Breakfast is the most important meal of the day...

I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but what if you're not hungry right away in the morning? I wake up at 3:30 am, go for a walk, get ready, and go to work. I'm usually not hungry until at least 7-8:00. Is it bad to wait that long to eat or should I be eating breakfast earlier, even if I don't think I'm hungry?


  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    So you slept for 8 hours with no food. You then wait another 4-4.5 hours before more food, so effectively half of your day you are not eating. I subscribe to "if you're not hungry, don't eat." But it probably would be a good idea to get something in your stomach before doing a workout in the morning. Your body is going to get what it needs from somewhere. My girlfriend used to have this issue, since changing her diet to a better source of food, she has regained a morning appetite, especially when she actually works out hard.
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm up at 5am and I work out from 6 - 7am then by the time I get ready, get to work, settle down etc I don't end up eating breakfast until sometimes 10am. My personal trainer told me I needed to be eating something within 15mins or so of my workout. I now have a mini protein bar as soon as I'm done with my workout and my breakfast a bit later in the morning. It seems to be working for me.
  • hollyspiess
    That's a great idea. I make protein bars to have as snacks anyway, I could just have one after my walk, before I get ready for work. Thanks for your advice!
  • hollyspiess
    Right, when you put it that way, it does sound like a long time to go without eating! I'll start squeezing in a protein bar just for a little extra oompf. Thanks for responding!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Personally speaking here, I cant eat first thing in the morning... I prefer my cup of coffee and a glass of water to get started. Ill hit the gym at 4:45am, workout for about 60-70 minutes, head to work to shower and change, and THEN Ill have something to eat. Its always a high protein meal, fresh foods only type of meal.
  • dpgwu09
    dpgwu09 Posts: 8 Member
    I look at it from a perspective of not eating to solve hunger but eating to nourish your body. After 8 or 12 hours of no nourishment, your body is "dying" to get vitamins, nutrients, minerals and other much needed stuff in it. Perhaps a small portion (meal replacement shake, protein shake, smoothy, piece of fruit, etc) of somthing just to "fuel your body".
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    If I were you, I would eat something even if it were only a banana or a granola bar. But everyone is different and if waiting to eat breakfast works for you, then there is no reason to change what you're doing. Do what makes you happy!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I rarely have breakfast. Mornings I work out I'll have a protein bar after I'm done. Sometimes a banana too. But most of the time I'm just not a breakfast guy and not eating it certainly hasn't hindered my weightloss.

    Remember what you ate yesterday didn't all vanish over night. Ignore anyone saying "Your body is a car, you need to put fuel in it first thing in the morning!" I see this all the time around here and it's the dumbest thing I've ever read. A. Your body isn't a car. B. If it is does anyone out there have to gas up their car every morning? No. It runs on the fuel that's already there. Just like your body will.

    And the first person who says "jump start your metabolism" is getting a smack. :tongue: :wink:
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    I do a similar schedule but I usually just grab a fiber or granola bar even if I am not that hungry
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Provided you don't have any medical issues that necessitate eating frequently, and provided you don't have any behavioral issues from not eating (for example, if skipping breakfast causes you to overeat later in the day) then I wouldn't worry about it.

    The whole idea of breakfast being "most important" is basically sillyness.

    It doesn't "boost your metabolism" as people claim, and additionally there is no harm in short-term periods of not-eating. for one well-referenced site about this.
  • littleblonde200
    Sorry to jump on your post but i have a relating question. I often go 12 hours without eating. I eat for dinner at around 6pm and then i don't eat in the evenings and then i eat breakfast as soon as i get up but this isnt till 9am usually (i am a stay at home mum and my girls like there lie in) . Is this bad or am i ok as i eat as soon as i wake x
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    A. Your body isn't a car. B. If it is does anyone out there have to gas up their car every morning? No. It runs on the fuel that's already there.

    Yeah, Im not a fan of Exxon
  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    Good topic. I was also one who never had breakfast. But now I have been working to get some good protein to start my day and I believe it is helping me reduce my cravings for bigger foods later in the day. It seems to be giving me a good start to a more moderate day.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Sorry to jump on your post but i have a relating question. I often go 12 hours without eating. I eat for dinner at around 6pm and then i don't eat in the evenings and then i eat breakfast as soon as i get up but this isnt till 9am usually (i am a stay at home mum and my girls like there lie in) . Is this bad or am i ok as i eat as soon as i wake x

    For you, I would recommend making sure your doctor is ok with this.. doing this is not for everyone and if there are other underlying conditions it may prove a bigger detriment...

    I think the only time I went without for 12 hours is when I was sick as a dog, or sleeping due to pain medication knocking me out cold after surgery
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I quit eating breakfast and am now doing intermittent fasting (IF). Love the results.

    or see

    the old myth that breakfast is the most important meal of the day has been repeatedly shown to be false.

    there is a real freedom I have found with intermittent fasting and my energy is fantastic.

    (I have made some other changes like cutting grains that may be part of the energy thing too so I cant claim IF is the only reason but check it out
  • Froggy2284
    Froggy2284 Posts: 3
    Breakfast is a little hard for me to eat right when i get up. I usually get up at five but even if i am not hungry to break the fast from sleeping i have something small like a boiled egg or a chobanni yogurt or my protien shake. you got to have something you don't want your body to go into starvation mode.
  • katewillbethinx2
    If you're not hungry, then no need to eat to prevent "future hunger".. that's stupid. Just listen to your body and have healthy food that you enjoy on hand when you do feel that physical hunger kick in... no matter what time.
  • pookaness
    pookaness Posts: 15
    Breakfast is exactly what it says in the name... "break"ing your "fast", you don't eat at night so your body is running low on fuel. If you're not hungry eat something light like a banana or apple, just give your body SOMETHING to process.
  • hollyspiess
    Good topic. I was also one who never had breakfast. But now I have been working to get some good protein to start my day and I believe it is helping me reduce my cravings for bigger foods later in the day. It seems to be giving me a good start to a more moderate day.

    I tend to over-eat in the evenings, so maybe it would help me out if I ate a little something in the morning. Thanks so much!
  • hikergalrm
    hikergalrm Posts: 20
    I always eat breakfast, I have a weird work shedule, need to be at work at 3am, not hungry then. I have a small glass of fat free milk and a little Ovaltine, that seems to help me a little energy early a.m. I usually get hungry around 5am and eat then.