How to be Broke and and on a Diet?

I am coming to the realization that the way I have been eating lately, while highly successful, is not realistic to my budget and I don't know how I am going to transition to a more affordable diet, given my current budget. Right now and for the past 7 months, I have bought and used these items on a regular basis: Protein powder 27.00/month, pb2 4.99 bi-weekly, bananas(reasonablly priced) stevia 70ct box, bi-weekly, coconut oil 52 oz. 30.00 every 2 months, green tea 10.00/monthly, popcorn, 10.00 monthly. This does not include the required fruits and veggies, or leaner more expensive cuts of meat. Do you have any suggestions on cheap diet friendly eats OTHER THAN BEANS???


  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I too have a small budget for food. You may want to start buying other brands and more fruits and vegetables. I buy body fortress protein powder. It's $15 bucks at Walmart. I've never had PB2, but maybe start making that a once in a while treat? Olive oil works fine for me. Make sure you cook everything at home and try and use what you have around to make meals. I almost never throw out food because I plan all my meals a week ahead and use everything that I buy. Tuna is also cheap and a good source of protein. Make a tuna melt!
  • Cyphio
    Cyphio Posts: 20
    I have been surprised to see a lot of posts on the message boards about individuals buying protein powder. Is this something that has been prescribed by a doctor? Typically you can get plenty of protein through a normal diet and if you are looking to save some money, eliminate the protein powder all together. Perhaps focus on some cheap sources of proteins like beans (yes I am not the biggest fan either) or eggs which are very affordable. I also agree with the tuna comment in the prior post. Hope this helps!
  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    Protein powder 27.00/month, pb2 4.99 bi-weekly, bananas(reasonablly priced) stevia 70ct box, bi-weekly, coconut oil 52 oz. 30.00 every 2 months, green tea 10.00/monthly, popcorn, 10.00 monthly.

    Skip the protein powder. You can eat fish (tilapia, tuna, etc.) to get a lot of protein. Cottage cheese and yogurt are also packed with protein and they're cheap! Skip the coconut oil. Not sure why you need it but there are other oil options out there. Buy generic stevia if you really need it. Focus on eating clean vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meats. You should be good just with those. Hope that helps?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    None of those items are required in the least. This will allow for more fruit and veg that is more important anyway and you don't have to buy expensive lean cuts of meat......that's just a diet industry way of getting people to buy processed foods that are low in fat. Dietary fat from natural sources are healthy and shouldn't be looked upon as something to neglect.
  • DGK12
    DGK12 Posts: 117
    See if there's one in your area. You get a lot of fruits and veggies, for 16.50 every Saturday. It's a Co-op thing, and a ton of fun. Plus, you don't get to pick your foods. It's a surprise every week :)
  • emilyrenee1
    emilyrenee1 Posts: 13
    It's sad that it IS more expensive to eat healthy than to eat junk food but I think the key is to plan ahead so you're not throwing things away and essentially throwing your money in the trash. I cook with a lot of vegetables and I try to buy things I can use in multiple ways (my top picks are spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers and mushrooms). You can do so much with these ingredients: make salads, put them in pasta, stir fry, sautee or grill them for a side dish, etc. etc. etc. If I know I have some things on their last leg, instead of throwing them away I'll make a soup or something and then freeze it for later.
    I've never been into the protein powder thing because I just don't like the taste and I find it easy to get it in other places (shrimp, tilapia, grilled chicken, eggs, yogurt are all cheap and yummy)!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Skip protien powder and eat your protien - another poster gave good sources - eggs, greek yogurt, cottage cheese

    Cut out stevia and popcorn

    I adore coconut oil - if you have a Trader Joes near you they have both Coconut oil and good olive oil for very reasonable prices (under $6) (they also have frozen fish for great prices too) - I go through a jar and a bottle every month so ~$12/month for both...

    buy and eat fruits and veggies based on what is in season and on sale.
  • sassyjvg
    sassyjvg Posts: 32
    I have been surprised to see a lot of posts on the message boards about individuals buying protein powder. Is this something that has been prescribed by a doctor? Typically you can get plenty of protein through a normal diet and if you are looking to save some money, eliminate the protein powder all together. Perhaps focus on some cheap sources of proteins like beans (yes I am not the biggest fan either) or eggs which are very affordable. I also agree with the tuna comment in the prior post. Hope this helps!

    I went to protein powder because of it's helped curbed my appetite, is quick and taste great! Also it was a sneeky way for me to get water in my diet seeing since I dont care to drink it much. I like all the suggestions I've been given thus far. Sounds like it's time for me to wean myself off of conveinence and start eating with the family. Maybe I can start using the bagged popcorn and not microwaved.:noway:
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    Contrary to popular belief, it's not more expensive to eat healthy.

