temporarily off course

I drifted a bit off course recently, it started first with Zumba class, I missed a few and a few were cancelled. Then, I was away from the computer for a couple weeks, busy with emotionally draining work. I was forgetting exactly what I ate or how much. Under stress, my portion size of *approved foods was starting to grow. I had a few days where I was back to logging in, but was bummed at the lack of exercise I was getting compared to the amount of food I knew I was eating. Those calories were sure adding up fast. The one good thing that kept me going was the encouragement that, "if everyday were like today, you would weigh,,," when I did log in consistently and accurately for a couple of days in the middle of this episode. That proved to be the anchor that I needed to keep me from drifting too far off course. Deciding in that moment to just continue to log in and own it all, and that if nothing else I would be true to logging it in. My sister posted on FB this quote: "A life not examined is not worth living" It really struck a chord today. I haven't weighed myself for a couple weeks because anything the scale would have said would only have continued to drive me off course. My clothes still feel the same, but I've already lost some of the firmness that 3 hours of Zumba a week provides. The good thing is I know exactly how to fix this now and I'm back on course before I sunk the ship.:happy:


  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    Don't beat yourself up about it. I stopped doing MFP for like 8 months because I just kind of gave up and of course I gained some weight during this time. The important thing is that you are committed again to your goal and are trying your best. It is never too late if you have a dream...