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Any stay-at-home Moms out there?



  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I am SAHM of a 3yr old boy who is very active....He was in pre-school for the last couple of months but is home for the summer so I am trying to figure out ways to exercise while he is home this summer but I have learned that playing with him at the playgrounds burns tons of calories - I actually climb the forts & slides & chase him, etc....It's a fun workout for sure....For both of us!! :)
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    i work out when my kids r napping!
  • luvsdeals
    luvsdeals Posts: 105 Member
    I'm a SAHM. I've got 6 kids--10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and 1. Three are in school, three are at home. I usually work out each morning after the oldest 3 get off to school. I put the baby down for a nap, find a 45 minute video for the 2 and 4 year old and do as much as I can during that time. (I mix up running on the treadmill/HIIT treadmill intervals/30ds/fitness blender videos/weight lifting depending on the day.) Usually one soccer practice a week I take my oldest daughter by myself and get an hour long run in and then Saturday mornings before the kid's sports games start I get another 30-40 minute run in.
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    im also a stay at home mom, i have a 2 year old and a 8nyear old in school. it definatly makes working out more chalenging. i will add you.
  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    I keep my granddaughters 2 and 4....I knock my Treadmill time out before they get to the house in the morning...which would be before they get up! LOL!!! Then during the day...we dance to the WII some times...go to the park, play out in the play yard, or swim.You could even get in alittle weight training...by using one of your babies! They love it!! Keeping up with them wears me out...but I think they have to stay active too. Lately I've got them working in the garden...or painting the fence. :))) As long as I make it fun for them, I'm golden!!
  • 3ofmine
    3ofmine Posts: 136 Member
    Something you said about you "Finally feel like your coming up for air after 10 years" I SOOO GET THAT! I feel the same way. I have 6yr old triplets and I started mid-April in my weight loss journey. Looking back over the last six years I was SO overwhelmed in taking care of them and making sure they had everything they needed and were on schedule that I was just surviving. I feel like now that I have started making time for myself I can never go back to that. I still have time for my kids and they are taken care of but I guess that is because now they can do more for themselves. They can dress, get a drink, snack and pee on their own. I was CRAZY about keeping them on schedule and I was exhausted now I think if I'd have made myself start this sooner that it would have made life easier. Seeing your post just says exactly how I feel!

  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm a SAHM and my boys are 9, 6 and 3. The older two are off to school at 8 and I do a JM video or pilates during my youngest's cartoon time and am hoping to get into the routine of doing the workout I don't do in the morning at quiet time in the afternoon.
  • Kat51313
    Kat51313 Posts: 18
    right there with you, with a 3 year old and a two month old. Happily, MFP counts carrying a baby around and pushing a stroller while walking, otherwise I doubt I'd get any actual recordable exercise!

    It's hard staying motivated, but you can do it!
  • hollymurphy4
    hollymurphy4 Posts: 122
    Hey there. I'm a stay-at-home mom of 4 children ages 11, 5, 4, & 19mths. I'm currently in school and that's why I don't work outside the home. Plus I always want to be home with my kids when they are really young. Over the summer I will be on here every day. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck to you!
  • SLBry6024
    SLBry6024 Posts: 43 Member
    I am a stay home Mom for for kids (14,11,9,8 next week) It is hard to workout. and a gym it justtoo much money right now.
    I have towait until the kids go to school todo my kettlebel workout. but the school to ending soon so I got to find other time to do it. I let youknowwhat I come up with. but m kids have told me thatthey want to go with me when I do m morning walks.
  • I'm a stay at home mother, a full-time student online and I baby sit for my sister during the day at home..
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    I am a SAHM to 5 small kids. Ages are almost 7,5,3,2 and 9mths. I have to wake up at 4:30AM to get in my Insanity workouts. I know it is super hard but I think if I can find/make time to do this anyone can.

    My hubby works almost 12hrs a day so I am more like a single mom as I give them baths, take to doctor appts., sports, speech and so forth by myself.

    Anyone can add me as a friend if you would like more motivation/support :)
  • Eileen_Fiona
    Eileen_Fiona Posts: 89 Member
    I'm a SAHM until september when I go back to Uni, my two eldest are at school during the day but my daughter is home with me. She's three and I either go to the gym/running when she's at nursery in the morning or when we're home I'll stick on an exercise dvd and she joins in or just plays round me! I also have a yoga app on my phone which is quite easy to do with her about.
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    Stay at home mom with a 3 and 5 year old. I find my kids like going to the y more then I do ( they have an awesome kids corner:)). It keeps me modivated.
  • itsmeesh
    itsmeesh Posts: 5 Member
    SAHM homeschooling mom to 4 kiddos. :-) hard but can be done!
  • Hi all I am Liz. I am a work at home/stay at home mom. I have 3 kids. Two teenagers and 1 toddler. Let me tell ya trying to find time for myself is sure hard. My toddler can get very demanding throuhgout the day

    I try and work out in the mornings before she gets up, but sometimes it is hard because I am so tired. Up early bed late. My biggest problem though is eating. Not eating right because I do tend to pick healthy stuff but just being to busy or lazy to actually make myself something. That and a lot of the time, they rest of the family won't eat what I need to eat so I am stuck making two meals and sometimes I just do a shake or something instead.

    I love helping each other reach our goals!
  • adzjuz
    adzjuz Posts: 3
    I'm Alma, a SAHM of a 14 and 7 yr old, both in school all day. I started working out 2x a day but sometimes need a bit of motivation.I do a cardio kickboxing in the evening with my oldest daughter, i would give it up but she is also struggling with her weight so i go with her to show her i'm with her 100%. Although my body is hurting... the things we do for our kids! I have yet to master the ability to walk away from the dessert table. Add me, i definitely need more friends and motivation for the summer!
  • Hi! I'm a SAHM, I have two kids, 3 month old baby boy, and 19month old baby girl!
  • ltupola
    ltupola Posts: 40 Member
    I am also a SAHM, my oldest just turned 4 and my youngest will be 2 next week. I know what your going through.... I also joined mpf for support from other SAHM and others that would help me get to my goal weight. I'll send you a request!