    Buy less food = save money.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I eat a lot of eggs and whole wheat bread. Both fill me up well, thus resulting in less food bought and less calories consumed. For my fish, I get canned tuna when it's on sale.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    Maybe I can start using the bagged popcorn and not microwaved.:noway:

    It's easy to pop your own popcorn and bag a container of popcorn seeds, put some oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, add the popcorn seed. Oh, don't forget to put a lid on it. Then, you can get creative with toppings like parm cheese, garlic, etc. Way cheaper.
  • felicia8604
    felicia8604 Posts: 274 Member
    I too have a small budget for food. You may want to start buying other brands and more fruits and vegetables. I buy body fortress protein powder. It's $15 bucks at Walmart. I've never had PB2, but maybe start making that a once in a while treat? Olive oil works fine for me. Make sure you cook everything at home and try and use what you have around to make meals. I almost never throw out food because I plan all my meals a week ahead and use everything that I buy. Tuna is also cheap and a good source of protein. Make a tuna melt!

    with the tuna you can also make a tuna sandwich .... tuna, mayo, finely chopped red onion, finey chopped celery all mixed up. then toast your bread and put sliced tomato and sliced cucumber on it. MMMMM its so yummy!
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Look up some ethnic markets on They usually have good prices on fresh foods -- meat, veggies & fruits. i.e. broccoli $0.69/lb, 12 mangos $5.99, boneless chicken breast $1.99/lb, various fish $1.69+, etc.... doubt I could afford them at the big chains like Safeway, Giant, Shopper's, etc....
  • cwatson1214
    cwatson1214 Posts: 88 Member

    Maybe I can start using the bagged popcorn and not microwaved.:noway:

    It's easy to pop your own popcorn and bag a container of popcorn seeds, put some oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, add the popcorn seed. Oh, don't forget to put a lid on it. Then, you can get creative with toppings like parm cheese, garlic, etc. Way cheaper.

    or you can place those plain popcorn kernels in a paper bag, fold it a couple of times then place in the microwave. top aith the same things. much easier and faster
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I'm going to ask why you use so much stevia that you need to buy it may want to go cold turkey there.

    Protien powder isn't necessary. Use olive oil it's cheaper. PB2 isn't necessary.

    Actually I save money eating the way I do now than eating out all the time (which is how I gained the 35 pounds I lost). It doesn't have to be expensive. Do you have an Aldi near you? I basically live there, everything is very reasonable and their produce beats every grocery store around hands down.
  • zebraspots2069
    zebraspots2069 Posts: 213 Member
    See if there's one in your area. You get a lot of fruits and veggies, for 16.50 every Saturday. It's a Co-op thing, and a ton of fun. Plus, you don't get to pick your foods. It's a surprise every week :)

    BOO HOO none in OHIO :sad:
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    Good sources of protein: Tuna, chicken (especially if you watch your weekly sales flyers), eggs, cottage cheese and yogurt. While I use whey -- i think one can get sufficient protein without that. Little things add up -- for example using a cole-slaw blend instead of iceberg lettuce in salads.

    Also watching the weekly flyers usually gets you into some nice veggies & fruits for the week.

    I don't buy coconut oil -- and cook with a little bit of olive oil instead (or I avoid adding oil where possible -- to me the change in taste is acceptable, but everyone is different).

    For popcorn, I find buying raw kernels bulk is cheap. Bought an air-popper at walmart for about $15 I think. I add some salt, spices, and spray on butter after when needed. Or you can also make it in a saucepan / pop it yourself as some have suggested.

    Overall though I hear what you are saying -- that eating healthy can be a challenge one has to overcome on a budget.
  • janinermt
    janinermt Posts: 15
    skip the protein and get it in your foods, buy only seasonal veggies and fruits. You can skip the popcorn ( I recently just gave up a major popcorn addiction) it is not good for you, bad for your digestive system and you can find a more filling option with less calories.
  • Cut protein powder intake and eat more chicken (more filling). Likewise for peanut butter.
    Skip sugar instead of buying stevia..or use real sugar.
    Why coconut oil? Use regular oils until you can afford more. Not worth the extra price...

    Now you have room to buy big packs of veggies and meats at Costco
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    Everyone else pretty much said it. Buy alternative brands (don't pay for a brand name) and plan your meals by price! That way you know exactly how much you're spending and not spending a penny more.

    Also try to shop deals, coupons, buy one get one's and free is never a bad thing if you can find it.