Need to lose 50 or more pounds, I bet you can relate!

While I know it's a genuine struggle for people to lose any amount of weight, it's hard for me to relate to someone that only has to lose 10 or 15 pounds. Unless that's all they have left to lose after a big loss, they are not going to be able to relate to someone that needs to lose a third of their body weight.

I need/want to lose 85 pounds. It's a daily battle and it's a battle that will need to be fought for a long time before I can even think about the struggle to maintain. :ohwell:

I'd love to find others in a similar situation. We can cheer each other on. :smile: Lean on each others shoulders.:cry: Grumble about our frustrations. :angry: And simply enjoy each other without being judged. :laugh:

Send me a friend request if you'd like to be a support to each other. I welcome anyone that is serious about this journey!


  • AmosNid
    AmosNid Posts: 1 Member
    I know what you mean! I've been working out religiously since Dec and only lost 10 lbs. Friends tell me, my nutritionist has me on this regiment to be in training. The nutritionist has been thin her whole life, she doesn't get it. All I'm doing is building muscle under my fat. I feel better, but still 60+ overweight. Can't seem to drop the lbs, working with a terminally thin girl doesn't help. She never had to live like this! Now she has me on no sugar or salt. Ugh!!
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    I can relate to that. I am at 181 and want to get down to 130-135
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    I've got 65 more to loose. I look at that and think there is no way, but I know I can. I've already lost over 160 lbs. This is a great site for support and motivation. You can add me as a friend if you would like to. We'll fight the good fight together :smile:
  • marilynglover
    iam 5"1 weight 170 need to loose 50 pounds
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    I can relate, I have 76 more pounds to go....Please feel free to send me a friend request..
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey! As of today I have lost 48.5 pounds but still have about 40 pounds to lose until my goal. You can add me if you want as I strongly believe in motivation!
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    Oh yea that is me! I start 216 lost 6 lbs on my own (in a year! Ha ha!!) Now I am down to 189.8 due to MFP and still have to widdle my way down to least 130 but I would perfer 117 again! I haven't seen that in over 20 years!! Add me if you like! Best of luck! Blessings!! <><
  • ClaireSD35
    ClaireSD35 Posts: 38
    My goal is a loss of 88lbs - i'm 37 down since February. I just take a day at a time and set myself small goals. My next is 40lbs loss (just because it's not 30something any more) I will then hope for 42 (3 stones). It keeps me going! Current weight is 205lbs.

    Feel free to add me.
  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    I'm sending you a friend request. I agree that losing more than 50 pounds can be frustrating because it can take just so darn long. It is nice to have a constant support and people to just tell you to keep going.
  • CarrieAnne22
    CarrieAnne22 Posts: 231 Member
    I started off with a goal of roughly 80 lbs (no firm number set in my head, just a basic range). I'm 46 lbs down since New Years & have another 30-35ish to go. It's been a fun journey so far & I'm looking forward to the rest! :wink:
  • mandihdz
    mandihdz Posts: 19
    5'3 need to lose 60+lbs :|
  • watchursize
    watchursize Posts: 29 Member
    I sure can relate, fell off the wagon but got back on this week:), have to lose 66 pounds:(! But hey, ready to tackle it 1 pound at a time. We can do this!!
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Feel free to add me! My goal is to lose 70 and I have 48 left to go. :)
  • briewakes
    briewakes Posts: 7
    I know the feeling I've lost nearly 20lbs and still have another 60 to go, it can get very intimidating and disheartening when you look at the bigger picture.

    I've been trying to focus on just the next five pounds and then the next and trying my best not to look at the big number on the scales but the small one it's come down by, which seems to work for me.

    I'm a lifelong yo-yoer as well but I have to say the message boards and friends on MFP are excellent and they have me motivated like I've never been before.

    I hope we can all do the same for you, feel free to lean on me anytime.

    FR sent.
  • sehrler
    sehrler Posts: 89 Member
    I only have 25 left, lost 90 so far (only 35 since I joined MFP) but I can relate. When I was just starting out I joined Weight Watchers and they put me in a group with two other women (there were groups of 3 only) and they both only had five pounds to lose! FIVE! I had over a hundred and they put me with them??? I walked out and never returned. I swear, if they didn't do that I may have stuck with it years before I finally got this under control. How was I supposed to relate to two skinny minnie ladies with five pounds to lose when I was morbidly obese?
  • keenabunny
    keenabunny Posts: 6 Member
    Hey :)

    Ive always had issues with my body, in High school I weighed 125 and felt 445. after high school I went up to 187 but felt 555, then I got down to 157 and felt like.... 180.. which was good but not how I should have felt. Got married in the 160s got pregnant ballooned up to 230 lost 30lbs when i had the baby gained 7 from inability to work out, lost 7 in january, got down to 185 gained 14 pounds when hubby got home from basic, now im down to 197 and I plan to stick with it this time. I got into a funk of depression but I need to get healthy for my daughter and myself. I wanna see her grow up and she deserves to have a mother that loves her enough to keep herself healthy.
    I have 69 more pounds to lose, but ive lost 2 since thursday. I know i can do this! I know we all can. :)
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member

    Well I have 43lbs to lose now but have lost 12lbs in the last month so I started needing to lose over 50lbs if anybody wants to add me :)
  • casafras88
    casafras88 Posts: 1
    I know where you are coming from. I weigh 298. I need to lose 118 lbs and I keep yoyoing down 10 up 15. It will get better though.
  • kbutlerrvt
    kbutlerrvt Posts: 41
    Hi! I have an (initial goal) of losing 52 lbs and I am 29 down. I started at 207 and would love to get to 155, then I may decide to go lower. Feel free to add me if you want!

    Best of luck on your journey! You can do it!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    i want to lose at least 80-85 lost 34 already :)
    anyone feel free to add me :)