Ladies accountability challenge

Hi, ladies i posted this earlier but i still have some room left and was wondering if any of you would like to join also:) Hi, i plan on starting a 30 challange, at the begining you choose 2 to 3 goals that you want to do for the month, and every day we post either a photo or just a post telling what you did for your workout or health goals you set , and the group is there to help hold you accountible and give each other motivation and good jobs as we go through the month, there will be a small fun healthy prize at the end of the month for one lady, also the group is there to share reciepes and just to encourage each other! would love to have you join!!! This group is going to be a closed group on Facebook only the ladies in it will see the posts so you feel free to post away:)

This challenge is start Next Tuesday after the holiday weekend, is anyone interested???


  • mdailey93
    mdailey93 Posts: 95
    I'd love to do this if there is any room left! Message me if there is!
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    need all the motivation I can get.

    What do we have to do?