frozen bananas

MrsWW57 Posts: 35 Member
I've got some bananas that are ripe. I've read that you can freeze them & use them for smoothies. I know you're supposed to freeze them after removing their peel, but do you leave them whole or cut them into chunks or what?

Also what else can you do with the frozen banana? I'm assuming banana bread, banana muffins, etc. Anyone have any great ideas or recipes?


  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    I freeze bananas all the time. I slice the bananas and then use them mostly in oatmeal. I have also baked a banana cake with frozen bananas once for my sisters birthday.

    Sometimes I just eat the bananas straight, just the same as if I had never frozen it. The do get a little "soggy", but I don't mind this as much as I thought I might -- they still taste pretty good to me.

    Another AMAZING recipe that my sister just turned me onto is freezing a banana (she does 1 inch slices, but I do smaller 1/2 inch slices), then when the banana is completely frozen you melt peanut butter and dip the banana slices in the peanut butter and freeze. When this is completely frozen you melt some chocolate chips and then dip in the chocolate and freeze this.

    After dinner I eat a couple of these babies -- it is sooooooooooo delicious. IF you like something a little sweet, the calories aren't too bad as long as you're only using a thin layer of PB and chocolate.
  • I usually freeze two bananas that I cut up into pieces, and then after about two hours in the freezer I take them out and put them in a blender. Add some frozen raspberries! It's like ice cream. Only healthy and simple!
  • MrsWW57
    MrsWW57 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for the ideas! I hate wasting food. That's probably part of the reason I'm overweight, lol. These ideas are great.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i always freeze my bananas. i unpeel cut each in quarters and freeze in a ziploc. that way i can just reach in and get 2 portions for my smoothies
  • barbiec75
    barbiec75 Posts: 4
    I mash over ripe bananas and freeze them. I put one banana in a small container, thaw it 45 seconds in the microwave and add to pancake batter for a more nutritious pancake. Also works with waffles.
  • jacksb1971
    jacksb1971 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow, never frozen bananas!! Did not know you could!! But this sounds yummy!! I will have to try it as I so love ice cream. Thanks!
  • ErnestinesMom
    ErnestinesMom Posts: 161

    Hope this works...

    If you can get to the's Balboa Island...home of the frozen DIPPED BANANA...SINCE 1945.

    Dole now makes frozen banana dippers...with dark can also make your own.
  • valligator
    valligator Posts: 54 Member
    Just put them in a blender - it makes the most delicious faux banana ice cream. Whenever I make this for people, they can't believe it's just bananas. You can also add a tablespoon of cocoa powder or peanut butter. But seriously, it's so good with just bananas.

    Next time, slice the bananas before you freeze them - it makes the blending easier. Have fun!
  • dawnkay1
    dawnkay1 Posts: 41
    I freeze them whole, as they are.

    I then nuke them in the microwave, and pop them into batters for banana based baking.
  • cathyg18
    cathyg18 Posts: 150 Member
    I have frozen banana's before but only used them in breads or cakes. These are all great ideas! I think I'll try them with frozen strawberries. :)
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    Growing up, we never wasted food and I carry that with me still today (mostly around my mid-section)! Frozen bananas are a nice cold snack on a warm day. I usually cut them into thirds and freeze them so they don't get too soggy on the ends before you eat them.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i coated some yogurt (any flavor) over a banana yesterday and froze it. ate it with a fork. it was freaking delish, since it's hot out now it's a nice frozen treat for dessert
  • niclagi
    niclagi Posts: 177 Member
    I never knew about frozen bananas either. I froze one just last week and will use it tomorrow. So excited with these new recipes.
  • jessicaj_824
    jessicaj_824 Posts: 114 Member
    I eat them straight from the freezer. I peel them and break them in half and put in a plastic container. Then I just pull out a peice and eat them as is - my favorite healthy treats.
  • KimH313
    KimH313 Posts: 162
    well i have to say this post came just in the knick of time. i have 4 bananas that are totally ripe and i was just about to throw them out so i didnt get any gross fruit flies!!!! they are going right in the freezer!!! yay! :flowerforyou: