New to forums, not to weight loss.


I'll attempt to keep this as simple as possible- I'm twenty years old, 5'10, and weight loss is absolutely nothing new to me. I began losing weight in my early teens, having weighed 235 lbs. at my heaviest- and over the course of the past few years, I'd managed to hit my lightest weight in ages, 165 lbs.
However, a lack of control and falling sedentary over the holidays (and beyond) has caused me to gain a fair amount back, and I presently sit at 178 lbs. I'm wanting to reach 140 lbs. by early October, although I'm not so much fixated on the number as I am my appearance itself. If I find that I'm confident and healthy at 150, so be it!

That being said, I'll take as many supportive friends as I can get during the last chunk of my weight loss journey. Hope to see you all around!
