It's time to let go.

Of the baby weight! For pete sake's the kid is almost 2!!!

Hi! I'm Laura and I'm 5'10. When I reached my heaviest weight of 237 lbs, I realized that I had a big problem. Tired all the time, no energy, and a brand new toddler to chase! I joined mfp about a week ago at 222.2lbs and since then have lost about 5 lbs. (Slightly inflated due to initial weigh in time being at the end of the day). So I'm starting my journey!

I completed the C25k program on May 6, 2012 with a finishing time of 39 minutes and 48 seconds, so, my current exercise of choice is running. I also enjoy biking with a toddler on the back of the bike, bench pressing my toddler and general toddler chasing activities.

The hard part for me is the eating. When I'm at home, I usually make reasonable choices, but once I get to work, thats all out the window. Fast food, high calorie sushi, sodas and vending maching snacks galore! I made a decision to start leaving all my funding at home and packing lots of good food and so far, I have stuck to it for 5 days. It seems to be working! I also have a friend who checks my MFP food diary and gives me tips on what to do, what not to do, and where I might be lacking. (Holy cow, that helps a lot!)

I have goals!
More specifically, I have one big goal, which is to be healthy, active and full of energy. But I also have mini weight-goals to help me on my way.

Mini-goal #1- Reach 208 lbs at which point I will be within the "Overweight" range for BMI, instead of the "Obese" one. (Who the heck wants to be labeled "Obese"?)

Mini-goal #2- Reach 202 lbs, which was the lowest weight of my adult life. This is how much I weighed the day that I left the hospital to bring my brand new baby girl home.

Mini-goal #3- Reach 199 lbs. Then I wont have to say "Yea, I weigh 200 lbs." I will have reached one-derland!

Mini-goal #4- Reach 173 lbs. At which point my BMI will be classified as "Normal". Yay! I will be normal! ;-)

Mini-goal #5 - Reach 165 lbs. This is the arbitrary number that I have chosen for myself as my "goal weight". Who knows? Maybe I will think I look great at 173. Or maybe I'll get to 165 and think, hey, I need to lose about 5 more lbs. Right now, 165 is my imaginary end game. But it doesn't end there!

Ultimate goal- Run the Disneyland Tinkerbell Half-Marathon and then enjoy Disneyland with my beautiful 2 year old in January 2013!

Thanks everybody for reading and please feel free to friend me. You can never have to much motivation.


  • Loved1s
    Loved1s Posts: 33 Member
    I love the "mini goal" idea! Bravo!
  • viannee
    viannee Posts: 52 Member
    your mini goals are awesome! I should do that too!
  • Lol. Thanks! I can't wait to post that I reached the first one of them!!!
  • RedefiningMe
    RedefiningMe Posts: 44 Member
    We have the same "end goal" weight and only an inch difference in heighth. I am even on the same page with the Disney run - but not in 2013 as our starting point is not so close.

    I wish you luck and success :~)
  • shewasthewalrus
    shewasthewalrus Posts: 23 Member
    Hitting 138 is what really pushed me to get serious about changing things. Also, I think your mini-goal idea is a great and completely realistic way of getting where you ultimately want to be. As someone who only ever wants to see the big picture, I would benefit from that greatly. Feel free to add me!
  • citygirl4ever
    citygirl4ever Posts: 123 Member
    Luv your mini goals...It makes losing weight much more fun and you also feel like you are succeeding with weigh loss because your accomplishing these mini goals. Great idea…