Underactive thyroid - find it hard to lose weight?


I'm just wondering is there anybody who has an underactive thyroid and find it hard to lose weight? Or if you have, can you give any tips or anything? thanks :):)


  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 215 Member
    Yes it is harder to lose weight and takes patience. The best advice I can give you is never ever give up. I go up and down on the scale and I just "ride the wave" but I never give up. Feel free to add me!
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Absolutely - in large part because it makes you sluggish.

    In some ways, having an underactive thyroid has been a blessing. It made me focus on non-weight goals when I exercise. Knowing that weight won't always slide off, I have learned to focus on different goals - running further, lifting more weight, increasing my flexibility. I struggle with my weight but I am fitter than I have ever been!

    I have read that low-carb diets tend to not work well for people with thyroid disease.

    Also - make sure you're not taking anything that interferes with your meds. I gained a good ten pounds when I started taking a multivitamin at the same time as my thyroid meds. Turns out the Iron interferes with Synthroid absorption. Good luck!
  • frankie2637
    frankie2637 Posts: 66 Member

    I have an underactive thryoid and I am on Thyroxine. I have so far managed to lose 45lbs. Its hard and I only ever eat back about half of my exercise calories as I know that my body doesn't burn them off during the day as well as a "normal" person might do. Its been hard but it is achieveable. Dont give up, You can do it! Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck on your journey x
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    I have an underactive thyroid and I have lost 73 pounds. Ever since I've started eating better and exercising I have felt better and have a whole lot more energy. I honestly don't think it has been an issue because I have it under control
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    i still need to be tested for it ...
  • missywill1
    missywill1 Posts: 23
    Frankie, are you exercising every day? and do you take a "free day"? also, do you drink alcohol?

    I had a partial thyroidectomy 8 years ago--gained 30lbs. and have had a dreadful time getting it off.
  • betrayalunknown
    I'm assuming that your picture is a rather recent picture of yourself. If it isn't, please disregard this message. However... if it is:

    You look very fit and in shape-- super toned! Basically, you look great!! With that said, let me offer my own two cents:

    The smaller you are, the more difficult it is to lose weight... underactive thyroid or not. You can slave away doing cardio everyday like me... but your body is kind of "programmed" to be at a certain weight... so unless you do some very, very drastic things like only consuming a few hundred calories a day... the scale pretty much won't budge very much. Well, at least this is my experience with my own body as well as the people who I have spoken to and helped in the past. The good thing, however, is that if you continue to strength train and add some interval training (and change it up every other week), your body should still continue to tone and build more lean muscle, which will make you look plenty more lean, long and fabulous... it may even help you look a few pounds lighter even if the scale doesn't reflect that.

    Trust me... don't push yourself to try to lose "extra" weight just because you want to get to "that certain number". Because it really takes a toll on your mental health as well as your overall physical well-being.

    If you do have an underactive thyroid, maybe medication might help you... but IMHO, I think that unless you are clinically classified as obese, any medication would be somewhat pointless because you are adding things to your body, when you could be otherwise eating a completely clean diet.

    All in all, focus on drinking plenty of water and change up your workout and your diet.. sometimes all your body needs is a shock! If you're on a low-carb, high protein diet... try upping your carbohydrates or fats and your body just might surprise you by dropping a pound. Also... I cannot stress this enough: SURPRISE YOUR BODY BY INTRODUCING DIFFERENT WORKOUTS, and OFTEN. This will ensure that your muscles will not start to "remember" your workouts. Muscle memory will cause your hard,enduring workouts to be rendered pointless if you do the same things day in and day out.

    Best of luck to you! :)
  • SkippingQueen
    @betrayalunkno For the record, that picture wasn't me!! (I WISH).... also , my friend was using my profile so she could ask a general question about it. I don't have the underactive thyroid myself. Sorry for the confusion!!! I'll let her know and she her all these posts!!!Thanks people!! :):):)
  • lisapaige1983
    I started slimming world nearly two months ago I have managed to lose 10lbs since going but now I seem to lose a pound one week and gain a pound the next have been like this since Christmas proper emotional, I do try to keep as active as I can by walking, doing my fitness DVD in the mornings and also Zumba once or twice a week.

    Due to having underactive thyroid I have to really push myself to move some days feeling extremely tired having dizzy spells, when I was diagnosed with this I was told I would have to have blood tests every 8 weeks, but since my last lot came back ok they didn't bother mentioning me to go for them again so I haven't bothered, the way I feel at the moment im thinking I better had lol but I am on 125mg of thyroxine now hmmm lol

    Also the moral of the story I am getting married in 7 months I could really use a heads up :)

    Good luck to all of you lot, it is an emotional journey to get healthy and fit but hopefully it will be all worth it ! xx

  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I lost weight just like everybody else—by logging everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    The advice in this post worked for me: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-Sexypants

    MFP has two thyroid groups: