Having PMS - Too Tired to Exercise!

Hi there, I've been having my PMS and have no energy at all to exercise. I feel tired, hungry and craving for carbs this week. Plus I've been busy looking after LO, busy with housework, cooking, and my part time business that I can't find the time to do it. By the end of it all, I'm extra exhausted and cranky.

How do you deal with this when you're so busy? Are there any tips or ideas so I can manage my time properly and incorporate some exercise during the day. I walk up and down the stairs quite a couple of times a day - does that count?

Would love to hear some suggestions. Thanks!


  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    Yes walking up and down the stairs count. There is a program called stairway to health put on by the Canadian gov. Its a fun way to count your steps and see what mountains you can climb. Help keeps me motivated when the only thing I have time for is walking up and down my stairs

    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    OMG I did the same thing today too!!! Except it was due to cramps - terrible, terrible cramps.

    I hate this time of the month... =( Exercise is too difficult.
  • Raezor1207
    Raezor1207 Posts: 80 Member
    I wake up earlier in the morning and work out right away. That way I have no excuse when life gets in the way. I think I have only missed one morning, and I was hating life! I felt lethargic all day.
  • I hate to say it, but I think there is no way around the PMS issue other than having willpower of steel. I am in the same boat right now, just as I begin a new exercise routine, and I am just having to power through, cramps or no cramps.

    Though, on the bright side, I do think that working out regularly actually relieves my symptoms.
  • You could take up swimming. The buoyancy feels great on my cramps and such. Take it slow, and feel relaxed.
  • mamajbanks
    mamajbanks Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you ladies for your thoughts and suggestions. I will take them into account. I've started making time for exercise now and stop giving myself excuses. So far I'm doing alright and hope to keep up my exercise. Thanks and all the best in your weight loss!