PCOS diet

jude666 Posts: 231 Member
Are there any PCOS sufferers out there who are in my boat?

I am MISERABLE.... today especially.... i HATE feeling like this. No matter what happens I can't put a smile on my face, i'm being snappy and generally lacking any sense of humour. Whenever I get like this, my hubby just doesn't understand and instantly thinks he's done something to upset me. I have the usual worries in a (sort of) normal persons life (i.e. financial, life goals, prospect of NOT being able to have a family when we FINALLY decide the time is right etc. etc. etc.) But today, for some reason, all I want to do is run away never to return. Either that or just cry at every given opportunity.

I have been thinking about investing in a dietician/nutritionist (I live in Bedfordshire UK by the way - just in case anyone knows it!). I am hoping that an expert would be able to help me plan my diet, tell me what I definitely should and definitely shouldn't be eating and allow me to be happy again. I was once upon a time. Honest!

Has anyone done this themselves? Did you have any success or horror stories? Perhaps you could recommend someone from the Bedfordshire area?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    put PCOS into the search tool and you'll find plenty http://www.myfitnesspal.com/post/search

    Low carb dieting seems effective for PCOS sufferers. There are some studies published and in one a couple of the particpants got pregnant during the study.....


    Good luck !
  • jonnysgirl1701
    Yes I have heard low carb and specifically Keto are beneficial to PCOS. It lowers your insulin levels which effect your other hormones. A few people I know got better/straightened out after a few months. Its all about hormones.
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    There is a PCOS group on MFP called Power Cysters.
    I've managed to reverse my PCOS by losing weight. I was diagonsed when I was 17 and put on BC to regulate my cycles. I stopped dealing with my BC last year and made a committment to losing weight (tried when I was on it and the scale would NOT move). I agree with the person above me's advice about a low carb/sugar/sodium diet. It helped me. Had to learn a little about myself and my body in the process too. For example, my sugar sensitivity is so high so I have to cut fruits from my diet! Also making sure to drink water. A LOT of it. I found that I was most sucessful when I took my body weight divided it in half and that was suposed to be the amount of ounces I drank. So for example let's say I'm 170 so that would be about 85 ounces or 10-11 glasses of water. Yes you will pee like a racehorse but since we have hormone issues it's a good healthy way to get your blood pumping, getting horomones where they are supposed to get to.
    I have to admit that PCOS makes losing weight even HARDER. Horomones are always out of wack and there's really little to nothing you can do. Just stick with the process. It gets better over time. Make sure you excercise and eat right Add me if you woud like. I'm open to Skyping (I live in the States) about my journey or for offering more suggestions.
    I wish you the best of luck!
  • Krissie_Triaxis
    I totally hear you! When the hormones attack it's like a bomb goes off and I can't stop it. Poor OH just doesn;' know what to do bless him.

    A couple of things I did/ now do - finding out I was intollerant to wheat and allergic to diary have helped no end. No matter what anyone tells you PCOS doesn't make you put on weight, it just makes it all the harder to lose it when you do put weight on. So find out if you have any intollerances that might be hindering if you're looking to lose any weight. Also you might find that these foods are also knocking your endochrine system for six and when you remove them from your diet things start to become more even (for most of the month anyway). Invest in a Brita Filter - even though our tap water is some of the best in the world it does help to filter it.

    Carbs - low carb diet straight away isn;t always for the best - find out what works for you in the balance in your macros. You may require a few less carbs to protien than recommended. But don't cut carbs drastically if you are working out - you need the fuel. Swap the carbs, get rid of the processed stuff and have whole grains. Cooking sauces - ditch them, pick up ideas on making your own sauces from scratch - the cleaner you can eat the better you will feel.

    Invest in a punch bag. When the red mist descends whallop seven shades out of it and have a damned good cry. You'll feel a metric tonne better afterwards.

    LOTS of fruit and veg in your diet in particular green leafy ones.

    20 mins stretch every morning. It'll limber you up for the day ahead and give you 20 mins to centre, focus and set your mind to stillness for a little bit.

    Put the fun back in to the day somehow: I've bought roller skates (I live on the South Wales coast so have lost of prom to skate down), a space hopper and I've taken up hanging off climbing frames at any whip stitch. Do something that is childlike, has absolutely no responsibility attached to it. Passing a park on your way home? Go on the swing for a few seconds and just enjoy it. Smile for no reason.

    Hope some of this helps.

    Hope you find your smile again very very soon, and from one PCOS sufferer to another, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you have to just drag yourself kicking and screaming to the middle where the light switch is ;)

    Many hugs

  • starrygirl82
    starrygirl82 Posts: 76 Member
    Yes! I am feeling exactly like that. I'm getting so frustrated and stressed over everything. I just went to the doctor on the 10th, and he changed my meds. But it still feels pointless. I have discussed with him going to see a dietician, but just not sure about it. I've noticed that when I do low carb, it helps to lose or maintain weight so much better. But with the meds I'm on, all I want to do is throw up. Its difficult to eat eggs or meat for breakfast when I feel so nauseated.