Need a solid support group.

hm_day Posts: 857 Member
I have been with MFP since July (or was it August?) and have lost over 20lbs. Don't get me wrong, I feel great! And I had a good support group being run for a while, but it has slowed down a LOT. I need a support group to get me into to kick my butt back into shape. Any takers? :)


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    And by this, I mean a group-group. I have a decent support system on my feeds, but I need challenges, check-ins, the works.
  • mtraver88
    mtraver88 Posts: 78
    I'm here to help. Feel free to add me!!! :)
  • justagirl34
    justagirl34 Posts: 11
    hey, you can add me too! I try to motiviate my friends with motivational quotes.
  • seafolk
    seafolk Posts: 9
    Hi, I'm definitely good at dishing out the butt-kicking but cannot do it for myself! :(
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hi, I'm definitely good at dishing out the butt-kicking but cannot do it for myself! :(

    I am the same way. I have no problem being a motivator, but I have a hard time "practicing what I preach" if you wil.
  • marapalumbo
    marapalumbo Posts: 85 Member
    Sounds like an interesting idea! There are days when I don't eat right/go to the gym/get down on myself and group support might make it easier to start over again the next day :). I'll add you as a friend!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I'd like to get people who are gonna be serious about it. I had a few serious people for a while but I think life just got in the way for a lot of us.
  • betsy329
    betsy329 Posts: 61 Member
    I am with you, I need a solid group of people who are very dedicated to their goal. I don't feel like I slack that much, and need people like that around me. So far, I work out (and by work out I mean 350-400 burnt calories minimum) 6 days a week. I am very strict with my caloric intake as in, I'll eat solid healthy meals, (not just 1-2 bad ones to make up my calories), and I don't really have a cheat day, but just a day where I don't log anything. On those days, I still stick to eating right, but maybe have a glass of milk with a meal, or an extra helping of fruit. Feel free to add me if you need need a hard *kitten* around :)
  • Kikers123
    Kikers123 Posts: 101 Member
    Oooh! I would love to join a group that woild support me! I would show lots of support back too! Feel free to add me, and let me know when a group is made! Or if you want me to make one I could do that too! :) Ha check out my blog for some of my goals!
  • cc11395
    cc11395 Posts: 121 Member
    I am not sure how to start an official group on MFP - but I am willing to be the facilitator and kick all y'all's booty's...including mine! I am sure there is a trainer underneath all this extra weight!! :-)

    We can do weekly challenges regarding food and fitness and even roll those up to monthly challenges. I am even willing to dangle a prize out there for the monthly winners!

    If I can get an administrator that will figure out the system logistics - we are in business!
  • kaley_x86
    kaley_x86 Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to join you guys, I need all the motivation I can get
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I know how to start a group, but obviously I'm in no shape to be a leader right now :) But y'all add me as friends and we can start a group!
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    You can add me too. I am generally quite motivated to exercise and eat well most of the time. I have a very busy life and feel I am constantly juggling everything.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    Totally agree! Add me if you want :happy:
  • Monquita
    Monquita Posts: 1 Member
    That is a great idea. I'd like to join a support group!
  • tlctrace
    tlctrace Posts: 138 Member
    Sounds great! I would love to join the support group!