Insanity and general weight loss question! Please help!

Hello all,

I am now on day 4 of insanity and have GAINED two pounds! I haven't been eating any differently than I normally do... I also just weighed myself at the end of the day and I know its best to weigh in first thing in the morning. Should I be worried?

I don't eat incredibly healthy but I don't eat badly either. Should I be on a stricter, healthy diet if I want to see results?
I just thought I could keep under my calorie goal, do the workouts (while busting my *kitten*) and I would see results by the end.

Is this normal to gain right away?
I mean, I am really not that concerned about losing WEIGHT as I am with losing inches and becoming more toned. I just want to see if this has happened to others.

Please help! Any suggestions and advice if much appreciated, thank you!


  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    First recommendation... don't weigh yourself four days after you start such a program. You're putting your body through trauma, so it is likely trying to protect itself by retaining water...

    Second... yeah.. if you want to see results, mind your food intake... You don't have to change it completely, then hate yourself for it, but the better you eat, the better results.

    Last... you keep your calorie goals... bust, as you said, your *kitten*... and you will see results... but give it a couple of weeks... trust that you will feel the difference before you see the difference.
  • lisadhancock
    lisadhancock Posts: 103
    I gained the first couple weeks of insanity and then began losing. However I am eating more since doing insanity. I recommend following the meal plan that came with the insanity videos. It really does work!
  • brianz19
    brianz19 Posts: 5
    A healthy diet(in my totally nonprofessional opinion) is half the battle. Exercising is good but these things take time you're not just going to get into the best shape of your life in 30 or even 60 days, I'm not really sure how this insanity program works but if you want to maintain your health and good fitness level you're going to have to keep exercising every day! Eat plenty of veggies and healthy proteins, drink lots of water!!!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Your muscles are probably swollen from starting it, and retaining water. They are suddenly responding and realizing you're going to do this every day and they need to store glycogen and water.
  • moe0303
    moe0303 Posts: 934 Member
    There are a lot of variables that come in to play when you are weighing your self. Things such as sodium intake, hydration levels, time of day, difference in scales, and other factors can make a big difference. The best thing to day is weigh yourself when you first wake up and no more than once a week using the same scale. Even then, there will be times when there are variations, but overall, it should give you a good indication of whether or not you are losing weight.
  • jdubs927
    jdubs927 Posts: 10
    thank you so much for the advice everyone i appreciate it!