years for the same reason. The bbq chicken pizza landed me in the emergency room after hours and hours of not being able to stop throwing up.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    My fiance bit down hard on a large pebble in his mashed potatoes. They gave us $25 gift card to return hahaha like that would ever happen. Luckily he didn't crack a tooth
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    Personal, I was eating wings out and realized that one of them had managed to get to my plate with a feather still on! Granted this was not a hygiene thing, it came from the chicken, but still. I still can't eat wings.

    I agree, even going as far as to create a nice little book with either illustrations or pictures of recreated scenarios would do a world of good for suppressing one's appetite for fast food!

  • stormysky1
    stormysky1 Posts: 9
    I for one enjoyed the fact that, while reading this thread, one of my computer's ads was for Domino's. Woops!! :-)
    Gee, it's almost like you get ads based on the page content or something. Imagine that.

    Yes, I realize that. Just thought it was funny considering how unflattering the discussion/description of Domino's actually IS in this discussion. They'd probably not be thrilled for their ads to show up next to descriptions of hair and maggots in their food.

    Never mind, explaining it makes it less funny. Guess I was tired this morning.
  • TurnLeftNow
    TurnLeftNow Posts: 171
    I for one enjoyed the fact that, while reading this thread, one of my computer's ads was for Domino's. Woops!! :-)
    Gee, it's almost like you get ads based on the page content or something. Imagine that.

    Yes, I realize that. Just thought it was funny considering how unflattering the discussion/description of Domino's actually IS in this discussion. They'd probably not be thrilled for their ads to show up next to descriptions of hair and maggots in their food.

    Never mind, explaining it makes it less funny. Guess I was tired this morning.

    Oh no, I totally get you! I see the irony in the situation. I am sure Dominos would be proud to know that they are advertising on a thread talking about how people shouldn't eat there!

    Don't worry about the Sarcastic Negative Nancy's!
  • erinu06
    erinu06 Posts: 8
    This is the fist time I've ever felt sick after reading lol. These are all very disgusting!!!! Groosssssss lol. I dont really have any fast food horror stories, but I always find rat hairs in jars of pepperoncinis and in canned corn. One time I found a small animal bone in a can of green beans. A few years ago, we found a fetus in one of our eggs, it was pretty big. I HATE eggs now, bleh ! :p